Charles woke up again, he saw the blue sky, the white clouds drifting slowly, and the smell of blood.

"Ah, you are awake!"

A crisp voice sounded beside him.

Charles sat up, looked towards the direction the sound was coming from, and was taken aback.

I saw a blonde and red goth loli about 1.4 meters tall sitting next to the neck of a wild boar the size of a van. There was a hole in the neck of the wild boar, and this loli made a sound At the same time, he was devouring wild boar blood.

She kept moving, drinking wild boar blood while asking: "Are you a human?"

Charles was taken aback, wondering how this girl was eating while eating. Speaking, he replied: "Yes, my name is Charles, how should I call you?"

Blonde loli replied: "I am the hunter Sita of the Red Fort."

"I've seen humans before. That little boy is not as tall as you."

"With him is a woman with very long ears. She claims to be an elf."

"I saw you lying on the side of the lake just now. I thought you were running out of energy, so I added some blood to you."

Charles patted himself a little confused, and it took a while to think about it. What happened just now.

After entering the space gap, I found that there were no magical elements around, and the wind wing technique could not be activated, and then it became a free fall and fell into the water.

Finally flopped to the shore, but fainted because of physical exertion and not adapting to the magic-free environment.

His head is still a little dizzy, so he took a few more shots.

"Is your head malfunctioning?" Theta asked with concern, "Just hit the malfunctioning place at a sixty-degree angle."

"Knock Can't knock twice at once, or just three times if it doesn't work?" Charles continued her words.

"Huh?" Sita looked at him curiously, "How do you know the'Holy Master Universal Repair Method'?"

Charles just wanted to vomit, a sudden pain in his head It exploded in pain, making him cold and sweaty.

Sita saw him and hurriedly passed by, and a hand knife hit Xiu's head at a standard sixty-degree angle.

Charles didn't feel the headache anymore because he was knocked out.

The sky was still so blue and the white clouds were still floating, Charles woke up twice.

He rubbed his head, his head no longer hurts, and his body adapted to the environment here.

After sitting up on the grass, he heard the sound of water on the side, and then turned his head subconsciously.

Sita was standing in the water not far away, taking a bath with her back facing her. The lake water did not reach the position of her back, and the water beside her was a bright red.

"Are you hurt?" Charles asked in surprise.

"Yes." Sita said depressedly, "I got a bump in my chest, and I will be scolded when I go back."

Charles said hurriedly: "Come here, I'll help you Stop the bleeding!"

Judging from the spread of blood in the water, this girl is probably about to drain the blood.

Sita turned around and looked towards Charles, and said puzzledly: "I won't bleed."

Charles looked at the girl blankly, she was very delicate , Like a cute doll, let you have a faint sense of familiarity in life.

However, it was not this that made Charles dazed, but the girl's breast.

Sita's left chest is slightly raised like a girl, but the right chest is sunken in a pit, like a ping-pong ball being stepped on.

She looked towards Charles, one side of her head, and asked: "Are you strong?"

Charles subconsciously replied: "Not small."

"very good!" Sita happily moved towards him, "If you can fix it for me, I won't be scolded when I go back!"

The naked and lovely girl moved towards by herself It should be a wonderful thing to come, but the girl suddenly stretched out her left hand from her belly button to under her skin, and then stretched to her right chest. After some tinkering, she seemed to have removed something.

Charles stared blankly at the steel plate the girl handed over. The steel plate had slightly raised "hills" on one side, and the "hills" on the other side turned into pits.

"Can you fix it for me?" Theta asked Charles expectantly.

Charles probed the steel plate with spirit strength, and it turned out to be a good alloy steel.

He nodded, took out a hammer from the storage ring, and took out a large piece of hard mithril as an anvil, and began to beat it hard.

"Just take the liberty to ask." He knocked and asked, "Is this inside your body?"

"Yes." Putting on the pumpkin pants and squatting next to him Theta said, "This is my inner breastplate. It was originally very strong, but it was too strong to repair it."

Charles asked again: "You... are not a creature?"


He just used the Soul Sight and found that there is no soul in this girl.

Sita replied: "I am the battle-type doll of the Red Fort."

Charles suddenly realized, so that's how it is.

It’s just that he asked again: "The blood in the water just now..."

"That is the blood of a wild boar." Sita replied, "We use magic power as energy, The magic power in the wild boar blood will naturally be discharged after being absorbed."

Charles was taken aback for a moment, then a black line, putting it that way, the girl just pooped in the lake...

He asked again: "In addition to devil beast blood, can you absorb other things with magical elements?"

Sita nodded replied: "Yes, devil beast blood and devil core are both acceptable. "

Charles thought about it, thinking that the God of Time’s fortune-telling made him bring more High Rank magic crystals for this?

So he took out a little finger-sized magic crystal and handed it to Sita, and asked: "So this is okay?"

Sita did not take the magic crystal, she has gone down. Machine.

Why did Charles know that she was down, because the words "system restart ㅤ do not turn off the energy" appeared in the girl's eyes at the same time, it was in simplified Chinese.

Sita’s restart soon ended. After returning to normal, he hesitated, and finally clenched the teeth and said firmly: "Sorry, although we need this token, although you are a good person, I can't accept your courtship."

Charles thought about it for a while, it seemed that it was caused by cultural differences.

He said: "Sorry, I don't know what the magic crystal means to you, I just want to make friends with you."

"Let’s do it, you just cured me Headache, this is medical expenses."

Sita began to tangled up, should this magic crystal that can help the Red Fort survive the difficulties?

Just when she clenched the teeth made up her mind, a very fast bird rushed out of the woods next to her and grabbed the magic crystal from Charles before Charles could react. gone.


Sita screamed, and just about to rush over, Charles grabbed her waist to stop her.

"It's the guy from Whitecastle!" Sita yelled, "Damn it! I'm going to tear her down!!"

"Calm down!" Charles whispered to her, "One It's just a small magic crystal, I have a lot more here, your armor is not installed yet."

At the same time, Charles thought in his mind that these dolls also have different forces.

The bird just now looked mechanical because it was a jet type.

Sita calmed down quickly, Charles was right, his armor hadn't been installed yet, and if he acted rashly, he would be taken away and used as spare parts.

At this moment, a bright light from the forest hits the flying birds far away in the air.

Asuka immediately missed the position in the air and escaped the blow.

Sita's products are getting serious, she said: "Didn't expect Heibao's is also here."

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