Charles relied on his teleportation skills to run around, so naturally he would go to Prato to "round the house."

Who made Linda always behave badly towards Diana.

In fact, he also checked it once and found that Diana did live in that house.

Perhaps because Diana will stay here for a long time, Linda has been relatively calm for the past six months.

However, her calmness does not mean that the situation is calm.

Recently, a photo studio opened in Prato, which is a novelty.

This photo studio is located next to the wealthy area. In addition to renting a building as the facade, it also rented a mansion as a location.

Pulter heard about this photo studio. When I wanted to see it in the first morning, I saw that there were a hundred meters in line. The afternoon was the outdoor shooting time, so on the second day when it was dark Went in line.

When he came to the door of the photo studio, he saw that Boss had just removed the wooden boards on the windows on both sides of the door, and he and the two girls were using a mop to clean the large glass on the window.

There are a lot of photos hanging in the window, including family portraits, girls walking in the garden, old scholars in front of the desks, fully armed Knights, etc., all in color.

It’s not the first time Charles saw someone coming in line early in the morning. He helped gold-framed glasses and asked, “Is this gentleman here to take a photo? Do the cleaning. I will trouble you to wait for half an hour. Why not come to the store for a while."

Pulte replied: "Hello Boss, my name is Pulte, I am a real estate agency."

"I would like to ask you to take some pictures of the house for me to display in my shop. I don't know how much it will cost?"

Charles raised his brows. This is still a few days after the photo studio opened This is the first time someone wants to shoot a commercial.

"No problem!" He immediately agreed, "I don't know how many houses are going to be photographed?"

Pulte has a dozen houses in his hand, and three of them are not rented out. Sets, let's take these sets first.

The two quickly negotiated the price. The photos are clearly marked. Each A4 size photo has three large copper plates, equivalent to 30 spirit essence, and an extra one for each photo taken when going out. The cost of a large copper plate.

Pulte was surprised: "So cheap?"

He thought that a photo would cost at least one Dinar Silver Coin. Now this price is for ordinary citizens. It is affordable.

Charles "haha" smiled and said, "We won't make money from the black heart."

Now it’s a lot of light, people are starting to line up one after another, but it’s out of business hours There is still more than an hour.

So Charles proposed to go early and return early. If you don't delay your return to open the door for business, you won't be charged for going out to take pictures.

Pulter would be willing to save money, so it was decided.

Charles went and drove the van over. There was a girl waiting at the door with a camera.

The speed of taking pictures is very fast. I took a picture of the exterior of each house, and then went in to take some pictures of the interior. I didn’t delay opening the door when I rushed back.

Pulter paid the money and will come over tomorrow morning to pick up the photos.

As soon as he left, the two young couples brought their three-year-old twin daughters to the store, seeing that they were dressed as ordinary citizens in the city.

Charles helped the gold-framed glasses and asked, "Hello, do you want to take a family portrait or a single photo?"

The young husband asked cautiously "I heard that you have beautiful clothes for free rental?"

"Of course!" Charles replied, "Men's suits, women's dresses, and dresses can be taken for free."

Since a photo studio is opened, how could someone forget about 50 yuan wearing a dragon robe to take pictures.

Dragon robe is impossible, but the beautiful clothes of the old ladies are still okay.

This guest wants to take a family portrait and a group photo of twin daughter.

Charles immediately shouted to the girls in the store: "Lida, Daya, take the guests to make-up and change clothes, and Tonya is ready for the garden background!"

Soon they started to work in an orderly manner. The guests first went to the dressing room to choose clothes. The husband chose a suit and dress. The wife wore a gorgeous long skirt and gilded jewelry. A pair of little girls wore lovely dresses. .

When they put on their changed clothes and put on their makeup, Tonya replaced the background curtain with a garden pattern in the studio. There was a table and two chairs in front of the curtain, and a simulated lawn carpet was spread on the ground.

While Tonya was taking pictures of the guests, Charles welcomed a lady from a large family who wanted to take the location.

Charles said to her: "The location shooting will be taken until the afternoon of the day after tomorrow."

The guest thought about it for a moment, and could only say: "Well, when the time comes, I will let Steward is here to pick you up."

Just as everyone was signing the agreement, two Knights were standing on either side of the door, and a middle age person in a tuxedo walked in.

He glanced at Charles behind the counter, and said disdainfully: "I am the steward of Viscount Vaiano, tell your boss to come out and speak."

Charles went over and said, "I It's the Boss. I wonder what you have to do with you?"

The Vaiano family is the lord of a nearby city, and they are also very powerful in the local area.

"You have encountered a good thing!" The steward said with a high temperament, "Our master wants to take you to a fortune. Come and thank you!"

Charles let the shopkeeper A girl invited the steward to the reception room at the back, and signed an agreement with the guest who was shooting the location the day after tomorrow.

In the reception room, this steward was sipping tea with Erlang's legs upright. He seemed to be looking at Charles coming in with his nostrils. He said unperturbed: "Viscount Vaiano has found a way. People don’t make money well, so I give everyone a chance to make a fortune together."

"Do you know the role of mothballs?"

Charles nodded, wool is easy to get insects Therefore, mothballs are needed for insect-controlling during transportation and storage.

In the past few years, the demand for mothballs in the Kingdom of Bischberg has grown rapidly, which is a good business.

The steward said passionately: "Did you know that the demand for mothballs has been increasing year after year. The price this year has increased by 20% compared with last year, and it will increase next year. Everyone calls it Become a'white golden ball'!"

"So, we have a plan for the'Millennium oil camphor forest' and decided to expand the planting scale of oil camphor trees!"

"One plant Oil camphor tree cuttings and planting, plus fertilizer, can be harvested from leaves to refine oil to make mothballs in three years. This is money!"

"Now, we and everyone have money to make money together, open Invest in shares!"

"The masters have decided to invest now, and they will use a portion of the original oil camphor forest income to give back to everyone!"

"Every six months after the shareholding You can get a 15% bonus in a month, and you can get a 30% dividend when the oil camphor forest is officially produced in three years! Basically, the cost has been recovered, and the future will be pure profit!"

"How about, are there any excitements?"

"The oil camphor tree is impossible to grow indefinitely, and our scale is always It is limited. After the shares are bought out by others, you won’t have your share!"

"If you are worried that we lie to you, you can visit the newly opened oil camphor forests with us in various places. We will pay for the stay!"

"Now there is good news. If you can introduce to invest, we will return you 10% of the bonus. The more the amount, the higher the bonus, and the maximum can be reached 30%!"


This man talked a lot, and Charles finished listening with a blank face, and at the same time, I was spitting about you. A transmigrator from the capital of a certain autonomous region in the southwest is talking about Ponzi schemes and pyramid schemes.

Moreover, this guy's job is too rough. If someone makes a shot himself, he will definitely bring two assists beside him.

These two trusts are a man and a woman. The handsome man and the pure female look approachable. They all have troubles at home and owe a lot of money. Can't afford to be sold to the remote slime basin. , And later participated in the investment and made a routine that not only paid off the money but also made a fortune.

It’s okay to find two aunts with kind-faced faces. It is better to squeeze some tears when you talk about difficulties.

If you are willing to pay for the capital, then you should first establish a few planting bases, and then conduct free tour groups on site visits. The food on the road is good, the drink is good, the accommodation is good, and then look for it. A few noble master steward and guys who look like successful businessmen came across and reappeared first.

Even, find a pretty boy dressed a little bit and let the tour group see it, and then hint that this pretty boy is his Megadon.

Thinking of this, Charles couldn't help but shiver, and it seemed feasible to do so.

Then he thought that if he really did that, it might not be safe to hide from the demon race at the end of the incident. The heroes would not attack the Demon King this time and attack the Crown Prince instead.

In the end, Charles tried to buy five shares of Ole gold coin, and at the same time anchored a space beacon on the gold coin to see who was doing it.

At noon, Uncle Rhein brought people to the photo studio. His task was to take the staff of the photo studio to the City Lord's Mansion garden to take outdoor photos for Linda.

The glasses that Charles is wearing now are those black-framed glasses plated with a layer of gold foil, the effect has not changed, and at the same time, wearing the artificial skin jacket used by the sisters in the magic fairy castle makes him fat Little, the hair was dyed white, and in the end Uncle Rheinland didn't recognize that Charles, who spoke with a southern accent, was also called Charles.

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