The incident in the city of Prato spread quickly. At that time, many businessmen watched the incident and spread it to every part of the continent.

After hearing this story, some people regarded it as a pleasure, while others were thinking.

But different people think in different directions. After receiving the report, Antoine II thought about the cohesion produced by inherent ideas and common goals; Barnett I of the Kingdom of Villingen thought about how Coping with the emergence of this power in neighboring countries, can it be replicated in her own country; Queen Rose of the Biberach Kingdom thought about how to learn from this incident to condense the domestic noble; Charles’ grandfather Giuseppe III and the Old Brothers recalled Beginning with the troublesome days of the Bischberg Kingdom together; Auston I was carefully comparing the joint defense mode that Diana tried in Prato City with the grassroots management system he promoted to see what he could learn from.

And Charles, he seems to have something extraordinary in his lost memory.

On the second day after the public trial, Charles and Diana, who were dressed up again, said goodbye to each other, because someone was about to rush back to the Shield Bridge Academy when he waited. He just received a notice that Langsha was hospitalized because of a laboratory accident. NS.

This time the farewell was not about opening a house, but for a walk in the scenic area by the lake outside the city.

The weather in early summer was just right. The lake was shimmering and the breeze was breezy. There were many young men and women walking nearby.

The two of them held hands and walked quietly on the grass by the lake.

Charles seemed hesitant to talk, and he got stuck when he wanted to talk a few times.

Diana didn't urge him, she just waited.

Finally, Charles said: "I have something to tell you, whatever you want after hearing it."

Diana gave a soft "um".

Charles took a deep breath, and then said: "I may not only be your wife."

Diana was not surprised, she was not angry, and the strength of the hand holding the claws was not strong. Change, but a question mark.

She just turned her head and looked at Charles questioningly. She didn't understand what he meant. Other wives had them, and they didn't. What's the "maybe"?

Charles pointed to his head and said, "I have lost a memory, which may be related to this incident."

"For example, a person had lunch and then deleted This person has the memory of having lunch, but he can guess that he had eaten at noon by not being hungry in the afternoon."

"When I realized that I had lost my memory, a'' suddenly appeared in my heart. It turns out that I have so many wives’ feelings. It is probably because I did not delete my memory completely."

"Also, I remember participating in the Great Prayer Ceremony at the Temple of Life at the Vernal Equinox, God of Life should give it I lost something, but I can’t find it."

Diana thought about it after hearing it, and then said: "Could it be you who pushed Altria down, and then she beat you to amnesia? , The medicine God of Life gave you was drunk at that time."

Charles shook his head and said, "How is it possible, then God of Life can't save me either."

Diana nodded, and asked: "Will it be your wife in your last life?"

Charles shrugged, and said: "If I had a wife at that time, I wouldn't be able to cross it, and I feel like a wife More than one."

Diana frowned thought for a while, and said with some uncertainty: "Will you be in your third life now, your last life traveled to hundreds of thousands of years ago, or in other worlds, then At that time, your harem was in a crowd, and then you reincarnated for various reasons. As a result, that part of your memory was lost because of an accident?"

"Like Fillip, when he crossed to your hometown, he was full of children and grandchildren, and he came back. I found two more wives, but he didn't lose the memory of that time."

Charles froze for a moment, and then began to search for the minutiae in the memory.

He suddenly thought of Chapter 200 that when he had just recovered his nose, there was a voice in his head for a while. At that time, he planned to ask Reimu to ask, but then the voice stopped and forgot.

So he and Diana found a shade and sat down, and then began to contact Reimu.

"What's the matter?" Reimu is also very curious, "I will save a disk first, and then I will help you remotely check it carefully."

After a few minutes, It was really rewarding.

"A trace of a damaged soul." Reimu said, "It's like a memory closed because of pain."

There are many people who suffer great pain or great changes. It is not uncommon to close oneself and cause selective amnesia.

After he finished speaking, he helped Charles untie the trace of soul, and then Charles trembled all over, and the cold sweat on his forehead kept breaking down.

Diana took out a handkerchief to help him wipe the sweat from his forehead, and when he woke up, he asked worriedly: "What did you see?"

Charles took a few breaths. After slowing down, he replied: "All around are the fire and smoke, and he and others around are screaming."

He thought that was the situation before he was burned in a hot pot restaurant in his previous life and died. At that time, because it was too painful, I closed this small memory, so I didn't go into it.

"It's all right." Diana lightly patted his head, "Don't worry, maybe you will find other clues in the future?"

Charles sighed, only gently nodded.

"hmph hum..." Diana patted his head again, "You go back and see Langsha, it's weird, how could something go wrong with her laboratory?"

"This child is also very hard, smart and beautiful when he was a child, but Heidi was often compared after he appeared, and the result was nowhere to be compared. Then something happened at home, and finally his mentality collapsed."

"In the past few years, she has devoted herself to the research of slime silk, wanting to give her some results, but last year Heidi's results were even more remarkable."

"I am afraid that her mentality has gone wrong again this year. The result was a laboratory accident."

Charles sighed said: "I have heard about this. She was loved by the professors in the Academy before, but Heidi was loved by the professors in the Academy. The professors have always compared her with her, and she can’t compare all of them. The psychological contrast is too great."

"I think I will take her to relax when I go to the north to investigate the volcanoes with Ayjafjallajökull. Right."

Then Xi was hit by Diana with a knife in the head.

"What are you doing?" Charles asked, rubbing his head.

"Are you stupid," Diana said, "Didn't her mother recuperate on Professor Erbach's territory? Of course she was sent to her mother."

Charles patted his head, "Yes."

The two chatted for a while, and then they returned to Prato.

They pretended to be a merchant who came to purchase. Charles bought a batch of cardigan sweaters in order to open up the market in Ayjafjallajokull.

The pullover is very unfriendly to the race with the long horns on the head. Charles has a deep understanding of it, so I bought it for the cardigan.

During the period, Diana asked Charles: "Hey, do you think Ayjafjallah will become a scholar in the future and switch to selling clothes?"

Charles thought for a moment and said, "You Say how we do OEM processing, and use her head for the trademark."

The purchase is over. Charles pretends to put the packaged goods into the storage ring, actually using teleportation techniques to pass them to the gods. Zhijia's own house, and then found a place to transport himself to the basement of Wisteria Academy Diana's house.

As a result...he saw Ayjafjallah just coming out of the pot.

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