DuPont in Charles’ hometown likes to ask opponents to take a plane, Morgan and Rockefeller like to use machine guns, let alone this world.

Because of the extraordinary power of this world, when using similar methods to deal with competitors, sometimes the scene will be very loud, sometimes unconsciously.

After thinking about it for a while, Charles asked Langsha seriously: "Are you interested in being my vassal?"

After listening to this, Langsha was stunned. She let Charles After repeating it twice, he confirmed what he said, which is more incredible than letting him take off his pants and sit up and twist his waist.

The relationship between lords and vassals has legal and moral endorsements. The most correct part of political correctness is more reliable than lovers. Of course, the reliability will increase when the two coexist.

In this case, if someone moves Langsha outside, don't blame Charles for fighting back with all his strength.

And if Langsha becomes noble, then she herself has the qualifications to make her own voice when she sits at the table and divides the cake. Others will have to find an excuse to pass by even if they don't listen.


Langsha spoke a few times, but couldn't say anything. Her mind is now a mess. .

Charles lightly patted the back of her hand, and then said: "You have something to eat first, get a good night's sleep, and register the patent tomorrow. It's okay to think about it slowly."

After he finished speaking, he left, leaving Langsha some time to think.

The canonization of the new vassal was not a temporary motive. He will go to another person to talk about it tonight.

Just as night fell, the lights were on in the small building where Charles used to be the gym.

Vichy sat in the study after dinner and continued unfinished work.

Since the Great Prayer Ceremony has completely healed her body, she feels more relaxed than ever before.

After she woke up that day, she saw a note left by Charles, saying that there might be a new job to be given to her and Tarantula, so that they could plan their work and be busy with their new job. At the same time, the work of the industry-university-research base and magazines at the Shield Bridge Academy cannot be left behind.

Currently, the task of the production, education and research base is very heavy. Charles bought a lot of technologies during the carnival last year. How to convert these technologies into the production technology of Joyoung Chamber of Commerce is one of the main tasks of the base.

For this reason, Vichy re-adjusted the structure and process of the production-university-research base, set up a new department to share its tedious work, and only needed the final decision.

Magazines are much simpler. Tarantula has many old foxes. When he is away, letting them vote for the major event will basically not cause trouble.

The exclamation downstairs interrupted Vichy's thoughts. After a while, Charles laughed into the study, with a tarantula hanging behind him.

Charles sat down on the sofa in the study, and Tarantula got into his arms like a kitten.

He first asked Vichy: "How are your work arrangements now, can you take a new job?"

Vichy stood up and replied: "I basically arranged it. , You can have half of the time for new work every month."

After she finished speaking, she went to the next cabinet to make tea.

Charles said resolutely: "You have to leave enough time to rest so that you don’t get tired of your body."

Then he patted Tarantula’s back and asked this body The girl who relaxes completely: "How is your work here?"

Tarantula replied: "I have no problem here. The magazine has always been in discussion at the major event. If you vote more than 2/3/2021, you will pass."

"Don't talk about a new job, and you will not delay having a child."

Charles can only shook the head helplessly, hello Vichy, who poured herself tea, sat down beside her.

He said seriously: "The Lord Saintess Mins of the Temple of Wisdom recently plans to build a new enlightenment school on a large scale. This project is the focus of the God of Wisdom. I participated in the initial stage of guidance."

"Your Excellency Mins wrote to me some time ago, hoping to find a place as a pilot."

"I have thought about it and use my entire territory to help Your Excellency Mins promote the new school "

"These places include the maple forest area, the Yangshan area, the Bosnia and Herzegovina area, and the Delta region that was just donated to me by the three countries last year."

"Your new job is to assist Mins Your Excellency, she must try her best to meet her requirements."

"In order to do this work well, I decided to canonize you as Knight in advance, and the territory will be chosen by the Delta."

Charles received a letter from Mins before leaving Kashima. She said that the preliminary plan for the new enlightenment school has been drawn up, but the current problem is that there is nowhere to implement it.

This kind of good thing will naturally not be extrapolated to someone, and it is his own territory.

It is necessary to mobilize territorial resources when building a school, so he canonized these two disciplines in advance to make them qualified to mobilize these resources.

On another level, Mins is promoting the team of the new Enlightenment School's Temple of Pure Wisdom. Charles also takes this opportunity to let Vichy and Tarantula change their perceptions in action.

Although Tarantula, a girl from the dark world, behaves very well in front of Charles, but some of the three views that she has cultivated over the past ten years are not so easy to change, so let her change in labor Bar.

Vichy is more typical. All her actions are to become a noble and enjoy her privileges. She was deceived and ravaged before and almost died.

Charles has always wanted her to engage in some grass-roots jobs and let her know that rights and obligations coexist. This time the promotion of a new school just meets the requirements.

Also, the number of vassal groups under Charles now has doubled over the same period last year. I don’t know how much.

Previously, his vassals were only two Knights, Altria and Gawain, and two royal nobles, Rigoletto and Mantua, a total of four people.

Now, Charles gave the 24th sister-in-law Knight status in the magic fairy castle. On the one hand, it is convenient for them to live in the territory. On the other hand, they are the drivers of the 24 Gundam. Who would dare to run wild in the territory in the future.

In fact, this approach is very traditional. The lord grants the vassal land and the vassal encircles the lord’s interests.

So, now it doesn’t matter if there are two or three nobles.

He doesn't care, but it is different for Vichy and Tarantula.

Tarantula understood what Charles was saying, and her mind went blank. She just wanted to repay Charles for his kindness in curing her poisoning, and act as a shield against the blade in the dark by his side. Two children are enough.

She never thought about being a noble at all. Maybe she thought about fighting for the child, but that's something for the future.

Subconsciously, she sits up, and is about to move towards Yunqian and kiss her face.

"Hey! Alright! I am noble!"

Vichy next to her suddenly jumped up from the sofa and yelled, then fell straight to the ground, her teeth clenched Unconscious, Tarantula and Charles were taken aback.

The two panicked and hurriedly put her on the sofa to lie down, trying to make her wake up.

Who knows that Vichy suddenly opened her eyes, her red eyes were bloodshot, and her face looks sinister terrifying.

She grabbed Charles by the shoulders and threw them to the ground with great strength.

Vichy's strength was originally very strong. After being strengthened by the elemental creatures last year, it became more and more powerful. All of a sudden, she threw the unprepared Charles to be confused.

She was riding on Yun, clutching his clothes with both hands, and tore it into pieces with a "hiss".

Charles wanted to push her away, but she had a lot of power. She grabbed Xi's shoulder and leaned down to face her collarbone. The red blood flowed out immediately, and the next bite was On the pectoralis major.

Tarantula cried and wanted to pull Vichy up, but she was not a power warrior and she couldn't help it. Even if she hit the back of the head with a punch, Vichy was still unmoved.

She understands that Vichy recalled what happened when she was deceived and ravaged, and she went crazy under the stimulus of winning the title.

Charles also noticed the reason for Vichy’s madness. It’s just that Vichy’s legs clamped her tightly like vise, and her hands were like iron clamps. There was no way she could not harm her without hurting her. Get her away next.

Even divine techniques such as Soul Attack and Sleeping Technique are useless for people who are mad. On the contrary, they add fuel to the fire. The former makes people mad and the latter makes people even more irrational.

Charles sighed, can only open the divine light ring, let her bite on her body like a crazy lioness.

I don't know how long it took, the bloodshot eyes in Vichy's eyes faded, and the person came to wake up.

She lowered her head and saw Charles who was in a mess under her body. She was stunned for a moment, opened her mouth and didn't know what to say, and finally lay on him, howling and crying.

"It's okay, it's okay." Charles extend the hand came and patted her back lightly, and then put her into a sleeping technique to make her fall asleep.

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