The northern region is extremely mysterious to many people. The natural barrier of nature makes it difficult for other external forces except the giant dragon to get involved.

Even Charles doesn't know much about it, and I heard him talk about it when I was chatting with Little Huihui while climbing Tianshan.

He thought that Ayjafjallajokull’s hometown was not developed because of its remoteness, but he did not think it was a city full of music and painting.

Being able to engage in art means that most people here can eat and wear warmth.

Before entering the city, Charles discovered that the altitude here is not high. The Snow Mountain in the distance provides a lot of water resources, which makes the agriculture here quite developed.

The residents here are mainly sheep people, with all kinds of horns on their heads. On the contrary, Charles, who has no horns, walks the road quite often.

Although he can transform into the demon race form to grow a pair of horns, the shape and position of his ears are different, so he finally gave up.

Along the way, Charles' eyes never stopped. Whenever a young girl passed by, his eyes always changed from (⊙⊙) to (⚆⚆).

After all, it is rude to look at the girls straightforwardly, so I can only exercise my eyes.

Then Xi caught Ayjafjallajökull, who was found out of this situation, and gave Fiercely a squeeze.

"Don't always stare at the girl." Aya Fala exclaimed, "It's very rude."

Charles answered her solemnly: "I This is to observe and analyze the local clothes style. Don’t forget, you will be a woman who sells sweaters and rich women in the future. What if you don’t pay attention to fashion trends?"

Aiya Fala is speechless, Just ignore it at this time.

Besides, she doesn't know anything about fashion trends, after all, it's not long before she wears new clothes.

Charles is actually right, but he studied the local nutrition situation by the way before observing the style of clothing.

He looked at the eldest sister next to him... and then got a kick.

"I always think you are thinking about something very rude." Ayyjafjallajökull glared fiercely at him.

"No!" Charles shook his head again and again, not dare to say that this eldest sister was so young and so young it shouldn't be the reason for her previous illness.

The two of them talked and walked, and gradually there were more scholar-like people around them.

Aiyafara’s parents are scholar, and it’s no surprise that their family lives in a place where scholars get together.

"Hey, isn't that Ayja Fala?"

Charles suddenly heard a girl's voice behind him.

Another girl said: "I don't see it, she doesn't have such beautiful clothes."

Just now Girl A said: "You didn't see her holding a bald head Go ahead, maybe that person has money to buy her new clothes."

Girl B also said: "That's right, her head is so bald, who would follow him if she has no money."

"Look at the box she carried, there must be a lot of good things in it."

Girl A shook her head and said: "The face looks good, but it's a pity that she has a bald head. I know if I met the catastrophe."

Charles’ tears are about to shed. Although this is not the first time I have encountered the racial aesthetic difference, he is said to be bald or the first. Second, doesn’t it mean that there are no horns, or the auricles are not that big, and the hair is still normal.

Waiting for the two girls behind to leave at the next intersection, he gloomily asked Aya Fala: "So I am a bald in your eyes?"

Aya Fala just "Hehehe" laughed and didn't answer the question.

The more you move forward, the more people you meet with Ayyjafjallajökull, some of them are colleagues from her parents, some are her teachers or classmates.

These people have a characteristic, that is, they say hello loudly when they are very close.

They thought that Ayyjafjallajökull was the same as before, with poor eyes and ears.

The lamb was not stewed in the pot for so long for nothing, now her body is recovering very well, otherwise Charles would not take her home.

Her family property was originally not thin. From the house, it can be seen that she was so poor that she didn't have the money to buy new clothes for medical treatment.

Standing in front of the house after a long absence, Ayjafjallajokull’s eyes flashed with tears.

Charles touched her head and said, "Come in, cleaning up takes a lot of time."

Don’t say anything else, the flowers and plants in the yard have grown into shrubs. Clumped.

The materials used in the house are solid, the windows are not broken, and the roof does not leak rain. Aiyafala cleaned up the house before leaving, and the furniture was covered with linen to keep out dust.

The only problem is that the door lock cannot be opened due to corrosion, and the lever-piston water pump in the yard is also completely rusted out.

After the two inspected the house, Ayyjafjallajökull put on cotton masks, turbans, and aprons that could be used from the cabinet, and began to clean.

Charles went to inspect the well and found that the groundwater level was quite high because of a river in the city, but not only the piston pump on the well was scrapped, but the inside of the well was also blocked.

He looked at the backyard again, it was quite spacious.

"Ayyja Fala..." Charles yelled from the back door, "The water supply is out of use, let me take care of it."

Ayyya Fala is cleaning up the dust. After hearing it replied: "Okay, it's not troublesome, I really can't go live outside tonight."

Charles "hehe" smiled, but he was born in water supply and drainage. forget.

next moment, he just "biu" disappeared.

The dusty linen cloth in the house is a bit decayed, and it will break if you lift it with a little force. Aiyafara cautiously rolled up the linen cloth and threw it into the yard.

The weeds in the yard are easy to solve. When Charles came in, he chopped them off with a few wind blades. They will be taken away tomorrow.

Cleaning the home that has been away for many years will not be tiring. Ayyafala can’t help but recall the happy time when her parents were still alive.

The family portrait in the living room is well protected. After the linen is torn off, there is no dust on it. The faces of a family of three written by a skilled painter seem to be fixed in that year.

The collection of books in the study is lying in the box, free from moisture or insects.

When Eyjafjallajokull came back to his senses, she was ready for dusk.

She had eaten breakfast in the morning and Charles had used teleportation to come over, but she has never eaten or drunk water again, because of the focus of her energy, she didn't realize she was thirsty and hungry until now.


Aya Fala suddenly remembered that Charles had never seen him again after saying hello this morning. It wouldn't have been a fall while digging a well.

When she came to the backyard, she was shocked. It turned out that a steel frame about six meters high was erected in the place of the piston pump, and a white slime glue tank was placed on it.

The top of this water tank is still sharp, probably to prevent too much snow.

Under the water tank, an iron pipe with a thick arm stretched to the wellhead in the middle of the concrete foundation under the shelf, and the other stretched into the direction of the room in the groove, and then stretched into the ground.

At this time Charles came out of the house. He opened an iron box on the iron frame and turned on a blue switch inside.

Suddenly there was a crash-bang from the iron pipe, and it was obvious that the well water was pumped into the water tank.

Charles pointed to the iron shelf and said to Ayyjafjallajökull: "Wait, I will help you tie a rope here so that you can use it to dry your clothes."

"This It is fully automatic. In the past, you can turn on the blue switch to have tap water. The water tank is double-layer insulation, and there is heating inside. In winter, turning on the red switch can keep the water in the water tank above the freezing point and not freeze, but it is still very cold. Yes."

"Let’s go and take a look inside the house."

Aiya Fala followed him into the house and saw the kitchen sink, bathroom and toilets on the first and second floors. Lidu pulled on the water pipe, faucet and heating faucet.

Seeing that all the faucets can discharge water normally, and the water pipes are not leaking, Charles proudly said: "Okay, you are now the only person in the city who uses tap water."

Aiyafara used tap water when she was in City of Knowledge. At that time, she also said that she had fallen over when she was a kid helping to fetch water at home, but didn't expect Charles to install it in her own house silently. Such a set.

Charles said angrily: "hmph, since you say I am a rich bald, then I have money to show you!"

This tap water system can be so fast After installation, in addition to his transmission technique used to cheat in the construction, it is natural to use the money ability.

Don’t say anything else, as for the concrete foundation of the water tank shelf, in order to put it into use as soon as possible, he went directly to the Forge Temple and bought quick-hardening cement.

Aiyafara didn't know whether to cry or laugh a little bit, didn't expect Charles also had a childish side.

Charles said to her again: "You take a bath, put on the most beautiful clothes, and put on the most beautiful jewelry. I will take you to the most expensive hotel in town for dinner."

Aya Fala gave him a light punch, and then said, "You don't need to spend so much."

Charles pouted and said, "Anyway, I am a bald man with only money. Money seduce you little girl."

"I hate it!" The lamb punched him again.

It's just that she can't help Charles, and after taking a shower, she looks pretty.

Charles also put on a gorgeous red dress, which looks like a chili from a distance.

When I went out, Ayyjafjallajökull noticed a lot of people around the gate. After I went out, I found that everyone was watching a black car.

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