The blood all the way, the headless corpse, the dripping bloody head, the bloody little girl, made the villagers who were stuck at the village entrance into a mess of fear instantly fell into fear from around them. In the silence that it brings.

Charles held the little girl who had just been rescued in his left hand. The blood that had been spilled on her body and face had not yet been washed away. He just wiped a handful of blood on her face to prevent the blood from covering her eyes, and her body was torn He didn't change his clothes, and the front was bright red. He just gathered it up and tied it up with a rope to keep it from opening.

In addition to holding a little girl, Charles' right hand dragged the headless corpse, and his pale head was held in the air by the magehand.

The girl hugged Charles' neck tightly, trembling all over, she didn't know if she was scared by someone who was already dead or by someone.

The messy villagers gave way after Charles approached. No one dared to hesitate for a moment, and no one dared to ask a word.

The village head also wanted to run, but he found that the person's eyes had been staring at him, so scared that his legs could not do anything except shaking.

Beside the crowd, a village woman moved towards the little girl stretched out her hand, just about to shout something, but immediately covered her mouth, two lines of tears flowed from the corners of her eyes.

Charles asked little girl softly after seeing it: "Is she your mother?"

Little girl slightly nodded.

Charles put her down, told her to return to the mother's side, and then went on to the village chief's side.

He threw the corpse and head of the headless fly directly on the ground without explaining.

The village chief opened his mouth and just wanted to speak, he listened to Charles calmly saying: "The convoy arrives near noon. Everyone can leave. Eat something and get ready first, when the time comes don’t Chaos."

Charles turned and left after speaking. When he left the crowd and came to the empty road, a pair of wings appeared behind him and flew him back to the high mountain cliff behind the village.

After leaving the command vehicle and teleporting him over, Charles spent half an hour on the hill all around observing the situation in the basin.

It's just that the more he looks, the more confused he becomes. The current situation is confusing and unconventional.

It stands to reason that wild animals will scatter when disasters such as earthquakes occur, but now it’s more like those devil beasts gathered in the basin. I haven’t heard that the devil beasts will go backwards. The source of danger gathered.

But now I don’t have time to bother about it.

This basin has been developed for many years. There are five villages in East, South, West, North and Centre, each with hundreds of people.

If you add a roof ticket to the rest cabin of the lodging car, you can barely take everyone away, but it is difficult to transport materials.

If the villagers’ supplies are not taken away, it’s just that they will be executed immediately with a reprieve.

In the end, the evacuation can only be completed by the combination of the lodging car and the bullock cart carriage, so that the threat of devil beast will be great.

Anyway, beast the threatening devil.

Under the gaze of the villagers down the mountain, Charles flew onto the steep cliff and landed there.

Here is the easternmost part of the basin. What he has to do is to wipe out the devil beasts one by one from here, and then drive all the way to the valley that leads west to the city.

Singing is the basic skill of every mage. It integrates the essentials of the magic array into the tunes and lyrics. Mage uses this to remember and control the casting of magic.

In addition to mage, priests and believers will also sing. They sing hymns to the gods, strengthening the connection with the gods they believe in, and seeking strong protection.


٩( ̄〇 ̄)۶

"I will declare in Your love"

" I am too weak to change"

"In Your love I want to declare"

"You are my Supreme Being"

"In Your love I want to declare Announce"

"I will not turn around in confusion"

"You are the one who led me to victory"

"To win by the god of soul and dreams"


"You must rely on your love to triumph throughout your life"

"Take on the soul and the god of dreams to triumph"

"Don't be afraid of defeat"

"I know that your grace is broader"

"It is You who lead me to victory"


The hymns sung by Charles are very He was quickly transferred to Reimu, who was playing "Kerbal Space Project" through the system, and he opened a bug to report an error in a puzzled place, and then the song almost made him a Divine Punishment to smash it.

Then he clicked on a piece of news that he had just sent, that Charles was planning to borrow a large amount of Power of Faith from "Faith", and asked whether the interest rate could be lower, and saving people is important. .

Suspiciously calling this guy’s Power of Faith account, he found out that someone had just bought a "multi-soul" divine technique and then vacated it.

Ling dreamed for a millisecond. It seems that this guy has encountered something terrible, otherwise he won't be so tossed, so he unprecedented a little bit of interest rate, so that he can be clean.

At this time, the sun had just risen not much higher than Snow Mountain around the basin. Under the same sunlight as before, a motorcade was besieged by the devil beast on the road that used to go through it.

The village in the south is closest to the place where the volcano may emerge. At this moment, the water coming out of the well is already warm, and the naked eye in the distant wheat field is visibly higher.

Although the devil beast outside was scurrying, under the pressure of death, some villagers couldn't wait for the noon that the man who fell from the sky said, so they dared to drive away.

A gray giant bear that originally lived in Snow Mountain suddenly rushed out of the wheat field, like a moving mountain, scaring the villagers who thought they were brave to piss their pants.

The Grizzlies slapped the bull in the team's bullock cart to death, and sat there gulping.

The villagers in the car scrambled and fled back, even the three-year-old son fell to the side of the car.

The child who suffered from the fall howled and burst into tears. His mother heard the cry and slowed down two steps before finally turning around and moving towards the son and ran away.

As soon as the mother hugged the child, the grizzly bear devouring the Red Bull overturned the carcass of the cow, and the bull connected to the cowl turned the car along, and the truck with a car suddenly turned over Fell to the ground.

A heavy bullock cart hit the mother and pressed her leg, unable to pull it out.

The child's cry seemed to have alarmed the grizzly bear. It stood up and looked towards the position of the mother and child.

The giant bear, which is nearly three meters high, covers the sun, and the young mother can only see a shadow.

The only thing she can do is to hold her son's mouth tightly to keep him from crying.

At this moment, two long spears flew from the side and hit the grizzly's shoulder and waist.

But it's useless. The rough long spear doesn't even pierce the bear hair.

The Grizzlies ignored this attack, and moved towards the place where the sound just came from.

The villagers who fled to the tail section of the convoy nervously watched the grizzly bear slowly approaching the mother and child, then climbed down and stretched their heads with their mouths open.

The child's father suddenly picked up a lance and wanted to rush over, but was dragged by the people around him so that he would not draw the grizzly's attention.

It was just such a disturbance, they suddenly noticed a movement in the wheat field, and a group of Snow Mountain wolves had crawled around.

Seeing that they were discovered, these wolves, as big as cows, stood up, staring at their prey less than ten meters away with fierce eyes.

This distance is also a swooping thing for Snow Mountain wolves.

The wolves howled, the pack of wolves bowed their bodies together, and rushed forward together.

The eyes of the villagers were filled with despair, feeling that the sun in the sky had no light, and they watched the ferocious wolf face grow bigger and bigger in front of them.

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