
﹏(*゚ロ゚) (ʘ̅ д ʘ̅)(°口° ๑)(°△°)

It only takes half a day for the waterwheel and the supporting sink to prepare the materials, and another half a day to set up. When the setting sun is ready to go down the mountain, the clear water in the river passes through the shelf The wooden trough crash-bang flowed into the pond in the field.


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At the banquet held that night, the old village chief stood up and announced the major event: "Everyone, we first thank Altria , And Ayou, thank them for bringing an unprecedented waterwheel to our village! Welcome them to our village! Cheers!!!"

The villagers raised their wine glasses to sit and grill. The two people beside the suckling pig were toasting. They two are regarded as official villagers in the village.

After the villagers had a toast, the old village chief continued to announce: "I have been traveling north and south for so many years, I can be sure , The waterwheels in the village are unique and unmatched!"

"So! Our village is officially renamed Dashuiche Village from today!!"

Even if it’s amnesia, you The soul of someone’s complaint still couldn’t help being speechless at the village chief’s indiscretion.

After drinking the second cup, the old village chief continued: “Today, we use roasting The pigs are here to welcome Altria and Ayan!"

According to local tradition, the two will share the meat with the villagers after they get the roasted pig.

But these two migrants I don’t know this, I thought this roast pig was for myself.

Then Altria performed in public to eat a whole roast pig.

What if Charles suddenly remembered something? , First cut off the pig’s tail, otherwise there would be no cartilage left.

The villagers were stunned and frightened. They didn’t dare to talk more. They didn’t understand the rules.

Fortunately, there is no shortage of grilled fish on the table, and the villagers who usually don’t eat much meat can be considered a full meal.

Of course, there is a lot of wine.

Nearby forest. There are a lot of wild fruits in it. The villagers picked the wine and distilled it. The energy was not small.

Finally, the dinner was over. Charles helped the drunk Altria back to the wood house. .

Charles was lying on the bed with a headache, quietly listening to the Insect Cry outside the house and the slow breathing beside him.

He was a little afraid to sleep because every day When I fall asleep at night, I feel that someone is calling me in my dream, but the voice seems to be far away, I can’t hear what I’m saying, and I can’t respond.


Altolia, who was sleeping, suddenly started talking in sleep, and was struggling.

"I Don’t be like this..."

"I'm not your toy..."

Charles was taken aback, although he didn't know what she was talking about, but seeing her in such pain, he couldn't help but stretch out his hand Go over and hug her and pat her back lightly.

Vaguely, Charles felt as if he had some way to calm down.

He stroked Altria's back lightly while trying to remember the feeling of using that method.

Suddenly, like where water flows, a canal is formed, he cast Ning divine light ring.

Soon, Altria in his arms calmed down and fell asleep curled up in his arms.

Charles didn't know yet, the divine technique he cast was like a searchlight in the dark, so Reimu found it here all at once.

"Uh..." Seeing this scene, Reimu didn't know what to say, so he sent the scene of Charles sleeping with Altria to Diana to report his safety.

In a few seconds, he received Diana's call request.

Reimu created a consciousness space similar to the surveillance room, so that Diana was pulled over.

"How are they?" Diana asked anxiously, "Isn't there any injury?"

Reimu had just checked the two people remotely and said solemnly: "They are in another A planet, the situation is very bad."

"They have experienced a lot of pain, so that they have closed their consciousness, and now it is the same as amnesia."

"If they are rushed to recover Memories, you may go crazy when you remember the pain."

"So, let them recover their memories slowly."

Diana sighed in relief, said: "Living Just fine."

Reimu raised his brows and said, "They hug each other to sleep. You are not afraid of how many people will be there when they come back?"

Diana looked at them. People hugged each other, Charles lightly patted the picture of Altria’s back, said with a smile: "If that were the case, it would be the two of them who had the headache."

Charles didn’t know they were doing it. After being spied on by someone, he fell asleep deeply after a while.

No words for a night.

In the morning of second day, the villagers of Dashuiche Village gathered in the small square in the center of the village. Many people came with some things, and many children ran around.

There are many carriages parked in the small square. There are two carriages of merchants in the past, and a few caravans.

There were a lot of people standing in the caravan, some of them were scholar-like people in robes, and a group of youngsters.

The most conspicuous thing is a guy in a golden robe. This man wears a golden mask and looks like a woman.

The old village chief was bending his waist 90° to talk to her.

An aunt said: "Didn't expect the heavenly people will come to our village."

Charles asked curiously: "What is the heavenly people?"

The aunt looked at him in surprise, remembering that he had lost his memory, and then whispered: "It's the person who lives on the sky island."

Charles lifts the head and looked at the distance in the sky floating land, looked thoughtful and nodded.

The aunt said again: "Every few years they will choose the youngster with aptitude to go to the Academy. If they can get good grades in the Academy, they can work on the island, so that the whole family can live a good life. "

"When you have a child, you must nurture it..."

"Uh..." Charles scratched his head, looked towards Altria, and said, "It seems , I have a child..."

Altolia also said with a weird look: "It seems...a daughter?"

"Do you have a child?" Another aunt Gossip up instantly.

Other sisters-in-laws waiting for the merchants to set up their cars to buy and sell things all gathered around.

"It’s not surprising to see that you are a good child."

"Look at your age, it’s not strange to have a child."

" What’s your child’s name, maybe you can find your home."

Altria replied subconsciously: "Mordred."

Charles said the same:" Mordred, Falufa, Xia Luxia...Uh..."

He suddenly felt that the people around him looked towards him and their gazes changed to look at garbage.


The grandmothers couldn't help shaking their heads.

Charles shrank his neck, as if he had become the enemy of women.

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