Maya sits by the lake, playing with some fine Spirit Race jewelry that Charles used to exchange money in case.

"I have only seen some patterns of this style in very old books, and ordinary persons would not know it."

Charles said: "I just I gave it to you as a meeting present."

"Really?" Maya was surprised and happy.

Charles scratched his head and said, "In fact, I kept these items just in case I needed them to exchange money. It seems that I will not be short of money at the moment."

Maya studied these jewelry carefully, leaving a necklace of green vines and flowers, and then returned the other jewelry to Charles.

"I only want this." After she finished speaking, she took off the blue moiré necklace from her neck and put it on Charles's neck, "This is a gift from me."

After exchanging gifts, the goodwill between the two increased a lot.

"Charles," Maya asked curiously, "Can you tell me the story of the wood elves?"

"Okay." Charles went into bragging mode.

"Speaking of the general trend of the world, long-term wars must be harmonious, long-term peace must fight. The Spirit King is set in the sea of ​​trees, and the green city has been built for countless years. The longest war is the Osm fish in the southern sea. More than ten years ago, the fish bandits invaded and Princess Elizabeth was in danger. Shelton, the fish bandits marshal was killed in World War I, and countless prisoners were rescued. In World War II, the enemy was enticed by false death, and the enemy task force was first wiped out in Crouching Ridge. Doesn't exist; After striding back to lure the enemy deeper, striding forward to divide and encircle, and finally annihilate 200,000 enemies. In the three wars, spies were sent into the enemy and 50,000 fish bandits were lured into the valley and wiped out. Three battles a year , Killed countless enemies, wiped out nearly 300,000 enemies, and wielded military power..."

Charles said as he walked back to the city, when he came to the place where Maya was going, this wizard The girl looked admiring, and she was about to become Elizabeth's fan.

"Elizabeth Aunt is so strong!" Maya said enviously, "I wish I could see her."

Charles twitched his mouth and said, "She Only less than fifty years older than you."

"wa!" Maya's worship value soared in an instant. Such a record can be achieved at such a young age that they have never achieved such a record.

Then she said to Charles: "I'm here, where do you live, I will find you tomorrow, I want to hear your story."


At Rescheier's house, the four people gathered together to conspire while Charles was away.

"Miss, is your medicine efficacy too big? Master ran away today."

"Yes, I'm afraid the master realizes that he has a problem."

"What if the lord finds it out?"

Faced with the questions of the maids and sisters, Rescheer said: "You haven't seen that this works well, but today Start using your medicine in the evening, and the weight will be halved. This kind of thing cannot be delayed. A good man like him must be very popular. There may be a new competitor someday, but you shouldn’t be too eager to make a flaw. Use my medicine every two or three days so that he will feel it is his own impulse. After two or three times, it will definitely become one. After the first time, it will be easy for the rest of us."

" Miss wise!"×3

At this moment, a shout came from outside the house: "Rescheer, I'm here to play with you!"

Rescheer rushed immediately after hearing the voice. She went out and shouted happily: "Maya, why are you here!"

Then she saw Charles following Maya.

Charles scratched his head and said: "I met Maya outside the city, didn't expect she is here to find you."

Rescheier's eyes suddenly sharpened Now, she first found that Maya was not wrapped in a breast wrap, secondly she found that the clothes did not fit, and then she saw the necklace around Charles' neck.

The sense of crisis rose in the mind, but her expression did not change, and she pulled the surprised Maya back to the house as usual.

The maids and sisters also know Maya, and after greetings, they begin to serve tea and water.

Charles knew they had something to say, so he went back to the room and continued to write and draw.

In the living room, Maya asked Reschee in surprise: "How did your curse be lifted?"

Reschee also said happily: "This is Ayan The credit for her."

Then she told about her encounter with Charles and the treatment.

When she finished speaking, Maya smiled and said: "It seems you like him very much. Expressions are all different when you say him."

Rescheet's face blushed. stand up.

Maya hugged her and continued: "hehe, the expression on your face is personally visible, he lives with you, do you guys...hehehe..."

"Not yet..." Rescheer whispered.

Maya smirked, "So it's not there yet, when do you think there will be?"

Rescheier's face is getting redder, and she starts to fight back Said: "Tell me about yourself, your clothes don’t fit, it looks like his clothes, don’t you..." In the room, Charles didn’t hear the girls talking. , But the noise and laughter still came from time to time.

When it was time to prepare dinner, Charles finally finished the last point of the primary level textbook on healing magic.

He arranged the parchment, drilled a few holes on the left with an awl, and then bound it into a book with a thick needle and fine twine.

According to his plan, he will use this book as an excuse to find Danya tomorrow.

Today, I almost harmed the other girl, and then ran away like that. Tomorrow, I have to make things clear with her.

Just before he could act, the girl came to the door, and she was not alone.

Not long after, the maid came up and asked Charles to go downstairs.

It was an old man and a young man who came with Danya.

As soon as Charles came to the living room, he focused on the old man.

The old man looks in his early sixties, his muscles are extremely well-proportioned, a scar on his face is drawn into the person from under his left eye, and his left nose is gone.

Although he converged on the imposing manner, Charles could still see that this person had crawled out of the dead.

Rescheer introduced: "This is General Daxiu."

Charles didn’t know the etiquette here, so he marched according to the elves’ army salute. Who made him just now What about a soldier.

"I have seen the Lord General." He marched in salute, "You can call me Ayou."

Daxiu is just eyebrows slightly frowned, and the young man who came with him"pu He laughed out loud.

His smile was immediately exchanged for the glares of Reshee and Maya.

And Danya looked at Charles nervously, as if something would happen to this guy next.

The wood elves and the wind elves have parted ways for many years, and some of the original common habits have changed. If the wind elves’ etiquette is used as the standard, Charles’ military salute just now looks nondescript.

Daxiu didn’t laugh, but the first impression Charles gave him was very bad. He also noticed the expressions of Rescheer and Maya, and what Danya said just now. It felt like this person was relying on it. A liar who deceives the girl with his face and mouth.

However, he quickly overturned this speculation. First of all, the idea that this person gave Danya was beyond the imagination of ordinary people. First, he used the military background of Danya's family to clean up the family borers by lightning, and then recruited Disabled soldiers and their families have deepened their ties with the military, and at the same time took care of both the upper and lower levels of the military. No one in history has played like this.

Secondly, judging from the figure of this person, he is definitely not mediocre. From the very beginning, his attention is focused on himself, which shows that he is extremely keen.

The third is the necklace on this man’s neck. People who are familiar with Maya know that this is her beloved thing. A little girl like Danya is a lie, but Maya is more than 300 years old. The old fox can...

A sharp gaze interrupted Da Xiu's thinking.

Because of professional habits, Daxiu decided to do more observations before drawing conclusions.

He looked at Charles, and then said: "I came back from the front line this time mainly to visit Danya. She had a good time and we Old Guys are happy."

" Well, I happened to meet Canio, and I don’t want to deal with the affairs between you youngsters, but for Danya, I decided to be a witness."

I haven’t waited for Charles to figure out anything. Meaning, a white glove fell on his feet.

The young man named Canio who followed Danya said contemptuously to Charles: "In order that Miss Danya will no longer be fooled by a liar like you with rhetoric, I am here to fight you. If you lose, you will leave her forever."

Charles looked at him suspiciously, then looked at Danya who was sitting there not knowing what to do, and finally asked Daxiu: "General, how is the outcome of the duel judged?"

Da Xiu said blankly: "One party admits defeat, or loses consciousness. Don't worry, if anyone has a mortal danger, I will stop it. "

Charles nodded, said to Canio: "Well, I will not beat him to death."

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