A new day has arrived, and "Happy Rich Lady" has also woke up.

Altolia got up early and went to the martial stage, he was the only one left in the room.

"Fu Po Le" rubbed the temple and felt something wrong. She seemed to have turned on some of her switches and she didn’t know it yet. This is probably because she was born. Some dark hands.

It's better not to mention this, or it will go black again.

More than martial stage is equipped with maids here, they snickered and waited on the master to eat breakfast.

The food conditions are good, with fresh milk for breakfast, fried meatloaf, mashed potatoes and fruit.

General Daxiu came to look for him before he finished eating.

Da Xiu's eyes are a little bloodshot, and it looks like he didn't sleep last night.

Before Charles stood up to greet him, he raised his hand and moved towards Charles and threw a healing technique.

However, the effect of this treatment is not very good, and it can handle cutting vegetables to fingers.

"You continue to eat yours and give me some." Daxiu sat down at the dining table without seeing it. "After reading your book all night, I'm at this level. We The grooms are better than me."

"But the magic element compression is very useful, the magic formidable power is much larger."

"Let’s say, what do you want, gold, power , Or a beauty?"

"I think you It shouldn't be a male child and a big man."

"If you want a succubus, I will help you myself Grab two."

He also learned of Charles's identity last night, and was shocked at the time.

Charles ignored his joking, and said straight to the point: "Knowledge, in the vast universe, knowledge is the most important."

"I have a strong interest in the gravity of your place. Magic is very interested. This is something I don’t have, so I hope I can exchange healing magic for gravity magic."

Daxiu directly questioned: "Is that right?"

"You also seem to have come down on the battlefield. You should know that just a hemostatic treatment can save countless lives."

In his opinion, Charles did such a great job. Things should not be small. These two people are most likely to come here from fleeing, so they are ready to ask for land and population.

I said last night that I would go back two years later, which is probably a guise. When the time comes, it is not surprising to find an excuse to delay for a hundred and eighty years. It is better to make it clear at first.

Daxian is waiting for further pricing. As a result, Charles said: "The value of the same item sometimes depends on the person who needs it. Healing magic is extremely precious in your eyes, and gravity magic is equally precious in my eyes. "

For him, the most important thing about gravity magic is the anti-gravity function. This function is against the sky. With it, five pairs of road wheels can fly all over the sky.

The only trouble is that the magic array of gravity magic is too complicated to shrink.

But this is not a problem for Charles at all. With the help of teleportation, he can now be regarded as an excellent fitter.

Daxiu thought for a while, and felt that he was a youngster with a thin face, and it was hard to say such things, so he asked him: "Then what else do you need us to help?"

Charles thought for a while, asked the maid to bring parchment and pen and ink, and wrote a page of medicine recipe on the dining table.

"What are these?" Da Xiu studied the things on the parchment questioningly.

Charles' ears lit up and said: "It is a potion used to enhance hearing, vision, physical strength and other power magic."

Daxiu put away the parchment and continued After eating breakfast, he said: "You are going to Yimin Academy in a few days, where gravity magic is taught."

"If you want to study, or get good grades in the entrance exam, you can choose by yourself. Research direction, or we can help you talk to that stubborn guy."

Charles also replied while eating: "Don’t bother you, I have confidence in my test scores."

"That's OK." Daxiu did not discourage youngster's self-confidence and enthusiasm. "We plan to send some people to Yimin Academy to learn healing magic from you. Do you have any requirements for students?"

Charles said while eating mashed potatoes: "First of all, it is the affinity and control of the light element, and secondly, they must be brave, strong, and careful."

Daxiu laughed and said: "Except for the affinity of the light element, it seems like I'm choosing a scout. I also qualified for these points."

Charles said seriously: "The medical soldier’s job is not easy. The wounded appear in the fierce battle. , They must have the courage to reach the front line."

"The wounded are not small people, they have armor on them, and they have no strength to bring them back."

Da Xiu nodded and said, "It makes sense. I'll leave in the afternoon. The Yimin Academy will be there soon after school starts. Will there be more than 100 people?"

"No." Charles replied , "It's just getting started and I'm quick to learn, but it depends on the individual's innate talent and hard work to develop."

Then he demonstrated that the light elements were compressed to form a trap, and said: "The affinity and control of the light element are like this for the primary selection. The more circles, the finer the better."

Daxiu took the quill and wrote the medicine recipe on the back of the parchment just now. Record this.

Daxiu left after breakfast. He said to Charles before he left: "If you want to achieve a career here, you must first concentrate. If you are distracted by other things, the main We will look down on things like you."

"I think you are the person who is going to do a major event, so don’t entangle your children’s love affairs with those rice bugs all day, a good person like you. It doesn’t hurt to have more children. Your family has to spread its branches, and connect with other families."

Charles sent Dar Xiu away with a black thread, and then gave money to let him here. The maid came back to help buy some things.

The maids moved very fast. In less than an hour, they bought a few large pieces of the hardest wood in the city, a pile of steel ingots, and some materials such as magic crystal powder for making magic arrays.

Not long after regaining his memory, the emotional element in Charles' heart began to stir.

He took the time to learn a simple anti-gravity magic array when he was at Rescheer's house a while ago. Now is the time to realize his feelings.

At noon of the second day, Maya came here to find Charles.

The elf girl still wears Charles' safari suit, but has made some changes to fit her figure.

When she arrived, she saw Charles taking the towel from the maid to wipe his sweat, and there was a strange-looking thing on the ground in front of him.

On an oval plank less than two meters long and a little more than one meter wide, there is something like the back of a wooden horse. The wood is tied with a cushion and there is a "T" shape in the front. s things.

Charles was a little excited. He wanted to own a black cat sheriff's air-cushion motorcycle since he was a child. Now it is a dream come true.

Although this looks like an air cushion, it is actually an anti-gravity motorcycle which is still very rudimentary, but the 1st Step from scratch has come out, and we can continue to improve it in the future.

"What is this?" Maya touched here in surprise, patted gently there.

Charles proudly said: "This is a vehicle that can fly!"

Maya said puzzledly: "You can fly and ride a winged horse. It takes so much trouble. Is it."

Charles didn't bother to explain so much to her, and jumped on the anti-gravity motorcycle to go for a drive.

There are pedals on the left and right sides of the seat. The left side controls the lifting and the right side controls the power of the hair dryer in the tail section of the floor. The front of the car controls the rotation of the hair dryer through the connecting rod.

Left foot forward, the motorcycle slowly rises.

Suddenly sinking almost two meters above the ground, Maya jumped up and sat behind Charles.

"It looks like a lot of fun," she said.

"Sit down!" After he finished speaking, the anti-gravity motorcycle rose to a height of more than a hundred meters, then lightly activated the hair dryer with his right foot, and the huge air current pushed the car suddenly To a speed of about 20 kilometers.

As the speed increased, the motorcycle stabilized at a speed approaching 80 kilometers per hour.

Charles looked all around, turned the front of the car, and drove towards a high mountain in the distance.

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