Reading the atmosphere is one of the tricks to living a long time.

Seeing the face of the Principal who had just returned, Charles immediately found an excuse and ran away with Altria.

The next two days are the time for new students to choose courses. Most people choose the courses they want to learn in the next semester.

The papers for the written test have been sent back. This time the bottom line test let the newcomers know that they need to fill up the shortcomings.

This is also the reason why the chief students can choose courses freely, because it shows that they have no shortcomings.

There are six grades in the Academy, and the small buildings of the chiefs of each age are in one area.

The building is not big, only two floors, but it is a status symbol.

Charles' small building is a bit far from Altria's, and the two separated at the intersection.

Someone took the sample of the plan and said: "You are good at copywriting."

Altolia gave him a white look and took it. Gone the sample plan.

The furniture and everything in their small building are ready-made, and they are cleaned immediately. Rechere sent the three black hair maids to help.

Although Rescheer is excellent, she is not the chief. She and Maya live in the same double room.

Maya could be the chief, but she fell asleep during the written test.

The three maid sisters who could only rent a house on the commercial street in the past are now simply living in the servant room in the Yunlou.

What about the rent, when Charles came back, they were plotting a night to harm Master Yun.

"What are you talking about?" Charles saw them whispering when he entered the room, and out of courtesy he rarely takes the initiative to eavesdrop on what others are saying.

"Hei Changzhi" the maid said: "We are discussing the master's book."

Charles said "Oh" and asked her: "Does this book understand?" "

He was talking about his own "Why Magic?" "According to the plan, this book will be published in conjunction with a big news.

The three sisters of the maid said that the book is easy to understand. There are many contents that have not been heard before, but it seems very reasonable.

Charles felt very satisfied and asked them to prepare lunch for themselves, and later they would take it to the study.

Sandwiches, hamburgers, and chicken rolls are very simple to make. The maids can make them under the guidance of someone. Today’s lunch is a few hamburgers and a cup of herbal tea.

Charles sits behind his desk, eating his hamburger and thinking about the next work.

Climbing the technical tree is not a simple matter. He can only open Level 1 technology, and the subsequent development depends on the locals.

The most important of these is papermaking and printing.

This planet is too remote for the gods to control, but years of war have made the development here unbalanced.

But the good news is that the mathematics is well developed, because the air cavalry's needs for the trajectory of throwing weapons, the extra-large bed crossbow, and the launch of large catapults are not ignored.

But the others are not so optimistic, at least papermaking has not been pointed out yet.

It's just that Charles is just talking about papermaking. If you really want to open this technology, you have to ask Ji Shijun for help.

Although the signal here is not good enough to log on to the Dreamland platform, you can still send and receive emails through Reimeng.

Furthermore, the slime basin mainly uses flax and bamboo to make paper. In terms of raw materials, the experience there is also suitable here.

Next is printing. Whether it is movable type or engraving, ink is used. At this time, suitable printing ink is needed, and there is a lot of knowledge in it.

This question was also packaged and sent to Ji Shijun to ask him for help. At worst, when he went back, he brought him a group of succubus.

The capitalists are even willing to sell their noose for profit, and they also bring free shipping. So what can Ji Shijun sell for the succubus?

Ji Shijun, who was a few light years away, shuddered suddenly.

In addition to papermaking, the technical tree of the power system should naturally be opened.

The next question is still the old question. Industrialization is an ascending process of laying eggs and laying eggs. The problem lies in how the first chicken came from.

The Rurik Kingdom has the foundation left by Fillip. Before the emergence of wind turbines, they were already using human and hydraulic rough machine tools.

While hiding from wind and rain in a cave, Charles asked Maya about the level of industrialization of this planet.

In addition to windmills, the biggest machines here are hydraulic forging hammers and grinders.

Previously, someone gave the Microscope to Rescheer to imitate it. As a result, the artisans in the city shook their heads after seeing the thread to adjust the position of the lens barrel. They couldn't do it.

After lunch, I picked up the handkerchief and wiped his hands. Classmate Ayou started to write, write and draw with the parchment.

It’s not easy to open the technology tree, and it’s even more difficult to write the technology tree. You can only do backwards with the steam engine, internal combustion engine and magic power motor as the target.

He started with a steam engine, first decomposing each part and its performance, and then analyzing how to produce these parts. As a result, milling machines, boring machines, and planers appeared.

So he simply took a piece of new paper and drew the schematic diagrams of the lathe, drilling machine, boring machine, grinder, gear processing machine, thread processing machine, milling machine, sawing machine, etc.

Thanks to the rise of the machine tool industry in the Kingdom of Rurik in recent years, even elementary school students’ textbooks have appeared in the content of machine tools. At the Polytechnic University of St. Fillip, "The Working Principle of Machine Tools" is a compulsory course. The graduate's 猹 somebody can naturally draw them.

It’s just that this planet has not developed magical active substances that deform under the influence of magic power, and you will not be able to do this. As for how it develops, it depends on the locals. At worst, it’s artificial.

After drawing, Charles patted his head, "Why did I forget this?!"

"What did you forget?"

Suddenly Charles jumped at the sound of the sound.

lifts the head, he found that LeBron didn’t know when he was sitting on the chair opposite the desk, holding a copy of "Why Magic?" ".

"Ah... the Principal is good." Charles hurriedly stood up and said hello, "Why are you here?"

He is habitually calling the deputy when the principal is absent. Remove the word "Vice".

LeBron stroked the double ponytail beard with a stroke of his chin. Instead of entangled in the name of the kid, he put the book on the desk and jumped off the chair. After finding the height problem, he jumped back and stood on the chair. Then he leaned back to Charles and said, "I'm here to apologize to you. After seeing the blowpipe in the anti-gravity Trojan horse, I knew that you were right on the spaceship that day. I was at the bottom of the well. Tortoise..."

"Please don't say that!" Charles said hurriedly, "I'm just a little clever, standing on the shoulders of giants."

He hurriedly changed the subject:" I have a question. What is the smallest measure that can be measured by the current ruler?"

LeBron didn’t understand what he was going to do, or replied: "The energy is up to one millimeter, and the length and weight of each place are shared. Standard."

Because of the long-term war, the weights and measures on this planet have been initially unified, and it will be a headache if you don’t work on the system.

Charles said: "I have a ruler with a measurement accuracy of 0.02 mm."

"Why is the measurement so small?" LeBron was taken aback first, then suddenly realized. "By the way, the anti-gravity magic array you made and the pattern of the magic array on the iron barrel with the wind spray are all under one millimeter!"

Charles nodded said: "If you want the magic array Miniaturization and a smaller precision ruler is a must."

What he forgot just now is the vernier caliper. In the future, he will not be able to play with this when he produces machinery. So he took this opportunity to draw on the parchment The drawing, and then explained it to LeBron.

After listening to LeBron, he exclaimed: "This design is very wonderful, but there is a problem. How to draw an average of 50 same divisions within the 49mm range on this cursor?"

His question also makes sense, because each grid on a 50-division vernier is 0.98 mm, and a ruler with a minimum graduation of 1 mm cannot be measured at all.



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ᵒ∠꯭ㅤ꯭ㅤ꯭ㅤ꯭∖꯭ᵃ꯭¹꯭ㅤ꯭ㅤ꯭ㅤ꯭∖꯭ㅤ꯭∖꯭ㅤ꯭∖꯭ㅤ꯭²꯭ㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤ꯭ㅤㅤ ꯭ㅤ꯭ㅤ꯭ㅤ꯭ㅤ꯭ㅤ꯭ㅤ꯭ㅤ꯭ㅤ꯭∖꯭ㅤ꯭∖꯭ᵃ꯭²꯭ㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤ꯵ㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤ꯭ㅤ꯭ㅤ꯭ One side of the picture explains: "First draw a bottom edge, and draw a diagonal line at the left o point."

" Then use a compass to intercept a section of ob₁ on the diagonal line, and then continuously intercept and Ob₁ b₁b₂ and b₂b₃ with the same length can be cut into dozens of paragraphs as needed. Now that the paper is not enough, cut three paragraphs first."

"Third Step, draw a straight line connecting b₃ and the right end of the bottom line, which is b₃a₃ "

"Fourth Step is to make a parallel line parallel to b₃a₃ through b₁ and b₂ respectively, and these parallel lines intersect the bottom edge at points a₁ and a₂ respectively."

" In this way, oa₁, a₁a₂, and a₂a₃ are three equal line segments. When expanded, 50 divisions can be drawn on the 49mm line segment."

LeBron pulled his beard after listening. , Said depressed: "Aiya, how did I forget the theorem of parallel lines and equal segments!"

He thought for a while and said: "I can make this, hehe, sell it to the arrow maker The workshop should be good."

Then he asked again: "Can I take this blueprint?"

Charles smiled and replied: "Of course I can. You can take the blueprint and instructions back and take a look, hoping to get Principal’s comments and suggestions."

LeBron sees that it’s getting late, and picks up the blueprint of the vernier caliper and those of the machine tools that Charles handed over. Say goodbye after blueprint.

Charles wanted to stay with him for dinner, but he squinted and slipped away.

Wait until someone came downstairs to find out why Vice Principal had slipped, because today heavenly thunder Shee, Danya and Maya are here, and they are not wearing Academy robes, but are dressed up. Beautiful and bright.

It’s already dinner time. On the table, there is a stew made of beef, potato wedges and some peppers, fried chicken cutlets fried together with egg liquid and flour, the same The fried cheese is made by peeling the potatoes, steaming them, mashing them, then putting them in sausage diced pieces, making them into patties and frying them together.

In the past two days, the girls have been busy with their own affairs. In the past, only Reschae came over to eat. It is the first time that they all get together like this.

After Charles came out, everyone came to the restaurant to start dinner and talked about recent events.

The most popular thing in the Academy recently is the Great Appetite King competition on the commercial street yesterday. Altria's stomach pressure team won the championship. In the wine king competition, Skadi and another person grew up with her. The exact same girl drank the wine but did not decide the outcome, and then today Duff Principal and LeBron Vice Principal fought because of a machine.

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