The sun rises as always, and Charles welcomes the students of the healing magic training class.

Although he once suggested to Principal that Academy should send 20 people to study together, Principal decided to look at the three-month study results of this period of students.

Since the Principal decides this way, so let the teacher do it.

What we need to solve right now is a little bit of the small problems of the hundred students in front of us.

On the training ground, a hundred students stood in a pile. They were between 20 and 30 years old, half of them were men and women, all of them were brave people who had just walked off the battlefield.

These proud youngsters get together, unconsciously compare each other, secretly compete.

Imposing manner this thing is hard to say clearly. For the staff on Sky Island No. 6 at this moment, they are now in the middle of the battlefield, with countless iron horses passing by, all shaking hands and feet slightly. .

Charles, who was walking towards the training ground, also felt the aura of the battlefield, and he couldn't help but enter the battle mode.

The super murderous aura suddenly broke out on Sky Island No. 6, and the students of Altria on Sky Island No. 8 nearby and the martial skill students who were about to listen to her were shocked and turned their heads. Many powerhouses on the main sky island were also taken aback.

All the healing magic students facing Charles bowed slightly, their hands stopped at the place where they used to wear weapons, their sharp eyes caught Charles’ every move, and the whole person was like a strong bow ready to go. The crossbow can launch an attack at any time.

But they dare not act rashly. The goal of this imposing manner is them. Everyone feels their heart is pressed against a huge boulder, and it seems that as soon as they act, they will be crushed into powder by the boulder.

The only unaffected person on Sky Island No.6 was Skadi. She had just sailed to send Charles over, and now she was sitting on the fence next to the airport, knocking on melon seeds to watch the excitement.

"Stand at attention!"

Charles roared, shaking everyone's heart, and all the students stood up straight like a reflex.

He glanced at the students standing in a mess, and took out the list with a dark face.

"Call the names below." Charles said, "The people who clicked will get out of the queue and stand at the position I instructed. From now on, the assembly will be arranged in this formation."

He clicked Give names one by one, and when the students who have been spotted get out of the queue, follow the instructions to form a 10×10 square.

The crooked phalanx made Instructor Yun very dissatisfied, but now is not the time to teach them how to stand and walk in line.

"I am Charles Megadon." Instructor Yun said in a loud voice, "I am your healing magic instructor. You can ask me if you don't understand, and I will tell you kindly."

"Do you know what you are here for?"

The trainees' phalanx made sparse voices such as "learning magic", "being a doctor", "learning to heal injuries", etc. .

"I didn't hear it, I couldn't hear it at all!" Instructor Yun's roar was like a hammer drill that slammed into the hearts of the students, "Say it again, start over!"

"Learning healing magic."

This time the students' answers were neater, but they were still a bit sparse.

"You still want to learn healing magic in such a low voice?!"

The percussion drill in the student's heart has become a breaker used by the excavator to demolish buildings.

"Learn healing magic!!!"×100

"Good, very energetic!" Instructor Yun nodded with satisfaction.

He walked a few steps in front of the trainee's square, and said coldly: "I won't say much about the meaning of healing magic. The princes who survived the battlefield will definitely understand the meaning."

"I don’t like to talk nonsense, but I’d like to state in advance that you only have one identity during your studies, and that is my student. All other identities will be discarded. Where you live is nothing to magic. The difference."

"People who have read the book in your dormitory raised their right hand."

All the students in the square "Shua" raised their hands. arm.

Instructor Yun was nodded with satisfaction, and said: "The person who memorized the entire book raises the right hand."

There were almost twenty arms raised this time.

Instructor Xi is more satisfied, and then he smiles and says without a smile: "The 1st Step of learning healing magic is to feel the effect of magic on yourself."

" To feel the healing magic, you naturally need to have injuries on your body."

Speaking of this, the faces of the students have become weird, and many people are wondering if the instructor is letting himself cut his fingers. Let's make a hole.

Instructor Xi drew out the two short swords from his waist, moved his wrists and played a sword flower, and continued: "I wanted you to cut your own cuts, but such cuts and the battlefield It’s definitely not the same."

"I want everyone to cut each other's swords. This is too emotional. After all, maybe everyone will cooperate in the future."

"So I After thinking about it, let me work hard."

"You can resist, avoid, or fight back. After all, fear of pain is such is human nature, but I can definitely tell you these all are useless."

On the edge of the wall, I was eating melon seeds and watching the lively Skadi shook the head. What happened on the training ground was too tragic, and the students did not sit back and wait for the attack to start a counterattack. , But they were as helpless as the source stone insects in front of them, and they were cut down one by one.

When the last student was chopped and kicked down by the instructor Yun, none of the students stood on the training ground. Their hands and feet were injured, and the scene was quite bloody.

This is the method that Maya taught Charles. The first thing that a new officer in the army starts with is to beat all his servants. After they are convinced, the work can be carried out.

Charles took the suggestion of the elf girl, so these students were miserable, all with stab wounds and bruises.

Countless white light spots suddenly appeared in the sky above the training ground. They quickly assembled into a giant magic array covering everyone, and then burst out a burst of white light and spilled on the students.

Just eating two melon seeds, the trainees felt a numb and itchy wound, and then quickly healed without any traces of injury. The bruises also recovered after a while numbness.

Finally, Charles cast a large-scale hot spring technique to clean the students and the training ground.

The students were surprised to check the place where they were injured just now, and they kept poking and squeezing. They didn't even see that this part was injured just now.

Instructor Yun loudly said on the side: "Everyone carefully recall your feelings just now. This is very important for learning therapy."

"Next, I will talk about the schedule of work and rest, every morning Get up at 6:30 for morning exercises until 7:00, wash and clean up the house from 7:00 to 7:30, eat breakfast for 20 minutes at 7:30, train from 8:00 to 12:00 in the morning, and take a lunch break after lunch for 40 minutes. Start training at 3 pm to eat dinner at 6 pm, and the evening classes are from 7:30 to 10 pm. You can do it yourself when you go to bed, and you can wake up on time on the second day."

"The arrangement for this morning is that Combining the content in the book, you recall and think about the feeling of recovering completely from the wound just now. In the afternoon, I will teach you how to compress and manipulate high-purity light elements. In the evening, I will teach you the textbook."

Just like Maya said In that way, after beating these students, they were obedient. No one objected to the arrangement of the instructor Xi, and no one took the opportunity to fish.

However, there are always accidents. Not long after, a hot air balloon spaceship brought a group of wounded.

Instructor Xuan squeezed his brows. This is the textbook delivered by Altria.

So he summoned the students to come over to demonstrate how to clean up the wound and carry out the corresponding treatment.

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