After dinner every day, it is the busiest moment of the caravan's day. Except for the guards on the roof of the car, everyone has a day of entertainment.

The most common entertainment in caravans is fighting.

Wearing a pair of leather pants and topless, Aubrey stood sweaty in the middle of the clearing. His rock-like muscles reflected the light of bronze under the light of the campfire.

Under the temptation of doubling his salary this month, two coachmen have come up to challenge him and they have been thrown aside by him.

"Hey..." Halkara sighed onlookers, "Why do you guys like to take off their clothes when fighting."

"If you take off your pants, the scene will change. That's weird." It was George who spoke.

Seeing that the fierce Halkara was picking up the medicine bottle from his pocket and preparing to smash the elf, George immediately jumped into the circle of the game.

"Boss, old rules, if you beat me, I won't need this month's salary." George defied Aubrey.

Seeing George challenged his boss again, the crowd onlookers made a roar.

George took off his shirt and threw it on the ground, revealing the muscles of his upper body that were carved out of white granite.

On his body, there is a huge scar extending from the left shoulder to the right rib, which looks particularly hideous under the light of the fire.

George is a head taller than Aubrey, but his muscles are not as strong as Aubrey.

Aubrey didn't speak, but directly took a posture. His right leg was slightly bent forward, his left leg straightened behind, and his hands were raised and extended forward, reaching the height between his face and chest.

George also stood with his legs apart from the front and back, and his hands were indeed hanging at the height of his waist. The right hand was slightly forward, and his left hand was placed on the side of his thigh.

The two of them put on a wrestling posture, Aubrey put on an offensive posture, and George put on a defensive posture.

Among the crowd of onlookers, Elizabeth was teaching on-site. She said to Charles: “Wrestling has eight essential knowledge: strength, speed, how to catch each other, articulation, entanglement, vitality, general The knowledge of the enemy falling to the ground and breaking the enemy."

"Wrestling has three important abilities: the'power' to fight against the opponent and maintain its own balance, and to be able to move the hands and feet to the ground under any circumstances. The "distance" of the correct position, and the "dexterity" of using the moves correctly, quickly and strongly."

"If your strength is higher than the opponent, you should take the initiative to attack and overwhelm the opponent with your strength. Ruo If the strength of the two parties is equal, they will keep a'distance' from the opponent and wait for an opportunity to counterattack. If their strength is at a disadvantage, they will wait for the opponent to take the initiative to attack, and they will use speed and technology, that is,'agility' to counterattack."

Charles quickly absorbed and digested this knowledge in his mind, and then turned it into his own understanding-poor tactics blossom, and Dao explodes Laozi.

At this time, George and Aubrey ended their temptation and the battle began.

Neither of them used magical power, and they relied on their own physical strength and technology.

Aubrey launched the attack first. He rushed towards George, and while hitting George's chest and abdomen with his shoulders, he hugged the opponent's thigh with both hands, preparing to use the impact to overturn the opponent.

George bent down at the moment he was hit, hugged Aubrey’s waist with his hands, and then pressed down Aubrey’s quilt with the weight of his whole person, and at the same time his feet moved towards Then stretched out, in order to break free of Aubrey's control.

Aubrey's front foot slid forward half a step, stabilizing his slightly unstable figure under the weight of George. Then he changed the hands that hugged George’s legs to Tito, and put his shoulders against George’s abdomen. At the same time, his back and forelegs forced his back and leaned back, trying to lift George’s whole person behind him, turning him into The state of the head onion.

Clearly understood Aubrey’s attempted George let go of the hands holding Aubrey’s waist, and then pushed on Aubrey’s waist, using the power of Aubrey’s back to make a backflip. After breaking away from the contact, he showed the spirit's agility against the sky vividly and exquisitely.

While George's footing was not stable, Aubrey had turned around, hugged George from his back with his hands under his armpits, and was about to use his own weight to fall back.

George immediately stretched his left leg back and inserted it behind Aubrey's right leg forward. Then he turned his body to the left while straddling his left leg, pressing Aubrey's body with his left shoulder, turning Aubrey over his left leg and knocking it down.

Aubrey's right hand, who was about to fall back, firmly hugged George's waist, and his left hand smashed into the knee socket of George's right leg with the momentum of falling backward. Then when George's right leg was bent and his stature became unstable, his feet regained his strength, and at the same time, he pulled George to the ground by the strength of his fall.

After Aubrey put George down, he just wanted to ride on George’s left to attack, but George used his right hand to hold his left bowl, and George’s left hand Passed between his legs and grabbed his left leg from the inside.

George turned his body to the right while exerting force with both hands, suppressing Aubrey under his body.

In the cheers of the onlookers, Aubrey played GG under George.

The fighting program is over, and everyone in the camp welcomes a glass of bad wine.

When there is no reliable water source around, inferior wine that can be preserved for a long time is everyone's source of drinking water. The food truck has enough bad wine to ensure that everyone can drink at least three days in case of emergency. When I was in Corn City, the inferior wine on the grain truck was replaced with a new one, and the old wine was put on the luggage cart and empty passenger car for everyone to drink.

But Charles didn't drink any alcohol, so he started training every night before going to bed.

After jogging around the camp for ten minutes to warm up, he started practicing footwork under the guidance of Elizabeth.

Footwork is the basis of all martial arts. In the future, whether it is to knock someone with a magic wand or cast a spell with a sword, it will need footwork to cooperate.

After these days of practice, Charles himself can decently walk out the usual footwork such as stab step, step forward, lean, diagonal step, and turn around.

"Can I compare you to summer

Although you are cuter and gentler than summer"

Cromwell’s singing is accompanied by the hexagram The sound came from the camp, and he was singing the love song of summer. Many people in the caravan study hard on the sidelines, using it for their lover or lover when they have the opportunity.

Charles practiced hard by the campfire used for guarding outside the camp, sweat dripping continuously on the grass.

Elizabeth sits on the top of the car with a wine glass, and flicks a stone over whenever Charles is not in the right posture.

Halkara sits next to Elizabeth, filling himself with wine "tons and tons".

"Are you being too harsh on him, he is only eight years old, he is still a child." Halkara said softly to Elizabeth.

Elizabeth lightly shook the head, replied in a low voice: "It's not that I am severe to him, but he is severe to himself."

"Ah..." Halkara sighed," I found out when I started teaching him Elvish in the maple forest. He gave me the feeling that a wild beast was chasing him behind him and asked him to study hard continuously. When I met Hongye and the others, it’s better to leave. He changed back to that appearance after they were gone, and even got worse."

"This is the driving force generated by the pressure of survival." Elizabeth said, "The child of the poor is in charge early, and the child of suffering is early. Mature. How many of the elf children are as hardworking as him?"

"That's what you care about. I'm just a small citizen running around to make money." Halkara's face Red clouds full of drinks, "By the way, I will do what you want."

After she said, she took out a bottle and handed it to Elizabeth.

When Elizabeth was about to take the bottle, Halkara shrank her hand while holding the bottle, and then asked: "Are you sure you want to do this?"

"Why not do this Do?" Elizabeth asked.

"He is still a child!" Halkara said, "I can't watch you doing things that were taken away by the gendarmerie."

"What are you thinking about !" Elizabeth glared at Halkara, "He is just a child."

Elizabeth finished speaking and snatched the medicine bottle from Halkara.

Halkala, who was drunk, left, and Cromwell came over soon.

"I heard from the dwarves that there was news about the Divine Sword of Raging Flames used by a hero more than three hundred years ago." Cromwell said, "The scabbard in the Flame God Palace The gems on the jewel shine again."

Elizabeth nodded, "You have to be careful."

"Alan Bischberg completed the trial of Flame God Palace and took away the sword Sheath." Cromwell continued to break the news.

"Sanctions against the Kingdom of Bischberg are about to begin." Elizabeth said.

Charles who was practicing did not know that his enemy had already entered the main mission.

When he finished his daily training, he returned to his small tent, then cooled the boiled water and wiped his sweat and dusty body.

When living in the wild, if you don’t want to be suffocated by the slime when you fall asleep, you’d better live in a tent.

In the tent, don’t light candles or oil lamps if you don’t want to accidentally turn into a barbecue. Now hanging on the top of the tent is a cheap crystal lamp that provides magic power with a cheap magic core.

While wiping the knee, Shimizu touched the wound left by yesterday's fall, and the pain made him grin.

When he first put on his pants, the curtain of the tent was opened.

Charles covered his upper body with his clothes in one hand, and a dagger came from the storage ring to his other hand.

Charles' tent was bought in Corn City. The height is not too high. The tall Elizabeth had to bend down when she walked in.

She got into the tent and sat next to Charles, pointed at Charles's pants, and said, "Take it off, let me see."

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