Just when Charles and the others started watching a movie, an unprecedented experiment was being conducted on the island of Yimin Academy.

On the edge of the sky island, a group of students watched Vice Principal instructing several people to push a big wooden bird over.

LeBron is wearing a leather jacket today, the double ponytail beard on his chin is neat and tidy combed, and a pair of goggles is hung on his forehead.

The big wooden bird in front of him was magnified according to the proportions of a certain local eagle. The head, wings and tail are the same, but a hole is dug in the head, and the wings are combined with the body. There is a large metal tube on the left and right of the place, and the paws under the body have been replaced with several wheels.

Duff stood behind LeBron, frowning into a "chuan".

Principal remembered fifty years ago, when the third aunt of the Dwarf King wrote a letter to herself, saying that her grandnephew, the extraordinary natural talent, was surprised, and hoped to send it to Yimin Academy for further study. .

Duff saw that the dwarf who wrote to him was the great-granddaughter of his classmates of the year, and he personally went to the mountains to take this scourge, who was only twelve years old, back to the Academy, and then he was short. People held a banquet for three days.

I won’t talk about the past several decades, just talk about the tap water not long ago. The water pipe was installed in the model student bathroom, but there is no such "modern faucet" as Charles said. As a result, the scene became "Water Curtain Cave".

The faucet thing is not over yet, this guy is tinkering with a wooden bird that can fly.

The wooden bird was pushed to the designated position. LeBron walked over here, knocked there, and patted to check whether its various parts were firm.

At the end of LeBron’s inspection and ready to jump into the cockpit, Duff walked aside and said to him: “Are you sure at all? It’s not a joke to fall from such a high place.”

LeBron replied confidently: "It must be no problem. The anti-gravity Trojan can be successful. My anti-gravity wooden bird will definitely be able to fly higher and faster, and can hold more things in its stomach. !"

Duff said worriedly: "I always feel that this wooden guy is not reliable."

"Where is it not reliable?!" LeBron grabbed himself angrily The beard of Duff, "I magnified it in proportion to Thunder Eagle's body. You don't know how fast that thing can fly."

Duff’s patted wooden bird’s wings are hollow, with a The rows of double rows of nails are also carved with feather patterns.

She still shook her head and said: "No, birds and wing beasts have feathered wings, but the details of the wings have nothing common with each other, and their body structures are different. I I think I need to study more to be safe."

"You can find Charles. Since he invented the anti-gravity Trojan horse, it shows that he has achieved some achievements in the research of flying tools. He may give Your precious opinions."

"No!" LeBron looked a little unhappy, "I also have an anti-gravity magic array in this wooden bird, which has its wings and belly, and it can fly anyway. I can get up and fly faster and farther!!"

Seeing him like this, Duff knew there was no way to persuade him, and finally he could only say: "Do you have emergency landing equipment? , If you encounter a sudden strong wind, I’m afraid it can’t help it."

Because of their experience in riding winged horses, winged donkeys and other winged animals, and flying in a hot air balloon spaceship, they are There are sufficient preparations for the severe weather.

LeBron patted the cockpit and confidently said: "There is a parachute on the chair. If it doesn't work, I will fly out with the chair."

"Hey..." Duff said helplessly. shook the head, "I hope you don't need it. If you have an accident this time, I will definitely send you back."

"It will definitely not happen!" LeBron promised extremely seriously." I have observed and studied more than a dozen kinds of birds. If I had wings myself, I would fly."

"I’m not too lazy to go back. What is good about being a dwarf king? Every day I either drink or watch them fight. How can it be fun to do research!!"

Duff reluctantly shook the head again. LeBron has followed her since the age of twelve until now. It can be said that he was raised as a half son, otherwise this The guy who often gets into trouble has long since been driven away.

Although LeBron had accidents twice in three days, his knowledge was solid, and he did not make any mistakes a second time, so he sat all the way to the position of Vice Principal.

LeBron jumped into the cockpit after completing the last inspection of the wooden bird and fastened the seat belt on his body firmly.

They have already lighted up the technology tree of ejection seats. This technology is mainly used by the pilots on the hot air balloon spaceship.

In the war with the demon race, there was no shortage of hot air balloon spaceships that transported people and supplies were shot down. The people above watched the Wind Element magic array under the seats fled quickly, and then landed with a parachute.

There is an arc-shaped windshield in front of the cockpit, and a student is doing the final wiping with a rag.

Everything is ready, LeBron puts on the goggles, pulls down a joystick next to the right hand, the wooden bird slowly floats, higher than the height of the surrounding wall of the sky island.

Several people who had been prepared by the side immediately rushed over and removed all the wheels under the wooden bird.

According to the original plan, the wooden birds will hover like this after they fly back, and wait until they put the wheels back on the ground before landing.

"Be careful yourself, and parachute immediately if something goes wrong!"

Duff shouted twice under the cockpit and then reluctantly retreated, and at the same time ordered the relevant personnel to The sky island magic shield in front opened a hole large enough for the wooden bird to fly out.

LeBron saw that there is no obstacle ahead. His left hand stroked the double ponytail beard first, and then gently pushed the left joystick. The two extra-large hair dryers under the armpits of the wooden bird began to spray. Out of the air, pushing it forward slowly.

Seeing that the hair dryer is working normally, LeBron pushed the power lever to the ¾ position, and the wooden bird flew towards the sky outside with a "call".

Today, the autumn is high and fresh, with only a few clouds floating in the high sky, and the wooden bird is flying in the sky like a real thunder eagle.

A burst of cheers sounded on the island, and the students and professors who participated in the production of this wooden bird were happy like children.

To make such a wooden bird is not simple, especially the anti-gravity magic array and the steel pipe hair dryer above. In order to make them, everyone has spent several nights.

People flocked to the wall of the sky island, and the wall inside simply jumped onto the nearby roof, excitedly watching the wooden bird fly freely in the air.

I saw this one flying straight into the sky from time to time, sometimes flying out a "ಌ", sometimes flying a "ஐ", sometimes flying into a "இ"......

Finally, in Scattered under the blue sky.

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