The red crescent is hanging high in the sky, and the surrounding stars are shining.

The beautiful elf girl is standing in the lake below her thigh, bending down to wash her long blue hair.

Charles was lying on the grass by the lake, looking at the stars in the sky, concentrated attention completely thinking about what to do next.

In the gazebo in the distance, Reshee and Danya fell asleep deeply in someone's spare bedding.

I don't know how long it took, the squishy Maya fell into Charles' arms.

"What are you thinking?" Maya asked.

Charles extend the hand lightly stroke her long hair like the clear sky, and whispered: "I want to know all your thoughts."

Maya "hehe "With a smile, he rubbed his chest a few times, and said: "Sure enough, you are not a fool."

Charles pretended to be very angry, and squeezed his hands fiercely on her body, evil. Fiercely said: "I thought I was an idiot, believing or not I will take care of you!"

"Okay!" Maya kissed his chin, "My purpose is very simple, you I can definitely think of it."

Charles lightly nodded, the girl's purpose is nothing more than "borrowing teachers to help suppress."

Among these three girls, Danya has the innocence of a young girl, and Rescheer seems very calm after undergoing changes. They normally don't think so much, so far.

Maya is different. Three hundred years of life and spirit Race Royal family's traditional education is enough to give her enough wisdom to think and plan many things.

She whispered: "I can see that you are an overlooked and eager to conquer."

"In this case, then I will provide you with a broad stage , So that your path of conquest is not limited to between the beds."

Charles patted her back and said: "Actually, I can see that you and I are the same. "

Maya just smiled, stretched her head and kissed Charles for ten minutes.

"I only have one request." Maya said to Charles, face to face, "Don't say goodbye to us when you leave, okay?"

Charles lightly "Yeah" Screamed.

*₍₍ ᕕThe dividing line in sportsᕗ⁾⁾*

Charles can be regarded as a person who does what he says. Since he wants to expand his territory, there are various Preparation is essential.

But the first thing he did after returning to Yimin Academy was to visit Vice Principal.

Although LeBron saved his life with the ejection seat, the trainees who had injured his body on Sky Island 6 were cured in half a day, but the failure of the experiment brought him a great spirit. Hit, the whole person is not good.

When Charles saw him, he was sitting in the rocking chair in the sun in the open space next to the Sky Island School Building No.6.

It's just that Charles was taken aback when he saw him, like seeing the original hard steel suddenly turned into a piece of rotten wood.

Now LeBron's sleek double ponytail beard is now messed up like a wild grass, with hollow eyes looking at the sky, the wrinkles on his face drooping, like a mangy dog.

"Your Excellency LeBron?" Charles called him lightly.

As a result, LeBron just rang in his throat as a greeting.

Two dwarf girls walked over. They were a little more than 1.3 meters tall, and their limbs and waist were extremely thin among the dwarves.

The most eye-catching thing is that their faces look exactly the same, relying on the braids on their heads to tell who is who.

Because they are very thin since they were born, LeBron named the twin granddaughter with daisies and pansies that are common in the mountains.

Not long after school started, Charles couldn't stand LeBron disturbing him for three days and then he talked to him about the concept of etching. This time, the relevant magic array installed on the anti-gravity wooden bird he built is Manufactured by this method.

The very fine lines of those magic arrays were carved on the waxed steel plate with very fine needles by these two ingenious dwarf girls.

Daisy and pansies have never been seen among the dwarves because of their natural strength and can't hold a hammer. They had a bad time in their hometown, so LeBron took them to the Yimin Academy.

Recently, when they were engraving the wax plates used in the etching method, they found that they had innate talent in this area, and their relatively strong and stable hands were able to carve out the thin and complex patterns.

The twin sisters who found the direction of development in order to better complete the work, they shaved off the beard that was in the way, showing a smooth and very cute face.

"Charles big brother." Daisy said worriedly, "grandfather has been like this for these two days."

Pansy is also worried, she has a straight face Looking at Charles expectantly, waiting for his ideas.

Charles thought for a while and said to them: "Don't worry, I have a way to rejuvenate your grandfather."

After he finished speaking, he came to the empty island to put the materials I found a sturdy wooden board in his warehouse, and then cut out the material to make a glider model with wooden poles like the kind used by elementary school students.

After completing the model airplane, he came to a short distance behind LeBron and threw it out lightly.

LeBron, who was originally dull-eyed, saw a strange thing flying slowly and steadily from the top of his head, his pupils suddenly shrank, and all his attention was focused on it.

The glider model slowly landed on the ground, and the half-dead dwarf master rushed over like a predator leopard, kneeling on the lawn with his sturdy hands to slowly lift it up, soft as if He picked up his granddaughter back then.

Charles stopped disturbing him when he saw it, and after talking to the dwarf girl, he went to the Conference Hall on the sky island.

If you want to take the road of industrialization here, dwarves who are good at forging are indispensable.

The way to pull the dwarves into the gang is very simple, that is, start with LeBron.

When Charles set up the Conference Hall as a movie theater, LeBron took the model airplane and came here with his two granddaughters.

Without waiting for him to speak, Charles pointed to the rows of seats and said, “I know you have a lot of things to ask, but I think I’d better wait a moment, you will have more So let’s ask them together at the end."

LeBron sat down in the chair and said to him, "Thank you."

"You are welcome." Charles closed the door. He closed the curtains and replied, "Next you will see incredible things. I hope you can stay calm."

That’s what it says, but it’s impossible to keep LeBron calm. The movie just At the beginning, he jumped up and almost took down the projector.

Fortunately, Charles has eyesight and quick hands, otherwise the movie won't go on.

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