Snowflakes are falling as Charles said before. The days between Heaven and Earth are white, and the temperature is dropping rapidly.

In this cold weather, nothing is more attractive than a hot pot.

Beside the round table, Marshal Carlisle and Princess Laurel kept using tongs to put the thin slices of raw mutton into the red "lava pot" and put them in their own bowls. .

On the side, the demoness slave with butterfly-like wings on his back kept passing a plate of lamb rolls over, and then retracted the empty plate.

The wings behind the succubus here can be transformed into various appearances. Many people think that the wings that look like bats are not good-looking, so they will change their wings to look like butterflies.

These succubuses belonged to the Carlisle family. Charles gave him a house in Fort Friendship, and he managed it as an informal point of contact with Charles.

Charles took a sip of ice-cold fruit wine, only taking two bites symbolically, and then smiled to see that the two of them couldn't even talk about it.

Yuan instructor didn't expect, actually got into a Princess of the Boy Kingdom among the healing magic students, and her grades have been very good, she is the ten who stayed to take the second period of students One of the teaching assistants.

Today someone came to Carlisle’s house not only to invite them to have hot pot, but more importantly, to discuss business.

After it snowed, he finally knew why the rich and powerful here would live on the island.

Boy Kingdom is in the southernmost part of this continent. The summer is quite hot, but it is deadly cold in the winter. Now the outside snow has not reached Charles's thigh.

This is also why Dashuiche Village became a fish-smoked village, because smoked fish can be put from summer to winter, and the price is cheaper than long-legged meat, which is especially popular in the market.

In such a cold winter, the spiciness can make people feel warm.

It’s just that the pepper on this continent is similar in spiciness to the green pepper, which isn’t great.

The chili pepper used in the soup that Charles brought is almost the same as Zhitian pepper, with a little bit of numbness. Carlisle and Laurel just started to eat the meat with a handkerchief and a handkerchief. Wiping sweat, no time to speak at all.

When the two of them were full and burped a few times, they started talking about things.

"The past few days is not easy!" Carlisle sighed while wiping his sweat. "To transport so many prisoners of war before the snow and the river were frozen, I was really exhausted. I was exhausted for several nights. I didn't sleep well."

Charles was not deceived by his exhausted appearance. He was the one who made the most money in this battle. Charles entrusted him to handle all the strong prisoners in his early years, and rebates. He was so excited that he turned three succubus overnight.

There are also those captured by the Alliance army from the farm, and he also has a lot of benefits as an action commander.

In these days, Friendship Fort and Fangcheng were full of motorcades and fleets. The enthusiastic slave merchants just took all the prisoners away in less than ten days.

And Charles did not receive their cash, but signed a contract, and then they shipped all kinds of supplies next spring.

No one dared to renege on a debt, because someone sold the seized weapons and armors and other military materials to the Kingdom of Boye. As the representative, Lorley promised to go back and ridicule if there was a problem with the transaction. Grandfather's beard.

The only problem is that the supplies here are also quite scarce, and most of them have to be provided to allied forces fighting against the demon race.

So Charles didn’t care about Carlisle’s nonsense, but took out two small bags and handed them to him and Loulai, saying, “This is the'Demon King pepper' in the pot just now. Can you buy it? "

Carlisle opened the bag and asked the slave girl to send a clean spoon. After pouring a little chili powder, he dipped it with his fingers and tasted it. It was strong enough.

"I want it all on behalf of the Union army as much as you have." He said solemnly, "In winter, the soldiers on the frontline need it most!"

Charles said with a faint smile "Please rest assured, I can provide this kind of chili powder in large quantities, and the army can't finish it."

Luo Lai listened to eyes shined and asked: "Then I can cover the southern market? "

Charles smiled and shook his head and said, "No, because I gave Danya the market in the country west of the Boi Kingdom, and the market on the grassland in the north gave Maya."

Luo Lai can only say: "Then I want my country and my grandma's agent in the north."

Charles agreed, and then took out two multi-layer cosmetic boxes. Give them the box, and continue to smile and say: "There are some rare spices here. You can take them to see if there is a market."

Carlisle asked curiously after taking the spice box, "These things are in Where did I get it, I haven’t seen it before?"

"Is it on the demon race side, if you have a way to get it, and it has not been poisoned, we will treat it as if I don’t know. "

Charles slightly smiled and said: "This is bought from the other side of the sea."

Carlisle immediately realized the amount of information in this sentence, but Now he was not surprised by all the strange things that had happened to Charles.

He asked worriedly: "Will the people over there harm us?"

Charles shook his head and said, "Don't worry, the ocean is too vast and too dangerous. Even if we have to go there, it is very inconvenient. I think neither we nor they will be able to cross the sea in a hundred years."

"I do this business mainly to create a stable for dukedom Economic sources."

Carlisle and Lowe agreed with his statement, because now it’s better than the Friendship Fort, where the enemy rushed out to kill him, and the defense city that surrendered on a large scale, Zlin and Trenburg. These two places were broken, other places were scraped into white ground by the Alliance army, the villages were turned into ash, and there was no population at all.

To rebuild such a large area, the funds needed to be invested are massive.

The spice business is the easiest business Charles can think of to open the market and withdraw funds.

It’s just that the cost of cargo transportation is still a bit high. After the market opens for a long time, they can only rely on transport ships. The girls spend nearly two months bypassing half a planet and running to another continent. , Now it is even more necessary for him to take a trip in person.

Now the construction of Yongri dukedom is basically stopped. There is nothing to do with the heavy snow cover. Everyone can only gather together for preliminary planning.

I originally came to see what’s new. After being caught, Alexei who built roads by the way still served as the "Prime Minister". To put it bluntly, you should take care of everything, Youmou. People can take control of the military and formulate the next course of action.

The most lacking thing in Yongri dukedom now is population. Almost a place the size of Tianjin has only 10,000 slime girls and a few hundred experts. It is difficult to develop with this kind of people alone.

According to the traditional agricultural social carrying capacity of 30 people per square kilometer, dukedom needs about 300,000 people to fully develop.

After several industrial parks are rolled out, I am afraid that more people will be needed.

It is impossible to ask the Human Kingdom for the population. This important resource is not just given.

So Charles returned to their old professions. When they were demon race, they could rescue slaves from the devil and come back, and now they have become "human beacon" (under the terrible record, everyone automatically ignored a lot of slave girls. And the experts of the Kingdom of Rurik have horns on their heads), the rescue of the captured slave from the demon race is naturally also on the agenda.

Simply speaking, it is to take advantage of naval warfare. The naval forces move eastward from Piran Port along the coastline, enter the site of the demon race, and follow the river upstream to capture the slave estates along the river. .

The farmland with abundant water resources is occupied by warlords and warlords. These farmlands are handed over to slaves for farming. The mission of the demon race is to steal everything that can be grabbed from the human side through war.

It is not difficult to rescue more than 300,000 slaves and transport them back. What is difficult is their food, clothing, housing and transportation after they come back. Charles feels a headache after a while.

An adult set of single underwear requires a 1.5-meter-wide cloth about 2.3 meters, and cotton-padded trousers require 8 catties of cotton in addition to more than 4 meters of cloth, plus footwear, hats and underwear. For these things, more than 300,000 people need nearly 3,000 kilometers of cloth and almost 1,500 tons of cotton for a single set per person. The thread used has not yet been counted.

In terms of eating, according to the minimum standard of 1.5 catties of grain, 1 tael of meat, 1 catty of vegetables, half a tael of oil and 1 catty of salt a month per person per day, more than 300,000 people need it a month Nearly 7,000 tons of grain, more than 200 tons of meat, about 5,000 tons of vegetables, 100 tons of oil, and more than 150 tons of salt.

Charles didn't count on housing anymore. In the last life, he counted enough when making a budget, and now I am tired of seeing it.

In addition to these, there are also daily necessities such as pots and pans. More than 300,000 bowls alone are enough for a toothache.

The most important thing is that people will not be able to produce output immediately after being rescued. Physical conditioning and preliminary education will be at least three months, and the investment will far exceed the income before the autumn harvest in September next year.

So everyone decided unanimously during the meeting, let’s rely on seizures.

Taking advantage of the difficulty of the enemy’s communication and deployment of troops in the winter, the navy’s mission is to seize all kinds of materials from the enemy, from food to sewing needles, in addition to rescue slaves.

It's just that the uncertainty of seizures is too great, and the trade aspect must be strengthened.

Since there is a shortage of supplies on this continent due to years of all-out war, let's focus on other continents.

So Charles continued to embark on the journey of big purchases after bidding farewell to Carlisle and Lowley.

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