Charles talked about the legend of hero equipment for an afternoon at the hero uncle's house. During dinner, he ate a lot of spicy sauerkraut and braised lamb before leaving.

This time he went from the cold continent in the northern hemisphere to the hot southern hemisphere continent. When several people around saw him wearing thick clothes, they thought he was a fool.

However, the bodyguards of the White Snow Palace didn't dare to think that way. As soon as they saw Charles, they led him into the Snow White Palace.

A head maid with a bunch of keys hanging around his waist asked him: "Your Excellency Charles, Queen Your Majesty is having a reception. Will you attend?"

Charles shook the head , Said: "No, I'm a little tired, take me to rest."

The maid asked: "Do you need to take a bath first?"

Charles thought of himself I was sweating from a fight with hero uncle not long ago. Now I wear so many clothes on a hot day and I sweat more.

If you talk to Queen Your Majesty in a sweaty sweat, I'm afraid you will be thrown out of the window, even if you cure her hair loss.

Anyway, the cocktail party in the palace will not stop until midnight. If there is enough time, then go wash it.

The bathroom in the White Snow Palace is very luxurious and the service is very comprehensive. Charles once again experienced it.

When the succubus maid put soap on him, he asked: "How about this soap, is it easy to use?"

The succubus maid put the soap cautiously back into gold In the box, when he rubbed the mud with a towel, he replied: "Soap works well, we all like it."

Charles added: "The used soap should be put away, if it falls on the floor. If you step on it, you will slip."

"Isn't it." The succubus maid replied, "I stepped on it yesterday, and I slipped all the way forward without falling, and finally hit the wall."

Charles looked surprised and started playing said with a smile: "Is the wall okay?"

The succubus maid said: "Our Snow Palace is strong."

After rubbing the mud, it was the massage session. The succubus maid drove away the colleague who was responsible for the massage, and then said: "I will step on your back."

Without waiting for the client’s objection, she He jumped on Charles' back dexterously.

Then Charles felt the elephant ballet on his back.

Although the succubus of more than 300 kilograms stepped on the back a little bit harder, this elder sister's technique was very good, and Charles was relieved by stepping on it.

When he changed clothes suitable for the climate and came to the reception room, the sleepiness brought by his relaxation made him yawn.

Thinking that the reception will be over for a while, he leaned on the sofa and took a nap, and then woke up when he heard the footsteps.

It's just that when he woke up, it was early morning outside the window, and he was moved to the bed in the guest room.

"Wake up?" A nice voice came from the window.

A succubus girl with snow-white skin, long black hair, and a wagging tail was sitting at the tea table by the window.

She said softly: "You can still sleep for a while, I have some documents to deal with."

"You look tired, I pinched you last night You didn’t wake up your nose."

Charles sat up and said, "Sorry, I was rude in front of Your Majesty."

"hmph!" Queen Your Majesty snorts softly," I told you to call me Maria."

Charles replied: "Okay, Queen Your Majesty. No problem, Queen Your Majesty."

Maria The queen ignored him and continued to deal with the documents in hand.

Charles came to the locker room and changed into the normal clothes he prepared for himself.

When he came out, he was immediately pulled out by the queen.

"Go, let's have a picnic."

She is very interested.

Charles can only be dragged away by her. There is no other way. She is the existence with the highest martial power value on this planet. This is the conclusion after visiting the entire planet in Liaoksington.

The window at the end of the corridor was opened by the maids. Queen Maria held the picnic basket handed over by the maid in one hand, and Charles in the other hand. She spread her wings and flew out from here.

On a lawn by a huge lake, Charles spread the carpet and arranged the snacks and drinks in the basket neatly.

At this time, Maria flew around and came back, and said to Charles: "Well, there is no eavesdropping around, we can talk about things."

Charles wondered. Asked: "What is so important, can't I talk about it in the palace?"

"It's not you yet!" Maria stood in front of him, akimbo and stared at him fiercely, "Because of you The soap that you sent, you don’t accept magic crystal gold for such a useful thing. As long as it can grow in the ground, you can pick it in the woods. Now anyone who can breathe wants it."

This continent Demon King country is located in the tropics. The humid and hot climate makes many people sweat or prepare to sweat. A soap that can wash the body refreshingly is enough to make people crazy, so Charles tried it out. Put all the soap here.

At the beginning, a certain person Xuan was in contact with Queen Maria under the name of curing hair loss, because the queen's hair loss is cursed, and "washing water" can lift all curses.

Your Majesty, the queen desperate to treat hair loss, after slamming a bottle of 10% active ingredient "washing water", when combing her hair that night, she found that the hair loss was half less than the previous day.

So Charles generously gave away nine bottles of "washing water" in three times, and then he became a guest of the White Snow Palace, and by the way, the favor of Queen Maria was full.

For young women, a certain person naturally opens the way by promoting cosmetics.

It's just that the Queen Your Majesty doesn't need these for her natural beauty. Instead, she is interested in soaps that are used to add hair.

Judging from the current situation, the two hundred kg soap delivered last time has become a popular item.

Charles had a plan for this. He said: "In the future, all the soap and other goods I bring will be sold to you. You can accept whatever you like. I will only take away what I need."

Queen Maria sat down on the carpet, poured herself a cup of tea, and thought about it there.

Charles took a piece of cake the size of a ping-pong ball and ate it, and found that there was a candied fruit inside.

When he ate the third cake, Queen Maria asked him: "Can this soap be produced in our place?"

"I will mark a plot Come out, you can produce raw materials and make soap there."

Charles didn't know whether to cry or laugh and said: "In fact, the profit margin of soap is not so high. If our production capacity reaches the expected level , Ordinary person can afford it."

"And its production method is very simple, after a while, try a few more times, maybe when the time comes, any village can be used Make it."

Queen Maria took a sip of tea and said calmly: "Is the soap I sell the same as the soap sold by others?"

Charles Understand, he thought for a moment, and said: "That's good, I'll rent a piece of land here..."

"No need to rent." Queen Maria said immediately, "I put an island Canonize it to you, you can do it yourself."

Charles's heart is shaken, there are often huge risks behind huge benefits.

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