"It's so hard to see you."

Mato laughed at Yanonardo.

Yonado stood there, bowed his head and said hurriedly: "I'm very sorry, if I knew that you are a wise Prime Minister, I will definitely come over right away."

"It doesn't matter. "Mato waved his hand generously, "Youngster, I understand, I have been young too."

"But, I still advise you to be more restrained."

Yonado replied with a blushing face and whispered: "I see, Lord Prime Minister."

Since carrying the vampire girl back to the lounge that day, he has stayed in the lounge for the past few days. There, no one except the waiter who came to deliver the food and take away the cutlery.

The former Pegasus Too revealed his identity to him, but Honado thought the waiter who was speaking was joking.

Until night fell, the Navy began to move the slaves at the shipyard at the height of the blizzard, and Leonardo followed Chief Steward to Mato’s residence next to the casino in panic.

Mato saw the leather bag at his feet and asked: "I heard you have something you want to sell to me?"

"No no!" Hastily denied.

He took out a golden ball the size of a football from the bag, one-knee kneels and offered it with both hands: "This is a gift for the Prime Minister."

Mato smiled slightly, this situation was expected.

He glanced over the table with his eyes, and said, "Look at what is so strange about this thing."

There is a base under this golden ball, Hona Put it more firmly on the table, and then quickly press the top seven gems.

The shell of the golden ball is divided into seven petals. Each petal has a flower pattern inlaid with gems of the same color. After pressing the top independent gem, it slowly looks like a blooming flower. Open.

After the golden ball opened a gap, butterflies of various colors, the size of a fingernail, poured out from it, flying around it continuously.

After it is fully opened, everyone can see the petals made of golden gemstones inside. Seven-color butterflies are flying on the petals, and the center of the flower core is an apple-sized platform.

Mato walked over and looked at it for a while, and kept nodded and said: "It's a good jewelry box, ordinary jewelry doesn't match it."

Then he found something In a strange place, I pointed to the place where the jewelry was placed and asked: "Why are there so many holes here?" It is sold with the high-end soap of Queen Maria, and the small holes on it are naturally used for drainage.

He lifted the lid in that position to reveal the cavity structure below, and then explained: "Here you can put dried flower spices, so that when the box is opened, the fragrance of flowers will come out."

"Very good." Mato continued to say nodded, "This design is very clever, very good and very good."

It can be seen that he is very satisfied with this soap box.

Yonardo stretched out his hands to hold the petals and squeezed them together slightly, and the soap box closed the golden ball back.

He turned the golden ball upside down, and after opening the lid, two grooves were revealed inside, one of which was holding a low-quality magic core.

"Here can be two magic crystals." Huangonado introduced, "When the magic power is sufficient, it may be controlled by sound, and it will be more beautiful when all around the dark."

Mato only looked at him, and Chief Steward brought two good quality magic crystals.

Waiting for Yunnato to put the magic crystal on and put the lid on, Mato said to Chief Steward: "Extinguish the candles."

He said to himself He has confidence in his strength and is not worried that this Xuanonado will take advantage of this opportunity to take advantage of him. Moreover, his Chief Steward is also a strong man. There are fully armed guards on call outside the living room.

When Chief Steward blew out the last candle, the living room was suddenly plunged into the invisible darkness.

Mato moved towards where Yunnaduo stood just now and said: "Let's get started."

After a breath of effort, Yunnaduo didn't respond.

Mato immediately noticed that the situation was not right, and shouted "There is assassin!" After moving towards the window, he rushed towards the window, and at the same time a magical armor lit up on the mountain.

It’s just that he found that his legs were suddenly tightened by something like vines, and the light of the magic armor on his body was swallowed clean by a black smoke in a very short time, and finally he lost his strength. .

Mato’s last shout in his life failed to reach the living room. At the moment when the last candle was extinguished, the "black sheep wall" that could cut off sound and light enveloped him and him. Chief Steward.

Followed by the entangled water plants that control actions and the "Black Widow" poisonous magic that can transform magic elements into itself, making his life plummet in the shortest time.

With mental arithmetic and unintentional, coupled with adequate preparation, the whole action reached its goal in less than half a minute.

A few minutes later, Mato and his Chief Steward got up from the ground. They adjusted their clothes and stood there as if nothing had happened. It seemed that nothing happened just now.

The door of the living room opened, and Chief Steward walked out with the leather bag containing the soap box in Xonardo just now, and when he handed it to the guard by the door, he said: "Fill this bag with gold coin "

The guard assigned to the task saw the colorful light shining in the dark room, and realized that the Prime Minister had gotten an incredible treasure, so the reward was indispensable.

The weight of a bag that can hold a football when filled with gold is comparable to that of an adult man. This leather bag itself simply cannot bear such a heavy weight.

As long as the mind is not slippery, there are always more solutions than difficulties. The guard filled the leather bag with gold coins, then put the bag in a solid wooden box and moved it over.

As for how Chief Steward gave the gold coin to others, it's nothing to do with him as a small guard.

Chief Steward can't be bothered by this. The box of gold coins is placed in the corridor first, and then he will move away after Xuanonado leaves.

As a result, Ionardo didn’t move the box of gold coins. He asked Chief Steward to trouble the guard to count the number of gold coins, and then Prime Minister Mato’s order. He later went to Demon King. Just go to the Prime Minister's Mansion to get the money with the bill.

After such a lap, all the troubles are done by protecting Little Brother Wei alone.

Just as Yunado returned to the casino with the withdrawal slip, a tense evacuation was being staged on the beach.

For several days of blizzards, the shipyard and other workshops were unable to start work, and the slaves could only squeeze in their residences to warm each other.

The stewards who took care of the slaves have all gone home long ago. In this weather, the slaves are so cold that they can’t afford to take any trouble. If they can run for a kilometer without being frozen to death, the stewards Let him go.

And those slaves also have their henchman. The hard bread that the slaves ate the past few days is managed by these henchman and henchman's henchman.

It’s just that these people don’t know. As soon as they got home with their front feet, there were some more people in the slave.

Marshal Yun ordered the navy to select from the first batch of rescued slaves, those who are in good spirits, good health, and willing to participate in the rescue operation to form a task force.

The task of this team is to sneak into the residences of the slaves during the management gap, bring food and drinks, and organize them at the same time.

Different from previous operations, this "flamingo stork ₂.₁₁ operation" involves a large area, a large number of people and bad weather. If there is no prior organization, it will cause a major event.

With the help of Tianshi, these action players quickly gained the trust of the slaves here.

In the face of freedom, food and clothing, the henchman of the slave master also jumped upside down.

In the night of the biggest snowstorm, Skadi's power is endless.

one after another The arc-roofed promenade made of solid ice spreads from the sea, like vines, to the gates of the slave residences everywhere.

Not long after, many navy girls with weapons and large backpacks came to the slaves.

Like the other girls, Liu De put down the backpack and took out the bottle inside and handed it to the operatives lurking here, and said, "First, give everyone a drink, and then listen to my signal. "

At this stage, the most fearful thing is to see the hopeful slaves swarming into the not-so-wide ice promenade, which can cause serious trampling accidents.

A bottle of warm rice cereal makes the slaves who have never eaten enough to feel their body instantly warmed up, and they also have strength.

While waiting, Liu De broke the fetters of more than twenty slaves here and the collars with chains around their necks.

Almost half an hour later, the communicator on Liu De's shoulder rang, and it was time for the slaves to leave.

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