"Why is this?"

Currently, Charles feels like a cabbage shipped from Beijing to Zhejiang. The roots are tied with red rope and hung upside down in a fruit shop. head.

It’s just that this is not a fruit shop, but a prison in Natis City.

The experience of this day made him quite emotional. After arriving in the store yesterday, the store was placed overnight. It opened for business in the morning, and the store was closed at noon. In the afternoon, he was caught from the clerk and brought to this room for torture. Hanged upside down in the room.

The charges are perfunctory. There is a wanted person in the store, but he still hasn’t figured out whether the wanted person is a man or a woman.

But he can perceive that his experience may be related to Mato's health.

The political struggle, Jiaocai, who was hung upside down like Jiaocai, didn't bother to think about it. It's just that those succubuses who hung themselves up and didn't care about it gave him some ideas.

The present 猹 is hanging there smoothly, and only a dim oil lamp is lit in the cold and dim execution chamber, so that he can see the bloody whip hanging on the wall, and the wall is placed The sitting chair contained a large metal cone stained with shit and blood.

There is also a knee crusher in the corner that looks like "ㅂ". This thing is to fix two iron bars on an iron plate. An iron plate with holes on both sides is put through the iron rod, and then the iron rod is put on two large nuts. As the nuts are screwed down, the closed iron plate will crush the kneecap.

As for flowering pears, brain depressors and iron maidens, not to mention them, they look particularly scary in dim light.

Judging from the smell of blood, feces, urine and rotten flesh here, this execution room has not been used less often.

A little bit of time passed, and the motionless flames on the oil lamp made people feel that one second seemed as long as an hour.

Jiao Caixiu counted her heartbeat to calculate the time, and it was estimated that it was late at night. No one has appeared here, and there is no sound, only the sound of my own breathing and heartbeat.

I have to say that if ordinary people were hung here for so long, they would be frightened and collapsed without being tortured.

Fortunately, those succubuses did not directly use torture, otherwise "Big Ivan II" would have exploded long ago.

Jiao Caixiu has nothing to do when she is idle, so she can clean up here and sort out the main points and details of the next work.

In the end, he even thought of buying dozens of suits for Ayyjafjallajökull with the characteristics of each continent of this planet, and also wanted to understand that the "glue" of "jiaocai" is the place where the cabbage is produced, not Jiaozhou. It has something to do with the glue used to stick things, but I always feel that I have forgotten something.

Just as he was thinking about it and he was about to have a clue, a succubus came to the execution room, and fell heavily on the ground with a wave of a plastic dish.

An experienced person who was caught immediately curled up and trembling body, heartbeat and breathing became extremely disturbed, like a frightened quail.

Then he was pulled away and washed clean, using the jasmine-flavored soap he just pulled yesterday.

It's just that after he was washed clean, he was caught in a blanket, and the two succubuses carried them away.

The meat in the meat rolls looks dumbfounded, what kind of development is this?

It didn't take long for the yue meat rolls to be taken to a place full of incense, and then shaken away in the air, the whole yue fell onto the thick carpet, spinning a few times.

Through the effort of rolling a few times, he can see the surrounding situation clearly.

There are many statues standing next to the white stone wall of the bathroom, all of them are strong men, of all races, and there is even a young local demon race whose eyebrows are a bit similar to Mato.

In the middle of the bathroom is a golden bath above the ground, which can be used by five or six people at the same time.

There is a lotus-like thing on the top of the bath, silver, which looks like a shower.

A few succubus maids in light gauze stood beside the bath. They were holding trays with bath towels, crystal soap, Perfume and the like.

You lay motionless on the ground, looking terrified, but he became wary in his heart.

The succubus has many methods, so you can't guard against it.

The most dangerous thing is the kiss of the succubus. The seemingly sweet kiss can absorb the life force of the opponent.

They can also read the thoughts in the other’s mind, become the other’s favorite type of female, and launch a fatal blow when the other side relaxes their vigilance.

Queen Maria once played such a prank with Charles. She took advantage of Charles herself when she was in the office, trying to become someone’s favorite person, but she turned into Wen. Leisa Windrunner, Tyrande, Garona, Ysera, and Alexstrasza.

At the moment the bathroom door opened, the familiar feeling reappeared in Charles' head. A voice that reached the soul asked him which woman he loved the most, and then a silhouette appeared in his mind.

"Is your brain sick?!"

"Judy Hops" kicked Charles on the top of the head.

Charles raised his head and saw a furry bunny girl without clothes standing there with laughed face.

Then this charm Demon Transformation returned to its normal appearance, a big elder sister with a fiery figure.

If the information provided by Mato is correct, the succubus who seems to have just grown up is patriarch Molu, who has been in office for less than a year from the succubus family.

Morlu stood next to Charles, stretched out her foot to poke his face with her toes, and kept poking in his chest muscles.

"It looks good."

As she said, she stood on Charles' chest and continued to poke her abdominal muscles and Xiaoyu with her toes.

"Do you know why you were put in jail?" Mo Lu asked while poking.

Charles replied calmly: "The prime minister... the Old Guy of Matuo is going to die."

Molu walked down Charles' body, moved towards the golden bath, and said at the same time "It seems that you are very smart. Do you know what you should do next?"

Charles replied immediately: "Soap, tooth powder, Perfume, skin lotion and scar removal water are in the mountain range of death It’s produced by a tribe in, and my family was kind to them, so they sold these things to us."

"If you are interested, Duke, we can cooperate, and the profit will be divided into half."


The mountain range of death is a dangerous place in the demon race site, where gravity is extremely chaotic, and Kojimafei cannot fly above. There are many fierce devil beasts and some extremely sturdy tribes living in it.

Mollu didn’t care about the origin of those commodities. She stood in the middle of the golden bath and said in an unquestionable tone: "You have four for the profit, and I have six."

After she finished speaking, the shower on the top of the bathtub spewed bright red liquid, and the whole bathroom was suddenly filled with the smell of blood and some medicine.

In a moment, Mo Lu's body, wings and tails behind him, and the original silver white hair were all covered with blood, and the whole figure seemed to be fished out of a pool of blood.

Charles just wanted to bargain, but she glared at her bloody red light eyes, and immediately said: "I agree with your plan."

Molo did not answer, just The guard beside moved towards made a gesture, then closed his eyes and raised his head to enjoy the blood sprinkled from above.

The succubus who was carrying Yanrouju carried it away again, but instead of carrying it back to the prison this time, it carried it into a bedroom.

In this bedroom, there are lit candles with added ingredients, and all around is full of the smell of accelerating the heartbeat.

The bed in the bedroom is very large and the mattress is very flexible.

Charles has realized what will happen next, not to mention that the four profits can not be kept, I am afraid that his power will also be sucked away, and finally become a slave for the succubus to drive arbitrarily.

Sure enough, after about an hour, Mo Lu came to the bedroom, dressed in rose scent.

She didn't talk nonsense, she woke up the sleeping Xiu and looked directly at Xiu with those golden eyes.

Charles felt a gentle voice in his mind, asking himself to follow any instructions from the owner of these golden eyes.

His eyes gradually blurred, but soon became a little more determined.

Mollu gave him a bit of comfort and stimulation, and his eyes instantly lost his body irretrievably.

Seeing that the prey had completely lost the ability to resist, Molu licked her lips, red light appeared in her eyes, and then it was time to taste.

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