Since coming to this planet, Charles has encountered something that he wanted to complain about.

There is no powerful regime or religious organization that promotes a unified calendar, so the years of each country are different. Fortunately, the months are determined by the vernal equinox, summer solstice, autumn equinox and winter solstice, otherwise it will be completely messed up.

Now Yongri dukedom is about to establish a nation, so they set this year as Yongyen year according to local traditions.

Here, the legal system is very important to a regime, and it can determine whether the regime can be widely recognized.

Yongri dukedom’s legal system comes from the restoration of the land occupied by the demon race. Therefore, the National People’s Congress unanimously approved the day before the founding of the country as the national memorial day. The memorial to this land is to resist the demon. race warrior of various races sacrificed by aggression.

On March 14th, Yongri dukedom's First Stage ceremony was held at the warrior cemetery on the hill east of Trenburg.

At about 9 am, the people who participated in the ceremony gathered on the square in front of the cemetery gate and began to enter the cemetery.

The leader is Charles Yongri, and next to him is the Prime Minister of Dukedom Yongri and Crown Prince Alexei.

Beside the two of them, less than half of their body are the kings of the Boi Kingdom and the Samo Kingdom, the Mora Kingdom, the Via Kingdom, the Dukedom and the others. The kings of the country include James the Dwarf King, Knut the Spirit King, and the Demon King Maria, Miksir and Bleda on the other three continents.

In the second phalanx, they are the plenipotentiary special envoys of some countries, as well as the dwarf ambassador LeBlanc, the Spirit Race ambassador Maya and other countries' envoys to the dukedom of Yongri, as well as the special envoy for the forging temple Isaiah, Spirit King, head of the court mission, Makaier and the others.

The third phalanx is the military personnel. Yongri dukedom has purple cabbage and Lyoksington. The Alliance Army sent a delegation composed of Marshal Carlisle, General Darxiu, and the others. There are military representatives from many countries and dwarves, Spirit Race, and the three Demon King countries.

The fourth square is represented by celebrities such as Yimin Academy Principal Duff, Great Family and Great Chamber of Commerce. Kellner, who once helped Charles auction mythril, is among them.

The many people of the fifth phalanx, they are the families of soldiers who sacrificed when the Trenberg area fell ten years ago. Reshee and Danya are walking among them, Reshee’s uncle and aunt Also in the crowd.

Many of them simply don't have enough money to support them in coming to pay homage to their loved ones. It was Charles who gave out a sum of money to entrust King Summer and the Alliance army to bring them.

Among the crowd, a sixteen-year-old boy is holding a puppet soldier tightly in his hand. He is carrying a sack bag behind him, followed by Logue, Skadi and Skadi. Behind him.

The sixth square is the first batch of citizens of Yongri dukedom, as well as ordinary persons such as small businessmen from all over.

On both sides of the broad marble avenue and steps of the cemetery, there are rows of bronze statues of unknown warrior.

These 30-meter-high warriors are wearing armors and holding weapons. The cloak behind them seems to be floating in the wind. They are looking sideways and solemnly at the slowly moving crowd, their lower body gradually Broken, and finally turned into a group of eagles flying in the sky.

Everyone went up the steps and came to the square in front of the Monument to the Unknown Hero.

The monument to the unknown hero and the base are carved from a single piece of marble. On a two-meter-high, 15-meter-long square stepped base, it is 10 meters long and 3 meters high. The base of the square monument. The monument on the base is about 50 meters high and has a hexagonal prism. On the top of the monument stands a golden statue.

This golden statue is a warrior in broken armor. She holds a sword in one hand, and a half-mutilated Union flag in the other. She looks resolutely at the direction of the rising sun.

According to the confession of the Demon King army officer who was captured after the war, before the fall of Trenburg, a female warrior waved a burnt Union flag at the top of the castle to boost morale.

The Tilby House, who was responsible for the construction of this cemetery, spent a lot of time asking many prisoners who had seen this scene with their own eyes, and then built a golden statue for the unknown hero.

At the same time, he also asked about the process and details of many battles, and finally selected four of the most representative battles to be carved on the four sides of the base of the monument.

Around the solemn square of the Monument to the Unknown Heroes, the national flag of Yongri dukedom with the red background and the golden sun flag and the Union Army's blue background with the golden eagle battle flag are flying high in the sun.

The trumpeter of the newly formed Yongri dukedom People’s Army Military Band blew the loud "Warrior Tomb". In the sound of music, everyone was guided by the military police to maintain order to their respective positions.

At the same time, the honor guard of the People's Army is taking a sonorous step and is walking into the monument and standing with a gun.

At 9 o'clock, the ceremony officially began. The military band played the Yongri dukedom national anthem "Sunshine Banner".

After the national anthem was played, the audience stood in silent tribute to the martyrs who had sacrificed their lives for the fight against the aggression of the demon race.

After the silent tribute, in the local music commemorating the lost relatives and friends, wreaths representing various countries, coalition forces, relatives of martyrs, groups, families, and people from all walks of life lined up in front of all sides.

In local legends, wreaths are rewards for victors and brave ones. After the deceased wears the wreath, the god with big head and long ears will send messengers to take his soul to eternity. paradise.

The military band played the affectionate "Flower Offerings". Representatives of various countries and groups and soldiers lifted the wreath steadily and slowly walked towards the monument to the unknown hero and placed it on the pedestal of the monument.

Charles, kings of various countries, envoys of various countries, and generals of the Union army slowly stepped onto the base of the monument and stopped to stare in front of the wreath.

After that, they walked around slowly, paying respects to the monument to the unknown hero.

With the music of the military band, the ceremony ended here.

Charles took the guests to the memorial hall on the side of the Monument Square, where the relics of martyrs such as weapons and equipment recently found from various places are displayed, as well as oil paintings and paintings reflecting the war ten years ago. sculpture.

The families of the sacrificed soldiers walked through the square to the tomb area behind the monument.

The remains found last year are buried here. Because the identity cannot be identified, the tombs here have no tombstones, but each tomb has a marble statue.

Tilby House restored the height, body shape and appearance of each of them based on the characteristics of each remains, and carved them into stone statues standing in front of the tomb.

The family members shuttled between more than 70,000 statues, looking for their relatives.

Reshee, Danya and Maya are also looking for Reshee’s grandfather and Danya’s father and elder brother.

"Here, Rescheier, here!"

The girl could hear the uncle's voice with joy and excitement.

She turned her head and saw her uncle pointed to the statue in front of her, then turned and left with her aunt.

Rescheet walked over, and the statue in front of her made her a little dazed.

Because Tilby House can't infer what a person looks like after aging, some older people look much younger.

The appearance of the statue that Rescheer saw was quite young, and it looked a lot like Father and Uncle.

She recalled the oil paintings in her previous home, and finally confirmed that this was her grandfather.

Not far away, the young man holding the puppet soldier came to a statue according to its number, and after looking at it carefully for a moment, he hugged and howled and burst into tears.

After he finished crying, he took out a golden shield from the sack bag behind him and placed it in front of the statue. He wiped his tears to tell his father that he was promising, he became a hero, and he found very difficult to deal with The teachers.

Similar things are constantly happening here.

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