"My clan would like the whole family to be loyal to Lord Hero..."

The Grand Duke of the Jackal knelt down on one knee and bowed his head to declare allegiance to Nedvid.

The opponent is hero, and there are three more terrifying women around. If you can't beat them, join them.

For the Jackal, surrendering in order to save his life is not a big deal. The Jackal quickly surrendered when it was restored here.

Nedved lowered his long sword, and his left hand with the shield also relaxed, and walked slowly in front of the Grand Duke of the Jackal.

"Are you true?" he asked.

"It's true!" The Grand Duke of the Jackal threw all the weapons such as daggers and daggers in front of Nedved.

Nedved looks sighed in relief, and the long sword in his hand has also dissipated, leaving only the metal part of the sword.

Then he raised his sword and pointed at the red moon in the sky and said, "You swear to the moon."

Here, if anyone wants to swear, they will find something solid to testify, The common ones are mountains and rivers, as well as the sun, moon and stars in the sky.

Taking the moon as a testimony is undoubtedly extremely binding-from a legal point of view.

The Grand Duke of Jackal immediately turned around and moved towards the red moon one-knee kneels in the night sky, and said sincerely: "On behalf of the whole family, I will be loyal to Lord Hero and be loyal to him under the witness of Red Moon. ......"

Nedved's body was lit up with a few rays of light, but they were all blocked by the clothes and no one could see it.

At a time, his strength and agility increased several times, and the long sword in his hand slashed at the neck of the grandduke of the jackal with lightning speed.

When death came, Grand Duke Jackal tried to roll aside, but the faster and faster long sword cut open his carotid artery.

"Stupid stuff, you are loyal to me, can my father be resurrected?"

This is the last word the Jackal Duke heard in his life.

"Go!" The Logue on the side inserted his body back into the scabbard, "Go back for supper."

When the battle was over on their side, the other The battle is also coming to an end.

The succubus relies on the illusion shape to lure the enemy in the war, and then sneaks into the enemy camp to obtain intelligence or assassination and destruction. They are not good at direct combat.

Mollu took a dozen of his subordinates wearing the usual travel cloaks on the human side, and pulled a few small cars to the outside of Piran Port.

"Stop!" The sentry at the outpost on the road said in a deep voice, "What do you do?"

This sentry is very simple, just a small wood house, hanging under the eaves With a lamp and a wooden pole blocking the road, there was only one young handsome man in thick clothes and a leather hat standing guard.

Immediately, a succubus who turned into a big elder sister stepped forward and said nervously: "We are a performer... I want to come here to ask for a living, but I got lost on the way, and I just arrived now."

The sentry pointed at her again and said: "I think you are spies..."

"Master..." The elder sister of the succubus cried out, her body still He posted to the sentry, "How can we use weak women as spies!"

The sentry took two steps back, then pointed her sword at her and said, "Since you said you are a trader, Then take off your clothes and do ten backflips. The spies who can't do it are definitely the spies!"

This time the succubus understands that this sentry will take advantage of everyone.

So the elder sister of the succubus who stepped forward to negotiate said with a smile: "Master, it's not good to undress in this cold weather. I will go to the house to warm up with you... Yeah... Uh..."

She didn't finish, when the sentry suddenly reached out and pinched fiercely on her "left slime" a few times, and it was still very comfortable.

"Okay," the sentinel said after inspecting the opponent's two "slime", "you are done checking, you can pass."

Then the sentry walked to the convoy and started one by one. Check the bodies of these "female artists".

Mo Lu's face is not very good, what kind of identity is she, even if she is touched by such a person?

But this sentry cannot be killed. Their plan is to perform on the street and then they are invited to the house by Lord Yongri because of the high quality of the staff and their superior skills. At that time, they will have the opportunity to take his head on the bed. .

If something happens to this sentry, the teams passing by will be listed as suspects, and there will be no way to proceed.

At this time, the sentinel immediately hugged the succubus not far from her, and checked the succubus with two hands, and the succubus was flushed and panting.

Seeing that most of the succubus had been "checked", and the next one was about to come to him, Mo Lu decided to change the position while the other party was not paying attention.

"Don't go!" The sentry's hand suddenly grabbed Mo Lu's neck, "The Grand Duke is here, why should I leave before enjoying the reception?"

Molo Instantly knowing that she was exposed, she immediately burst out of the wings behind her, and took the opponent's hand to fly into the sky.

According to past experience, flightless species will lose one's head out of fear when they are suddenly brought into the air. When the time comes, they can get away and fall to death by the way.

However, Mo Lu suddenly discovered that the wings behind the other party were bigger than his own!

"hahahaha!" Maria Demon King changed back to her original appearance, "Little Sister, elder sister, play with you for a while."

tone barely fell, she pinched Mo Lu's neck flew up for a certain distance, and then dived down, using the speed to smash the succubus grandpa fiercely on the small wood house at the sentry post.

The other succubus on the ground tried to help, but the succubus who had been "checked" suddenly found that his body suddenly became strange, and the aftermath of the "check" suddenly increased , The whole body fell soft and fell to the ground instantly.

The body can still move. After being hit by a few pieces of wood from the wreckage of the wood house, it looks pale with pain, cold sweats, and some even fainted.

Mo Lu was fainted by the pain as early as the moment she was smashed into the wood house. Like other succubus, her body's sensation has been magnified by many times, and she can withstand it normally. The damage instantly surpassed the critical point that the body can withstand.

Maria Demon King sneered. She didn’t let Molu use the evil method to absorb the energy of other succubus. It’s what hero should do to deal with the second-stage transformed enemy. She is Demon. King.

She didn't put away the area that made the enemy's body weird, she just dragged away with Mo Lu's wing roots.

After walking a section of the road, Maria Demon King smelled a strong bloody smell in the air. Under the bright street lights, countless corpses scattered on the road and green belt. .

Under the street lamp, the blood-covered Demon King wiped the golden long sword in his hand with a cloth.

Maria Demon King yelled to him: "Mixier Old Brother, are you done there?"

Mixier Demon King turned around Come, seriously say to Maria's Demon King: "The Demon King's abilities have limits. The more the Demon King works in strategy, the more the strategy will fail because of unexpected things, unless it becomes an existence beyond the Demon King. "

Maria Demon King turned her head to the side and asked suspiciously: "What on earth are you trying to say, Miksir Demon King Your Majesty?"

Miksiel Demon King raised the sword of the hero in his hand and said, "I'm not going to be a Demon King and I'm going to be a hero, Maria Demon King!"

Maria Demon King shook her head and said, "Old Brother , You are not young anymore. It’s time to marry a queen and live a safe life."

"Someday let Charles take you to my place. I have some relatives who are right in line with you. There is a kitchen under the hall, when the time comes, I will tell you about it."

"many thanks for your kindness." Miksir Demon King said, "what I lost will come back by myself!"

Now Maria Demon King doesn't know what his words mean, and only later learned that he has done incredible things.

On the way back to the Unity Palace together, Maria Demon King curiously asked about the hero sword.

Miksir Demon King said with a puzzled look: "It's really strange, how could this sword choose me?" At this moment, a voice beside them said: "Hero treasure will probe the heart of the holder, no matter who it is, as long as it meets the standards, it will recognize the Master."

hero uncle followed from behind and said: "Sorry, I just passed by. I heard your conversation."

Maria Demon King asked him curiously: "Uncle, which one are you going to pack?"

"No." hero uncle shook the head, "I heard that Bleda is facing a terrible enemy, so come and have a look."

Miksir Demon King left late, he knew the situation, and said: "Blly Brother Da is dealing with vampire. Those guys are just a little weird. As long as they don’t greedy merits, they’ll be fine."

hero uncle said with some worry: "Brida is impatient and might suffer."

Miksir Demon King patted him on the shoulder and said: "Don't worry, youngster, you can change it after a few losses."

"Since you are not at ease, Let's go over and take a look."

So, two Demon Kings and a hero hide in the dark to observe the young Demon King vs. vampire in secret.

The battle here is also coming to an end. There is a corpse lying on the ground, and the two sabers in Breda's hand are flying continuously, cutting the blood-red bats around them into elemental light spots. .

"Yes!" Miksil Demon King exclaimed, "Those who were hacked were basically killed by a single blow, there is no extra."

hero uncle is a little proud Said: "The time when we went on horseback and charged for a short time, so we pay attention to cutting down the enemy with a knife."

"He is still a bit tender. His own father's Blade Technique is beautiful. During the battle, there was no way to tell whether the knife was a feint or an attack that I didn’t know."

"I faced his biological father when Bleda was so old and was not cut. After fighting back, I jumped into the river and escaped."

"Unfortunately, such a powerful Demon King was killed by a poisonous snake."

The two Demon Kings next to him heard it. Sigh together.

At this time, some changes occurred on the battlefield. Breda Demon King suddenly broke through the defense line composed of the few remaining vampire family members, and cut them down while breathing.

At this moment, there are two vampires in dark red cloaks left in front of him.

One of the two vampires drew out the stabbing sword to fight with the Demon King of Breda, and at the same time shouted to the vampire beside him: "elder sister, go!"

vampire elder sister hesitated For a moment, she did not leave, but continued to wave her magic wand moved towards the enemy and cast a blood bat.

Brada Demon King’s saber in his left hand slashed at the stabbing sword aimed at his throat with lightning, and his right hand saber swung a hurricane towards the flying blood bat and vampire.

"Ah!" ×2

The vampire younger brother was defended by a magic lightning breakthrough and fell to the ground.

The vampire elder sister was blown upside down by the hurricane and rolled twice.

"Huh?" Miksir's Demon King frowned, "These two magics are weird."

Just now, the Demon King used compression for the first time in battle. The formidable power of the latter elemental magic is much larger than normal magic.

At this time, the battlefield entered a strange silence.

The vampire younger brother who was convulsed by electricity on the ground, not to mention, his elder sister cloak was blown up, and a quiet-looking elder sister appeared in front of the Demon King of Breda.

Brada's Demon King stared at her blankly, the saber in his hand wanted to move but did not raise.

Maria Demon King smiled and patted the shoulder of the hero uncle , Said: "The child has reached this age."

When Breda Demon King tied up the two prisoners, a few dark shadows shuttled through the gloomy streets of Piran Port.

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