The sand on the beach south of Piran Port is of excellent quality. It is made of high-grade quartz sand. Under the sunlight, the white and delicate beach will glow with silver light. .

The sandy beach south of the Unity Palace is closed by Formation, and only qualified people can enter.

The overwhelming majority who come here are all girls on vacation in the navy. Everyday all there are many girls swimming, surfing, basking in the sun or doing various recreational activities, such as burying a lily in the beach. Only the heads were exposed, and then the girls lined up blindfolded and walked over ten meters away with wooden knives to see if they could cut the fruit on Xiong's head in half.

"Hey!" Someone wanted to run away, "Skarty, don't use your big sword!"

The blindfolded Skadi seriously replied: "The wooden knife doesn't feel."

More than ten minutes later, Charles took two glasses of juice bought from the girl at the stall, came under a parasol, and put the juice on a small table. Then sit on the recliner next to him.

Charles promised a big meal urgently just now, and was not chopped up by Skadi.

This is the second day he returned from Hogwarts world. He still has a few days of vacation, but there will be a similar task the day after tomorrow.

Skati took a sip of juice, glanced at Charles, and said, "I feel your temperament is different from the day before yesterday."

Charles looked at the beach not far away. The girls who were playing volleyball on the board calmly replied: "I took a break, and I'm not so tired."

Skati said: "You can see, and your hair has grown more. "

Charles is just laughed, it would be terrible if his hair continued to fall.

He took a sip of the juice, then turned his head and asked Skadi: "Are you lonely here?"

Skadi stared at this guy for half a minute and asked : "Why, do you want to soak me?"

Charles froze for a moment, and looked at the girl carefully.

Today, Skadi wore a split swimsuit inside, and only a wide white T-shirt that was almost knee-length outside. When lying on the recliner, her round and beautiful legs were revealed.

"In terms of your body, you are indeed my food." Charles said seriously, "but I am not the one who sees a beautiful girl and is going to go."

Skati He glanced sideways, his eyes filled with disbelief, and at the same time he touched the big sword on the ground beside the recliner with one hand.

Charles remain unmoved, he continued: "I saw that you only chat with Skadi. She went to the north. I thought you would follow."

Katie looked towards the sea ahead, and lightly said: "I like places with sea."

Charles also looked towards the sea and asked her: "You miss home, and your relatives."

The girls playing volleyball in the distance played back and forth several times, but the girl next to them did not answer.

Charles turned his head and found that Skadi was holding his head in his hands, his body trembling unceasingly. The blood vessels on his body were protruding one by one, his breathing became heavier and heavier, and his T-shirt was wetted with cold sweat. .

Faced with the unexpected situation, Charles hurriedly moved towards her and opened a powerful divine light ring.

But it didn't work. Not only did Skadi's situation not get better, he started to emit a strange energy.

Charles heart startled, hurriedly opened the soul horizon, and found that her soul was changing.

"Urgent call!"

the past few days Liaoksington, they have all returned to Cam Ranh Bay. There are no gods in Piran Port. Charles can only call psychics urgently. Dream.

Reimu saw the inspection result sent by Charles and immediately sent a projection over.

"Madan!" Reimu’s projection fiercely shouted, "This is actually the case!"

When the red moon climbed into the sky, Skadi slowly Opened his eyes.

She found herself lying on the bed in her bedroom, wearing a pajama.

Then she saw Charles' face.

"Are you awake?" Charles asked caringly, "Is there anything else uncomfortable?"

Skati shook the head sat up and leaned against the bed and said: "I feel better."

Charles sighed in relief, turned around and took a glass of warm water from the table to her, and said as she drank the water, "Sorry, I mentioned your taboo."

Skati returned the empty glass to him and said, "It's none of your business, it's my problem."

Charles took the glass and asked her: "Your stomach Are you hungry? I just cooked some porridge. If you are hungry, you can eat some."

Skati did not speak, but the voice of "gu lu lu" in her stomach proved that she was indeed hungry.

Charles went to the kitchen and scooped up half a bowl of fish porridge. When he came out, he found Skadi walking out of the bedroom and sitting at the table in the dining room.

Charles knows what she means, a male and a female together alone is not very plausible in the bedroom.

While she was eating porridge, Charles sat next to him and said, “Your problem is a bit serious. Your soul was polluted in the past. Although it has been suppressed in recent years, it’s the same today. The pollution suddenly intensified."

"This kind of pollution is irreversible. We can only forcibly isolate your polluted and untainted soul."

"It's just that kind of pollution. It’s very strange that it may not be considered pollution at all. It seems to be an original part of your soul, or another personality of you."

"So we set up a small function for you to let you You can actively switch between the two states, but memory and the like are shared. The specific operation depends on you."

"Now your soul and body are very weak, and you need to rest for a long time. To fully recover."

Today, Reimu projection said at the end of the treatment that this girl is likely to have a dual personality, but the soul difference between the two personalities is a bit big. Looking at her from the current situation It's unsure whether this is born or acquired, but it can only be certain that the soul of one of the personalities is very corrosive.

Skati listened quietly while eating the porridge, and after Charles finished speaking, he whispered "thank you" as if he didn't care about it.

Charles continued: "Actually, I want to tell you during the day that I can take you home."

When Skadi heard it, he lifts the head violently. Come looked towards Charles.

Charles said: "Suddenly there are many gaps in this world that lead to other worlds. You accidentally came from such gaps."

"I was not in Piran yesterday. Hong Kong, actually went to another world to repair the gap. Don’t look at me disappearing for only one day here, I spent eighteen years there."

"In the next time, I will continue to repair these gaps, and I will go to another world the day after tomorrow. When the gap in your world is repaired, I can take you back by the way."

"I don't believe it." Skadi said, shaking his head. "Are you a god?"

"Do you want to use this excuse to..."

Charles can only say to this vigilant girl: "I am not a god , But I am very familiar with the deities. Today I called a deity that I know to help heal you. At the same time, I am still working for another deity. Repairing the gaps in the world is part of the job."

Scarty thought for a while and said, "Then you will take me next time and let me see."

Charles said: "This is not impossible, but, although in this world It will disappear one day, but how many years will be spent in the opposite world is uncertain. It may be a month, or it may be several decades. The only certainty is that it will not age when it is opposite."

However, Skadi still feels that this guy is deliberately drawing a pie, and he must see is believable.

Charles couldn't help but promised her to take her to see next time.

As a result, as soon as the two of them appeared in the world, they fell into the water with "pu Tong" twice.

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