Charles looked at the hooligans, and saw that their clothes were a little shabby, they were too thin, and the daggers around their waists looked a little different.

"Sit down and eat a bun first."

Charles pointed to the table, then went to the kitchen and brought them a drawer of buns and a few glasses of water.

These steamed buns were just taken out of the steamer, and they were quite hot, but those hooligans were stuffed into their mouths without saying anything, and they were gobbled up.

There was a hooligan who thought he was a one-eyed hooligan who was sweating on his head, so he tore off his blindfold to show his intact eyes, wiped his sweat and continued to eat.

Charles can see shook the head.

When he bought this tavern, he inquired clearly. The gangs here collect protection fees once a month.

The money is not too much, but if you don't give it, they will make trouble.

There are more than fifty people in the octopus party that manages the surrounding streets. They are all civilians who come here with the dream of getting rich.

The Port of Hope does not bring hope to everyone. Many civilians went bankrupt to make up for the boat fare and live a life that is worse than before.

There are no shortage of shopkeepers, clerks, and potion masters among those who work in the port. People who used to live a good life in their hometown.

Some of them couldn't stand that kind of life, so they simply joined the gang.

It’s just that the life of the gangs is not easy. A large part of the protection fees they collect is for officials at all levels in Hong Kong.

In the past, these hooligans had already gone to seabed to feed the fish, but now Charles' mentality has changed a bit, these people can still be rescued.

When these hooligans have finished eating, Charles said calmly: "If you don't want to be torn in half like sea monsters, ask that smelly octopus to come and talk to me."

The hooligan who had just eaten froze for a moment. They thought that the Boss just asked to eat by himself was a bit soft, and they didn't want to suddenly cause trouble.

Charles didn't talk nonsense with them, and with a wave of his hand, the invisible force threw these guys on the road outside the door, rolling down a few times and he was covered with rubbish.

At this time, Skatie walked downstairs and asked: "Should I help?"

Charles shook the head and said: "You are busy with your business Okay, I'll take care of these."

Skati didn't say anything anymore, took some money from the money locker, and then went to the fishing port and vegetable market to buy goods.

Not long afterwards, more than 30 hooligans walked into the Red Orca Tavern, surrounded by a gangster with an octopus tattooed on his chest.

The surrounding neighborhoods startedled, and someone immediately went to notify Skadi who had just left.

As a result, as soon as these people entered, the door of the tavern closed by themselves.

Someone with something good put their ears against the crack in the door, but there was no sound from inside.

After more than an hour, the door of the tavern opened, and the gangsters helped each other with bloody nose and swollen face and ran out.

What happened next left the bosses on the street stunned.

Before noon, those octopus party members who still had bloody nose and swollen face limped with various tools and started to clean the street.

All the rubbish on the ground was shoveled away, the ditch half blocked by silt on the roadside was cleaned up, and finally a waterwheel came to sprinkle water, and someone used a broom to clean the dust on the stone pavement.

The most surprising thing is that these guys put a lot of big wooden buckets on the side of the road, and there was a sign next to it saying that trash must be thrown into the wooden buckets. .

This group of people did what they said. In the afternoon, the people in a restaurant peeled the beans and dumped the pods on the street as usual. As a result, these gangsters entered the store. Li couldn't help but beat people into pigs.

At the end of the evening when the port was off work, the hooligan, who pretended to be one-eyed, held a wooden loudspeaker there to announce the latest sanitation policy on the street.

After a few days, the sanitation conditions in the blocks of the Octopus Gang were much better. The shops in the next street found that there were a lot more customers, so there was no contradiction to the increase in protection fees.

The boss of the octopus helped to calculate an account. Although the cost of removing the garbage in the trash can was extra every day, the overall income still increased, so he decided to put the starfish and sponge next month The few streets I helped beat down.

Charles didn't bother to care about how they expanded. Now the front and back of the tavern are clean, without flies, mosquitoes and bugs flying around, the protection fee is considered as a sanitation fee.

This morning, Charles was working on his accounts to see how much money he made this month.

Although he still brought a lot of gold, he didn't use it except to buy this tavern.

"Our business is good." Charles said to Skadi with the ledger, "I made three gold coins and a dozen Silver Coins in one month, and the coppers are not counted."

Skatie was turning over a stack of lists, and said without looking up: "If you didn't make so much money, then there is a problem."

Charles put the profit Divide them into three evenly, and leave one for the store, and one for each of them.

After dividing the money, he said: "How about we go shopping today, I haven't officially been shopping since we have been here for so long."

Skati lifts the head Come and ask him: "Is this a date?"

Charles replied: "You can take it as a business investigation."

Skati put down the stack of paper in his hand , Said: "Then go roam around, I just want to buy something."

So Charles and her closed the doors and windows, "This is facing the enemy", hung a "Take a rest today" outside the door. Left after the sign.

The Commerce District is not far from the Red Killer Whale Tavern. Many commodities from the old continent are shipped here for sale after they disembark, and then merchants purchase products from the Ten Thousand Islands and ship them back here.

In addition, the shop myriad here has galleries and divination shops.

When the two came out of a gallery, Charles couldn't help shaking his head, and said to Skadi: "I knew that the oil painting technique here is so bad, I will open a gallery, easy and make money."


"The perspective, light and shadow, color and other techniques here, and even the paint, are still very backward. I can hang them with one hand."

"Then you can also open a gallery. "Skati said to him, "I think you are impossible to open a tavern for so many years."

Charles thought about it seriously, and then asked her: "You have to stay here for many years, too. Don’t blame me?"

"How come?" Skadi shook his head and said, "I have been fighting non-stop before, and I felt a little tired after that incident, so I just relax and go back. There are more battles waiting for me."

Charles was sighed in relief and worried that she complained that she had taken her to this strange place for a long time.

"Go there and see." Skadi said, pointing to a divination shop.

Charles was also curious about the divination here, so he followed.

Half an hour later, Charles left with a helpless look. The shop was cheating. Lady Boss didn't have any fluctuations in magic power and law power during divination.

Skati was half a metre away from him, as if this guy was dyed with some kind of smell.

Charles said helplessly: "Please, why would I go to two sheep...oh...that kind of nonsense is unbelievable."

Skati got closer to him. , Straightened his hand and patted his back and said: "You are a normal man, sometimes... I can understand."

"Understand the size!" Charles moved towards her rolled the eyes .

Then they went to a ready-to-wear store. Because of its location in the tropics, there were a lot of ladies' skirts in the store.

Charles said to Skadi: "It’s so hot here. Buy a dozen skirts for a change."

Scarty said irritably, "Why do you buy so much? , You have a lot of money."

Charles nodded replied: "Yes."

Scarty ignored him and chose two simple skirts to pay for himself.

Then she went to an armor store and asked the store to customize a set of outfits for going out.

"Are you going to fight?" Charles asked suspiciously.

Skati nodded said: "I learned from the Adventurer's Guild that there are many huge sea monsters nearby, and I am going to destroy them."

Charles said worriedly: "It's dangerous to fight in the sea."

Scarty smiled triumphantly and said, "I'm a deep sea hunter!"

Charles smiled and shrugged, so let her go. .

The two went shopping for a long time and came to a restaurant near the harbour for dinner at noon.

This restaurant has three floors, and the flower-filled platform on the roof overlooks the port where ships enter and exit.

Charles ordered two seafood risotto. Because of the spices, the rice in the risotto was golden, and the rice was covered with shrimp, shellfish, squid rings and fish, perhaps with coconut juice. The risotto also exudes the aroma of coconut.

He also ordered a seafood platter, which contains clams, sea rainbow, razor clams, oysters, prawns and breaded crabs.

Apart from this juice is not less, and there is pineapple-flavored slime freeze, which is enough for them to pass the afternoon.

The two ate seafood and talked about some interesting things they had experienced.

About four o'clock in the afternoon, a row of sailing boats appeared on the sea, counting down to more than fifty.

Charles thought it was a few fleets who came into Hong Kong together, so he didn't care.

Just when he just picked up an oyster, there was a sudden rush of horns in the harbor.

The port is in chaos, the sailors, porters and the others moved towards the urban area, and the streets suddenly become chaotic.

Charles looked towards the sea, and the row of boats hung the skull flag at the same time.

"Hey...these pirates again."

An Old Mister sighed at the next table.

Charles turned his head and asked: "Old Mister, will these pirates come ashore?"

The Old Mister said: "You are new here, those pirates will not come ashore , They stopped there, they asked for a ransom and left, but there will be another pirate tax next month."

Charles instantly understood that these pirates would come to blackmail Freeport every three to five. Fan, and Freeport will share this money as a tax.

It’s just that he asked again: "Old Mister, but the pirate ships have not stopped and are coming to the port."

The Old Mister was taken aback, lifts the head looked Towards the surface of the sea, the pirate ships came over as Charles said.

So he left the crab in his hand and ran away without saying a word.

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