The Ten Thousand Islands Archipelago is not only a city in Port Hope, but large and small towns and villages are scattered on islands.

Since this time, the story of the "red killer whale couple" has been circulated from place to place through the chanting bard.

Sink more than 50 pirate ships, seize the door in times of crisis, work with a common purpose, delay the pirates, kill more than 20 notorious pirate leaders, and more than 100 pirate backbones who are notorious. , Fainted after the war, and when he woke up, he cleaned the pirate's lair more than 30 places despite his exhaustion...

People in many places at first did not believe this story, but for the next period of time Everyone never heard the news of the presence of pirates again, and those merchants from Hope Port put it in a clear-cut way, so they believed it.

And the two protagonists in the story, Charles is on the beach apologizing to Skadi.

"I'm really sorry." He said helplessly, "No matter what I say, it's useless. They always promote us as a couple."

He and Skadi The relationship is good. When Skadi and Skadi were drinking at Yimin Academy, he also participated from time to time. When someone was drunk, the two girls would drag him by one of his legs and drag him to the residence. *Once they passed by A tree is one from the left and the other from the right*. Sometimes the two girls are drunk and someone will send them back by teleportation.

Skadi and Logue served as Charles's bodyguards when and after the establishment of the Dukedom of Everlasting University. Someone does not need a bodyguard, so the two of them are paid not to work.

At the same time, Skadi used his authority to recruit Skadi on the grounds that her big sword was quite bluffing.

Charles doesn't care about this either. He sometimes needs an assistant when he goes around. The bodyguard, Skadi, can help.

Also, Skadi will use modern transportation. Charles sometimes sends her to some places as an "impressor."

It’s just that although the relationship between the two is good, it’s overwhelming to be passed on as a couple.

Skarty said indifferently: "It's okay, this saves some people from beating my mind."

After Charles returned from the pirate's lair in grief and indignation, Hope Port They invited them one after another at a banquet, and there were many people asking her for mating at the banquet, which bothered her.

Now that you can use this yin as a shield, you can avoid a lot of trouble.

She drew a circle on the beach with her toes, surrounded a small crab, and said at the same time: "Anyway, when the time comes, we will leave this world. What they say doesn’t matter to us. It’s."


The little crabs circled seem to feel that something terrifying is about to happen, regardless of whether there will be any obstacles that suddenly appear in front of you. Danger, use all your strength to turn over moved towards the sea and run.

"Do you want to do a fake show?"

Skati looked directly into Charles's eyes, like a beast staring at its prey.

Charles said: "Someone is looking for me."

After speaking, he slipped away.

Skati curled one's lip speechlessly. She didn't hate Charles, but she didn't like it. She was just curious about him.

Someone did come to see Charles, and a carriage drove into the manor just now.

Many years ago, a noble from the old continent took his family to travel here while avoiding domestic political struggles.

This big noble bought this big manor here. There is a mountain to the south, the vast sea to the north, and a large grassland between the mountain and the sea, which is about ten kilometers away from the Port of Hope. .

Only later his granddaughter was kidnapped by pirates. Although the granddaughter was released back after paying the ransom, she committed suicide a few days later.

So he used this large manor with a radius of three or four kilometers as a reward for exterminating the pirates.

There are many similar situations on the Ten Thousand Islands. After Charles killed more than 30 groups of pirates, the bounty was his. This manor is just the only real estate in it.

Skati walked back to the house with his shoes, washed his feet at the faucet outside the house, put on his shoes, walked into the house and came to the living room.

She saw that Charles' face was very dark, and several middle age persons were afraid to show up there now.

Charles rarely gets angry with ordinary person. Skadi walked to him curiously, and his face turned black when he saw the things on the coffee table.

"You said this is a portrait of the two of us?" Charles almost couldn't help but want to kill someone. "You want to sell this?"

"The one who bought it back Do you want to put them on the door?!"

This world has a custom of hanging things like body protection symbols and guardian symbols at the door to ward off evil spirits. Charles doesn't care about becoming a door god, but you If you point to this poker face and say that he is someone, he must go crazy.

Skati was also speechless. The red on his portrait could barely be seen as a skirt, but that face looked like the male colleague who kept a bird in the company before.

"Forget it, don't blame you."

Charles sat on the sofa and sighed.

Painting door gods is a matter of skill, and the painting skills in this line are not very good. If they could draw vividly, they would have quit a long time ago.

Charles thought for a moment, and said to the few people: "You will come back in three days."

The guest left, and Skadi asked him: "Why, angry?"

Charles pouted and said: "They painted you ugly, that face looks like a friend of mine, can you not be angry?"

Skati asked curiously Said: "Men or women?"

"Men!" Charles replied, "I was a younger sister who almost fell off the cliff for the younger sister. Fortunately, I caught his tail in time. "

If Skadi keeps asking, Charles will not be chased down a few hills.

Skati took a look at the two horrible paintings, and then asked him: "You let them come in three days, do you want to teach them to paint?"

She still remembers that Charles once complained about the poor drawing skills of this world.

Charles laughed mysteriously, then got up and went to the studio. Skadi followed curiously.

This time Charles will be tossing about engraving.

There is already paper here, but it's not close to the advent of printing. The key is that the ink is not good.

After extinguishing the pirates, Charles didn't have the thought of opening a shop again. At that time, only the cylinder water pump in the well was still working in the entire tavern, and the repairer in the cellar was fine.

For a while, he was studying the pigments of oil paintings, and by the way, he tossed out the inks for printing.

It is the old saying, how can we not develop productivity if we have gone through it, so he started with the ink of printing.

This time those who sell paintings want to sell their portraits, Charles intends to use this as an opportunity to give this world a hint and help to see if they can take that step by themselves.

The three main steps of engraving printing are painting, engraving and printing.

Charles first drew a portrait of the two of them. In order to make the printing simple, he adopted a simple and fluent style of painting with not so many colors.

He is not very familiar with this style of painting, and he has only seen it in the works of Tilby House.

The carving is simple. With his teleportation technique, several sets of carvings were made in one day.

3rd day, Charles printed out a few drawings of the door goddess.

He is standing on the left with someone standing on the left, holding the golden magic wand with white blade in his right hand, wearing a golden plate armor.

Skati stood on the right, as she wanted, she was wearing a red dress, holding a black magic wand in her left hand, and a dark cyan pointed hat on her head.

"Hmm..." Skadi looked at his portrait for a long time, "Not bad, I can see it is me."

Charles raised his brows and asked: "Would you like me to paint a few portraits for you so that your true character can be passed down in the world?"

Skati glared at him and fiercely asked: "Do you want to paint something like that? Paintings of clothes?"

Charles shook his head and said: "Don't think that kind of painting is easy to draw. I can't paint anyway. Painting clothes is much simpler than painting skin."

"All right," Skadi said.

Charles didn’t pay much attention to the engraving. He gave a few sets of engravings to the sellers, and gave them the printing process and ink formula. Finally, after a few demonstrations, it was over. NS.

If those people's brains are not bright, he can't do anything. Anyway, what is lost is this world.

He thinks that there must be smart people on a planet who can discover the mysteries.

The second day after finishing this matter, Skadi left the manor on an anti-gravity motorcycle.

She still remembers the huge sea monsters in the surrounding seas. Now the pirates have temporarily died down, and these sea monsters are the most threatening to ships.

Charles rode an ice Phoenix to follow, fascinatingly called taking the material.

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