The prayer information processing system is not very expensive, there is no down payment, only a few points of the "sales" are needed, and the relevant parts of the system will automatically transfer money, and there is no need to call greetings.

The big-headed rabbit disappeared after the delivery. Charles followed the instructions in the consciousness space and finally understood what was going on.

This world has the same energy system as the opposite. The bottom system of the world may also come from the hands of the god, but there are no gods and their various systems to manage this world.

Therefore, the "gods" and religions of this world are the anesthesia and control created by the exploiting class relying on the laborers because of the fear and despair of the enormous suffering caused by the exploitation system, and the mystery of natural phenomena. The spiritual tool of the masses.

Those people worship Charles and Skadi’s "door gods" mainly for peace of mind to numb their fear of possible risks. It would be better if they could "appear". Just leave it out.

From the actual effect, there is no difference between worshiping them and worshiping the stone statues.

At this time, the problem arises. These people also produce Power of Faith when they worship "God", but because there is no "Receiving God", these powers are lost, and very few of them are attached to the stone statue. On the item of the class.

Because these items contain power-although there are not many strengths due to limited carrying capacity-there will be some effects such as strengthening the body's resistance to solve inflammation after being touched. This is the teaching organization of various sects Proclaimed "Divine Vestige".

Human beings can also be the carrier of Power of Faith. There are many heroes and heroes admired by thousands of people in history. Their power is greater than ordinary people. This is also the case when Skadi feels that his power has increased recently.

It's just because they can't understand the nature of this power, they can only use and consume it roughly, and with limited physical carrying capacity, these people are only stronger than ordinary people and cannot be Transcendent Saint.

As everyone knows, this kind of power comes from the people who pray for a better life, but some religious organizations take it as their own, and use this to preach that as long as you endure, obey, and endure hardship, you can go to heaven or be noble in the next life. Doctrine.

And Charles is different. He completely integrates a broken Divine Spark, a dream platform Power of Faith management system given by Reimeng, which can store, read and process these Power of Faith.

But he is still a mortal, even the work that the deity needs the system to handle, he can't do it alone.

He opened the system that stores Power of Faith, just like opening a warehouse full of coins, crushed by the contents of the warehouse.

Because "door gods" are sold in pairs, many people pray to both of them at the same time when praying, but people are used to putting Charles in front when praying, so that "letters" are stored in his place .

So when Skadi came into contact with Charles, the souls who dealt with these Power of Faith unconsciously passed on the content of this part of the "letter" to her, and as a result, she also went down.

At this time, the newly purchased system needs to be played.

If the Power of Faith generated by prayer is a "banknote" filled with prayers, this system can break down the "banknote", just like a complex of a bank and a petition bureau. The "bank" stores the "banknotes", the "commissioning bureau" processes the above information and reports it to the user, and it can also provide feedback based on the user's settings.

At this time, Charles finally understood that Reimu didn't want the Power of Faith for those Evil God believers in Chapter 122.

Are those Evil God believers praying to Evil God for good things? Their Power of Faith is like banknotes stained with filthy money, so dirty that they can't even be used by Reimu.

Charles was also thankful that the broken Divine Spark was only initially merging with him. If he could see the content and promises of those prayers at that time, he might be desperate for the human beings in that world.

After some tinkering, system is finally installed and officially launched.

In the bathroom, the light on Charles and Skadi began to fade.

Charles first retracted the "letter" forwarded to Skadi, and asked her to wake up and leave first, otherwise it would be embarrassing.

Then Charles started to set up the system, let it classify various requests, and talk about feedback later.

Although he can feedback and pray now, it is not the True God of this world.

The deity can manage the laws of this world, and he has nowhere to touch this point.

In essence, he is just an online shop. How can an online shop owner have access to the backend of a shopping website.

Moreover, system will not follow him after he leaves this world.

But it was enough to make Charles tremble with nervousness.

He understands very well that as long as there is feedback, even if it is to return a simple treatment, then he is the True God of people in mind.

At that time, wealth, power, and beauty are all at your fingertips.

Am I really unmoved by all of this? Can I really give up after many years?

You don’t have to fight secretly with an enemy who can squeeze yourself to death, you don’t have to think about how to coordinate internal relations to solve internal conflicts, you don’t have to work hard to develop your national strength and fight against foreign enemies, because you are the most Supreme. Your own words are the law that no one can violate.

People will only crawl and offer countless treasures, countless delicacies, countless beauties for their own enjoyment.

And I will give them knowledge that can make the world a better place.

But, is this really good? Can you really abandon everything in the original world?

Is Diana at the forefront of the struggle between the landlord class and the bourgeoisie?

What would Altria think about her being gone forever?

What exactly did Alexei, who died for himself back then, do? Can an everlasting dukedom really be dismissed?

What if two elder sisters are bullied by their husbands in the future?

Will Elizabeth elder sister be defeated by potential domestic enemies because of her absence?

Holy Angel Nun, who came here in spite of danger to confirm her own safety, can she be regarded as non-existent?

Will Mordred be disappointed in himself?

How would Falufa and Xia Luxia think of their father?

It's OK to develop the volcano with Ayjafjallajökull?

The kindness of Queen Blanche’s mother and daughter’s family is still unreported?


In Charles's consciousness, it is like an angel representing the good and the devil representing the evil are fighting fiercely.

At this time, his body has completely returned to a human shape. Because of the high tension, he enters a state of stress, increased adrenaline, and sympathetic nerve excitement, resulting in a faster heart rate, shaking limbs, and flushing.

Skatti, who awoke on his body, sighed in relief when he heard the heartbeat from his chest and the sound of breathing from the top of his head.

But she soon discovered that Charles' situation was extremely wrong, the heartbeat was too fast, and the expression on her face kept changing, and she couldn't do anything about it.

At the same time, in a cosmic spaceship that does not know how far away, a big-headed rabbit and a silver-haired loli have just reported their work and walked out of the leadership office.

The big-headed rabbit who installed the system for Charles asked the God of Time: "My dear, is this really good? That pro is probably going the wrong way."

If God said nonchalantly: "He will face more choices and more difficult to choose than he has now. Some choices are even challenging his bottom line of life, so let him adapt first."

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