The city of Rome, a city that has left a deep mark on the history of human civilization.

When Charles came here, the Western Roman Empire had been destroyed for more than ten years, the city population lost a lot, the Pantheon was cold and cheerless, and the Colosseum was severely damaged in the earthquake several decades ago. It has not been repaired, and all the baths have been blocked, making all Jing Luo cry.

Since most recently, the Holy See has been very lively.

At present, Brother Su's men are immature. There have been various turbulences in the past 100 years. Now, the two churches are standing side by side, and the two sides are fighting on both sides.

At this time, the King of Barbarian Race from Britannia came and offered a large amount of gold, frankincense, and myrrh, expressing his willingness to join the family to worship Brother Su, spread the gospel of Brother Su, and be in the territory An island is drawn out as a gift to Brother Su.

Branch Lord of the West Commander under Brother Su's family, St. Felix III was so happy. Such a great feat was enough to suppress the leader of the East Commander, and he gladly agreed to King Youser to join our big family.

Especially the land, they offered an island, which is unprecedented.

When Saint Felix III asked where the island was, King Uther pretended to calmly open the map of Europe drawn by a certain shepherd, and then pointed to Greenland.

The baptism ceremony was arranged soon, but when the ceremony was about to end, something that everyone didn't expect happened.

The white light suddenly filled every corner of the church, the song of "Hallelujah" sounded, a body was shrouded in a strong white light, and six bright wings appeared behind him. In front of everyone, everyone feels the peace from deep in one's heart.

A silver white metal shield appears out of thin air in front of that existence, slowly falling on the subconsciously extended hands of King Uther.

The angel appeared and gave a gift to the newly enrolled King Yousef. This is a big deal.

Originally, the Hall Masters from the sub-rudder still had objections to the Barbarian Race membership, but they could bear it because of the money and the land.

Now the angel appeared in front of everyone. Instead of a wing to slap the Barbarian Race to death, he also gave him a gift. The idea of ​​opposition disappeared without a trace instantly.

Sir Eckert, who participated in the baptism together, was also blinded by the leaders of several large tribes. Their at first plan was to follow King Yousef and have a cutscene. Didn't expect witnessed this. Spiritual God gave a gift to the boss, and later went on to confuse with him.

Charles don’t know what happened next. When it’s over, he will go to Vesuvius for a “biu” visit, and then go to Constantinople to “appear” and tell them not to After a thousand years of hard work, this place is called Istanbul.

When he returned to the stone house, he saw a beautiful witch being knocked out with bags by Diana, and a wizard lying on the ground beside him, among which is included Merlin.

"Are you not hurt?" Charles asked worriedly.

Diana threw the witch aside and answered calmly: "It's okay, they can't hurt me, didn't expect to come so soon."

Charles looked at this group of people He glanced at the pasture again, and then said to the still awake witch: "Go back, remember, there is no god in the magical world."

He left after talking and talked to Diana. Let's heal the sheep that was affected by the battle.

Merlin, they are exactly druids.

In this era, magic has not been completely separated from primordial religion. Druids and other wizard groups believe that magic is taught by various divine abilities through various methods.

Now that Charles wants to bring in Brother Su's entrance, how could these local gangs stand by.

In the morning of the second day, Merlin, who was still a little languid, brought Arthur over. He asked Arthur to continue to the stone house to find Diana and learn abacus and found it in the meadow by the river. Charles.

Charles just cut a stubble of ryegrass and put it in the cart to be pulled to the sheepfold and placed on the open space to dry.

"What do you mean by what you said yesterday?" Meilin asked with a ugly face.

Charles sitting on the haystack, Calm said, "It means literally."

"Some people think that rain is a god’s credit, but it’s actually just The water vapor falls after condensing, and there is no place for gods."

"Magic is the same. It is only the use of magic elements and does not require the existence of gods."

" In our opinion, your magic is mixed with too many useless parts, and it takes ten strengths to get a harvest."

"If you need to study magic, don’t add entities if you don’t have to. What’s more important is Avoid the heavy and light, avoid the complex and follow the simplicity, use the simplicity to avoid the complex, and avoid the emptiness."

"The essence of magic can only be grasped when it is simplified to the simplest, not in uselessness. It’s a waste of time in the impurities."

This is also Merlin’s good mind, he can hear and think, Charles will talk to him so much, and he’s tying up the corn cannon and driving away. thing.

This time I went to Rome, Charles focused on the library there.

It's a pity that the city of Rome has been ransacked by Barbarian Race several times in the past 100 years, and a large number of libraries have been destroyed. He can only collect those precious books as much as possible, which is regarded as a small contribution to this world.

Thanks to the transmigrator's own universal translation function, in some of the books he has collected, he has seen records of magical changes over the past hundreds of years.

The previous magic formidable power is still very impressive, even if it is inefficient, it is more powerful than the current efficient magic.

This shows that the magic elements of this world are gradually dying, and I am afraid that there will be no magic available for hundreds of years.

However, who can say for sure whether there will be "Spiritual Qi recovery" in the future?

So he intends to keep a batch of books, so that future generations have a reference when they are needed.

Meerlin is the most suitable person to help in Europe.

Before Merlin came back to his senses from "Occam's Razor", she was shocked by the speculation of "Spiritual Qi Depletion".

If the magic element is water, they are the fish in the water, and the fish cannot live without the water.

"Then what do you say?" Merlin was a little flustered.

In their inheritance, there is indeed a record that the older the magic, the greater the formidable power.

And they only think that this mage will not work, and the next mage will not work. They have never considered the problem of the depletion of magic elements.

Merlin himself once restored a magic that was hundreds of years ago, but the effect was not as good as recorded. At that time, he thought that something was wrong with him.

With his own experience, and Charles is also a mage, and he is a mage with a bottomless strength, what he said may be true.

"What else can I do?" Charles reluctantly shook the head, "The sun is going to set, no one can stop it."

"What we can do now is take advantage of it. In the evening, we will sort out all the records under the sun, and leave an inheritance for those who saw the sun on the second day."

Merlin looked thoughtful and left, Charles sighed in relief.

As long as they collect magical knowledge and don't bother with the problem of Su Ge Tang, their future work will be much easier.

He lifts the head and looked at the small hill in front of him. If he hollowed it out, it shouldn't be a problem to build a huge stone chamber in it to store various books.

In addition to Europe, various books in other places should be kept in batches, and then find a reliable place for future generations to dig.

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