The sky was gray, and the wind from the west blew the withered grass into the air and landed on Charles' head.

Charles sat blankly by the river, smoking his cigarettes one after another.

He didn't smoke a lot, and he didn't bring much. He already had the last pack in his hand, and it was just right to be wiped out today.

People have sorrows and joys, but attending two funerals in a row made him feel a little uncomfortable.

Many years ago, Charles met Zu Chongzhi as a friend of the Western Regions of the Fang Family somewhere in the Northern Wei Kingdom. The two became confidants after several exchanges on mathematics.

At first, Charles and him discussed the issues of Indian numbers, mathematical symbols, and unknowns.

But the first one does not seem to be very interesting. It is not surprising that Arabic numerals have been introduced to this land several times in the history of more than a thousand years, but the large-scale use was still in the late Qing Dynasty and the beginning of the Republic of China. .

In the next few years, Charles and him re-edited the "Fang Shi Shu Jing", compiling this book into a mathematics textbook covering arithmetic and geometry from enlightenment to arithmetic, and finally Touched the calculus.

In order to print this book and other mathematics books by Zu Chongzhi in large quantities, Charles borrowed his name to start engraving in advance.

It didn't take long for an old man in his seventies to pass away.

Not two days after Charles came back from the funeral, he received the news that King Usser was assassinated.

Over the years, King Youther has been unifying the domestic power, conferred as count the chiefs of several large tribes who listened to him, and other obedient medium-sized tribal chiefs will be given to Baron, and the small tribes will be treated by him. Dismantled and absorbed the warriors as the royal Knight.

Changes will always bring contradictions, and those muscular heads will always choose the simplest method to solve those who create contradictions.

On one trip of King Uther, several enemies and a group of Anglo-Saxons ambush him.

Charles took a deep puff of smoke.

King Youser is a qualified king of this era. He has great prestige in the country, and he is extremely brave in fighting, and he trusts people to do things that are bothersome.

In the past few years, he followed Charles and Diana’s suggestions to implement Arthur’s tax threshold policy, develop the wool textile industry and paper printing industry, acquire half of Frank’s horse farm, Full support was given to abandoning grapes that are not suitable for the English climate and planting apples that can also be used for making wine, promoting Knight education, and building windmills.

It's just two people who didn't expect, just like when King Youser was assassinated when he was about to leave.

A palm was placed on Charles' head and scratched a few times in a specific way.

as the saying goes A long illness became a good doctor, Arthur was scratched by someone who scratched his head too much, and he would scratch his head too.

If in the past, Charles would definitely grab her and scratch her, then rub her face.

After Arthur was ten years old, Charles stopped holding and rubbing her, at most he scratched his head and pinched his nose.

The sixteen-year-old Arthur is almost 1.7 meters tall. After fighting training at the age of ten, his strength has greatly increased. Charles felt that his top of the head might be scratched.

"Take me to hunt!"

Arthur said to Charles without a doubt.

This is the first time she has spoken to Charles in this tone since she was twelve years old.

Charles slightly nodded, and then go to prepare things and horses.

Arthur knew who his own father was a few years ago. Now that King Yusef is gone, she will leave here soon and go to royal capital to take the throne.

Because this assassination involved Anglo-Saxons, reasonable in every circumstance, the first thing Arthur did after he took the throne was to take advantage of the fall and winter to lead troops to sweep the Anglo-Saxon north of the upper Thames. People occupied the area and embarked on the road of expelling the invaders to unify the British Isles.

The wolves in England have not yet become extinct this year. It didn't take long for the two to ride horses into the mountains before they met a group of wolves that were looking for food.

Along the way, Arthur, who was calm and silent, drew out his swords, jumped off the horse and moved towards The wolves rushed over.

The hungry wolves at first thought it was a takeaway, but what they didn't expect was a killing machine.

The fur and muscles of the wolf are no different from the water tofu in front of the sword created by Charles himself. For a while, blood splashed in the forest with howling and roaring.

As Wolf King was cut off by Arthur with a sword, the remaining two or three wolves turned and ran, Charles pulled the two horses and walked in the direction that Arthur was chasing.

The wolf caught up was cut into two pieces by his waist. Arthur leaned on his sword and knelt under an oak tree, panting.

Charles saw that her complexion improved slightly, and it seemed that the accumulation of depression caused by father's death was almost released.

As Charles walked over, Arthur dropped the sword in his hand, stood up and turned around to hug him tightly.

"Let me be a little girl for the last time."

Arthur said in a voice as low as the buzzing of mosquitoes.

Charles embraced her, lightly patted her back.

Arthur buried his head on Charles' chest and burst into tears with a "wow".

This is the penultimate tears in her life.

1 month later.

In the cold wind of late autumn, an army winds forward.

The Knights are riding sturdy war horses, holding high-spirited and vigorous lances with flags of various colors on their gun heads and walking in the forefront.

Behind Knight is a light cavalry composed of attendants. They watched the majestic Knights in front of them with enthusiasm.

Behind the light cavalry, followed by a battallion carrying a shield and holding a lance infantry.

If you can take a closer look, these infantrymen are very energetic, and the muscles that they have grown over the years are no less than warriors in other places.

When King Arthur was calculating the ration that the farmers could eat in a year, he was noisy by the exclamation of the sheep, and accidentally dialed an extra bead on the abacus.

Although the farmers still mainly eat beans as their staple food, they have enough beans and can also eat tofu made from imported soybeans. Even the mother-in-law can use wool to spin and weave with the master. Lamb and chicken are naturally better than people in many places, and they can even do some military training during the slack in winter.

The eyes of these infantrymen are full of hope. If they kill the enemy, they can use the enemy's left ear to exchange money, be brave and even become a Knight Master.

In the infantry team that came out of each farm, there were one or two people who followed the neighbors in the neighborhood and cut the ears of the enemy's corpse.

At the end of the team is the carriage team that pulls supplies. Those slaves who drive cars and do coolies are also rewarded, and they can become free farmers if they perform well.

This team of more than a thousand people came to a small hill near noon, and then stopped.

King Arthur rode his horse over the fence of the sheep and ran to the stone house on the top of the hill.

She wants Charles and Diana to see how they lead.

It's just that there is no one outside the stone house, and King Arthur thought they must have lunch in the house.

But there was no one in the house, only a letter was placed on the table where I used to eat.

"Dear Arthur:

We have already left when you read this letter.

This world is very big, we are going to see it Look.

We have had a great time with you these days. You are one of the smartest daughters I have ever met. You don’t make me angry like Mordred. (Charles )

Charles has always wanted to see what you look like in a skirt. He has prepared a lot of beautiful skirts for you in the closet. If you have time, you can take them back and give them to the right person. (Diana)

Although we can't see it, we believe that you will become a king who has been passed down through the ages.

We have prepared a gift for you and placed it in the cellar.

The gold in the cellar and the sheep outside will be used as rewards for the First Stage celebration in your life.

ㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤ Charles Diana"

Although there had been hints earlier, when he confirmed that they had really left, King Arthur sat in melancholy on the chair he used to have dinner together, and shed tears silently.

The sound of the war horse's nose outside the house pulled King Arthur back from her memory. She knew that none of this could be changed.

King Arthur stood up and touched his stomach subconsciously.

She came here on time and didn't eat breakfast for the sake of a meal.

In a few days.

In a withered hilly area, two armies are lined up.

After learning of the death of King Usser, the Anglo-Saxons entangled with a huge army of more than four thousand people, ready to take this opportunity to attack the legendary wealthy Celtic kingdom.

On the way, they ran into a Celtic army camped on a hill.

Seeing that they had four times as many enemies as the enemy, they gathered under the hills, ready to swarm up to solve this overestimate one's capabilities team.

On the top of the hill, the infantrymen lined up with shields and lances, watching nervously the enemies holding bucklers, long swords or axes pressing on them.

The Anglo-Saxons carefully chose the direction of attack. At this time, the sun was behind them. The Celtics on the top of the hills would be affected by the sun to some extent, although the sun in late autumn was not so violent. But today can be regarded as a fine and good weather.

A trumpet sounded on the top of the mountain, and the Celtic infantry suddenly ran from the middle to both sides.

The hooves of horses rumbling loudly, a team of Knights, riding tall horses and holding long lances, lined up in a tight formation and used the terrain to launch an impulse towards the enemy.

The first person and the steed under the crotch are wearing silver armor, and the whole person is wrapped in iron skin, shining in the sun as if Heavenly God descends.

Someone threw a javelin and axe, but it didn't work at all in front of the solid plate armor.

More than fifty Knights were also fully armed. They were wearing chain mail, with several shields tied to their horses, and followed King Arthur into the enemy line.

Where has the enemy seen such a charge, the people in the front row want to run back, and the people behind want to fight, the formation suddenly became a mess.

The Knight team pierced the enemy formation with a single blow, and the light cavalry behind them rushed into the gap and slashed and killed the enemy who lost one's head out of fear.

At this time, the infantry on the hill had reorganized their formation. Behind them was the slave holding a simple weapon, running from the front to attack the chaotic enemy.

King Arthur led Knight and the cavalry to penetrate the ground and divided them into more than a dozen teams, continuously attacking the enemy from the rear.

It didn't take long for the Anglo-Saxon ethics to collapse on both sides, and began to flee all around in a panic.

At the same time, Eckert count and other five counts brought their own men and a carriage carrying infantry around the battlefield, rushing towards the Anglo-Saxons whose defense was empty in the distance. Tribal camp.

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