This is a great dinner.

The wild boar meat is chopped up, mixed with herbs and eggs, poured into the pork belly, and finally baked in the oven.

The blood of wild boar is poured into the intestines along with the heart, liver and other internal organs, and then boiled in water.

Large pieces of wild boar legs are cooked in sea water and served directly after cutting into pieces.

The unknown vegetables were cut and boiled in water, then picked up and stirred with olive oil and mint leaves.

In the bowl, it is a soup made from broad beans and unknown objects.

The beautiful silver goblet is filled with wine.

Apart from this, there are also unleavened bread.

Moreover, there are a lot of tableware on the table. There are several sets of silver knives, forks and spoons, which are more than dishes.

Master Hozenbrook always looks at the mysterious youngster when he is dining, but he gets more and more frightened as he sees it.

For so many years, he has called many gladiators to dinner together.

Except for a small number of gladiators who are afraid of being scolded and dare not make big moves, the others are voraciously enjoying the rare delicacies in front of them, wishing to have a bigger mouth and eat more.

But this youngster is different. He has been very calm since he dines at first. Meat and vegetables are the same in no order. The size of each food in the mouth is only appropriate. Just open your mouth, the action at a moderate pace is appropriate, and even the number of rejections of a food is the same.

Master Hozenbroz is a little uncertain, even in the most courteous court, no one can eat as calmly and gracefully as him.

This is the effect Charles wants to achieve.

In the few years he was in Osmanthus City, he followed Elizabeth to receive the most rigorous etiquette education in Spirit Race. Table manners are an important part of it, which affected his later eating habits.

Previously, he and Diana also gave her etiquette education when they were educating little Arthur, and he was responsible for this part.

For Charles now, even if the canned liver is on the table, he can finish it elegantly with a knife and fork, even more how dinner tonight is banned by the whole army of elves. The food produced is more delicious.

For Charles, the current situation is not optimistic.

The magic, various weapons and equipment, status, and face he relied on before are gone, and there is no difference between starting from scratch.

Although his personal martial power is outstanding, he does not feel that he can ignore the strangulation of the army alone, and the collection of bows and arrows can kill him.

In the afternoon, some staff members in the arena began to compliment him, and he took this opportunity to inquire about a lot of things.

This is a world similar to the Roman Empire. There are powerful empires, tenacious small countries, and traditional villains such as Barbarian Race and pirates.

For these gladiators, the best destination is to show their bravery in the arena, join the army after being admired by those Legion or noble, and make contributions in the army.

As for the Emperor Your Majesty, the Imperial Family basically looks down on gladiators.

Except for the queen.

Although Charles has only revealed his hand, he is a promising new star in the eyes of professionals in the industry. His identity immediately changed from being a slave as a prop to a slave as a gladiator. There is investment value.

So, as the boss of the arena, Master Hozenbloz wants to invite him to dinner and explore his bottom.

Slightly later, many people will come to him for information about this person.

"What's your name?" Master Hozenbrook found that he still didn't know what this person was. The only certainty was that he was a man.

"Charles." Someone put down the tableware, picked up the handkerchief and lightly wiped his lips.

He looked directly at Master Hozenbloz. This man has golden hair, but his beard is the color of rice dumplings. The most memorable thing is the red nose, which looks a bit like a temperament. Robbers in Wuthering Mountains.

"Where are you from? What do you do?" Master Hozenbrook asked again.

He could see that Charles’s identity was definitely extraordinary. If any Great Family Young Master was accidentally caught by his subordinates, he would have to carry a wooden bucket overnight and run back to the Black Forest. Robber.

Charles replied calmly: "My previous identity is not important anymore."

He thought about it, now he has no money, and he left here is like beggar, not as good as Stay and continue to inquire about the news and make some capital.

Master Hozenbrook sighed in relief. After he said this in history, he would be fine if something happened.

"Give me back my necklace." Charles said, "I've worked for you for three years."

His world gap repairer was caught when he was first caught. Take it away, you have to come back.

Master Hozenbrook suddenly laughed, and he said coldly: "You are my slave now, as long as I don't let go, you will be a slave until you die."

Charles did not get angry as he imagined, but smiled and said to him: "In front of some people, your mouth is absolutely impossible to say'no', isn't it?"

" People follow the necklace and find me. When the time comes, it’s so hard for both of us..."

"Oh, no, I’m the only one who’s bad at it, because at that time You don't feel it anymore."

Master Hozenbrook suddenly burst into a cold sweat behind his back, apparently frightened.

The circulation circle of luxury goods and fine jewellery is not large. To find the source, ask those who are the main consumers in noble.

In the past, there was a Prince who went to the border to join the army anonymously, and finally returned to Imperial Capital all the way back to the Imperial Capital to receive the emperor’s reward when his true identity was revealed.

Nowadays, there are gambling games among the people. There are several anonymous Young Masters in the biennial emperor's award.

The arena is also a way to enter the army, and if the man in front of you also has this idea, it is not impossible.

Even, maybe one of his relatives is in the VIP seats in the stands today, and it's just a point of view.

Master Hozenbroz didn't dare to think about it anymore. He said, "I can return the necklace to you, but your ransom must be included in it."

Charles replied: "Yes."

Theoretically, slaves can pay a ransom to their masters to redeem themselves, but this is just a theory, where their money is only those kind-hearted slave masters. Will leave a little surplus for the slave.

But the gladiators are different. In order to motivate them to make their performances more exciting, the arena will give them a part of dividends.

After the gladiators got the money, some used it as a drunken stupor, some accumulated it to redeem themselves, or bought some better equipment after being favored by the army.

Charles saw Master Hozenbloz being frightened by himself, so he just accepted it.

Now he has too few chips, the next thing to do is to accumulate chips.

After the dinner, Charles was taken to the gladiator's residence. As Mengxin, he did not go to the Chase shop, but got a small single room.

It’s just that there’s nothing inside, just a pile of straw for sleeping, and fleas, bed bugs and mosquitoes that live here.

Charles didn’t know at this time. Originally he was going to Chasepu, but on the way, Master Hozenbloz sent someone to arrange a single room for him so that he would not be given to him by some gladiators. What the hell.

Master Hozenbrook didn't suddenly show his kindness. He later recalled that he had some doubts about Charles. After all, the necklace could be stolen.

In the end, it was the servant who told him that Charles used a lot of silver utensils, and he made sure that this person was from a Great Family.

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