"You must be polite when you meet the emperor Your Majesty!"

"Don’t speak too loudly!"

"Your Majesty says what you say What, what he asks you, you should answer obediently and honestly, don’t conceal the slightest."

"A [local foul language] used to be summoned just like you and said [shielded] in front of the emperor Your Majesty Word], I was pulled down and chopped off on the spot!"

Master Hozenbloz babbled the precautions four or five times on the way to see the emperor with Charles. Can't help looking back several times to see him.

Charles has a calm smile on his face.

When he was at Hogwarts world, he was shocked when he greeted *** on the streets of East Germany in the late 1980s and was at the presidential campaign fundraising banquet. He and the couple had a lively chat, and later met Lafayette on the Open House of the White House, and Galeries Lafayette from afar in London, and so on.

Not to mention the world on the opposite side.

So he is not panicking at all now. At worst, he first recognizes the counsel, and then finds a chance to run away. The name changes where you go.

Different from the previous worlds, he doesn't like it very much here and can't do anything about it, so he decided to go over it.

They soon arrived at the emperor Your Majesty's box. After the attendants entered the briefing, Master Hozenbroz bowed his waist and walked in with the energetic Charles.

Master Hozenbloz knelt on the side of the first row of seats, lowered his head and said: "Your Majesty, Gladiator Charles..."

"Asshole!" Sitting A middle-aged officer wearing a ceremonial breastplate in the second row flew over, "What a gladiator, it is clearly our tenth Legion's Hundred-men Commander Charles!"

Charles was speechless. Not long ago, Borja told himself that other Legion would definitely recruit him, but he didn't expect to be so straightforward for so long, and he would be a Hundred-men Commander.

"get lost!"

An angry roar came from the first row, and Marshal Leidholum stood up and glared at Corps Head of the tenth Legion, "He is us When did the Knight Small Captain of the Guard Army become your Hundred-men Commander?"

The others in the box thought, okay, a slave suddenly became a civilian like Hundred-men Commander. The ceiling is already amazing, and the marshal is more bold and enters the noble circle directly.

At this time, a chubby noble sitting in the third row laughed over and took Charles' hand and said with concern: "My dear son-in-law, are you tired? We will go home now. Eat."

After he said he was pulling Charles and he was about to leave. Naturally, he acted like Charles was really his son-in-law.


"Is your daughter not finished yet?"

If there was an internal conflict in the military just now, now it is the military and the local There was a contradiction between the two, and the three immediately quarreled.

The noble who wanted to catch Charles as the son-in-law is not simple. It sounds like he has iron ore in his hands. He provided many military weapons.

Charles took a look and found that there was no one from the nineteenth Legion in the box. It might be that he didn't come in because of insufficient identity.

But he also found a clue. Although the three people over there were arguing fiercely and their language was very unspoken, their expressions were still relatively calm, there was no blushing and jealous at all, they seemed to be noisy for the emperor. of.

At this time, a maid came over, and the queen would invite her.

For the three people in the quarrel, the queen invitation is not an issue. They are invited to go there for a month at most, and then they come out.

Queen Roland is in her thirties this year, and she is well maintained, with the plump and luxury of a noble lady.

As soon as Charles came over and finished his salute, he heard the queen's sudden "Yeah" and then stared at him tightly.

The elderly ladies next to at first were confused by the queen’s reaction. They stared at each other carefully, and then squinted the feathers in their hands. Cover your mouth tightly.

Charles feels bad, does he look like someone?

He glanced at His Highness the Crown Prince, who was six or seven years old next to him, and cold sweat suddenly burst out.

The child who is so special is like me, second only to Meacha, and I hold it back and say that my son must be believed by someone.

"It's over!"

Charles Center thought that it seemed to be the illegal child of the emperor, and then pushed it out!

"What's the matter?"

The Emperor Friedkin sitting on the other side turned his head and asked the queen.

"Your Majesty!" Empress Roland immediately turned Charles around, "Look at him!"

Charles saw Emperor Friedkin, and then began to think in his heart The escape plan, because it seems that the emperor is about sixty years old and his grandfather is seven to eight.

Emperor Friedkin stood up immediately after seeing Charles, as if he had seen some incredible person.

The three people who quarrel found that something was wrong, stopped acting, and looked towards this side together.

"Ah?!" Marshal Ledholum started, at first too far away I didn't see clearly, just now I didn't look at the quarrel and grabbing people, but now I see it clearly and cry out in surprise.

Charles's heart is cold. He just discovered that this old man is very strong. It is difficult to clean him up by himself. Maybe he will overturn the car, which is the biggest obstacle to escape.

"It's really like!" It was the old scholar who was sitting on the left of the emperor. He also lifted the head to look at Charles just now.

In the box, the coolest person is the master Hozenprotz who is shrinking in the corner.

He is not a fool, he has already seen that Charles is not simple.

Most importantly, Charles was captured by his men from the side of the road.

Catch people like the emperor illegalimate child as slaves, and the nine heads are not enough.

Emperor Friedkin ignored the small role. He asked Charles in a deep voice, "Where are your parents?"

Charles sank and said, "I am eight. When I was 10 years old, a group of robbers wanted to burn my yard and lead people out to steal things from the house, but suddenly there was a strong wind and the house was burned. Except I was in the bathroom at the time, everyone passed away, and I was the only one left. A necklace."

After he finished speaking, he took out the world gap repairer hung on his chest, hoping to use true and false stories to pass this level.




Queen Roland saw the pendant of the necklace Then he fainted with a shout.

Emperor Friedkin was obviously dizzy, but in the end he stopped and did not fall down, and murmured "Really...I couldn't escape..."

Leide Hollow Marshal Mu's hand subconsciously held the hilt of the sword and almost pulled the sword out.

The old scholar shook the head, deeply sighed.

The other people in the box suddenly thought of something, all stared wide-eyed.

Queen Roland was rescued and awakened soon. When she woke up, she held Charles and wept bitterly.

Emperor Friedkin’s face was so gloomy that he could scare people to death. He ordered the noble ladies to take the queen back to the palace to rest, and then watched Marshal Leidholum and several Corps Heads. , There are also a few noble officials, we all go to the Imperial Palace to discuss matters together.

On the carriage to the palace, Charles looked like losing one's head out of fear. In fact, he was really panicked inside.

It's just that the queen kept wiping tears along the way. The Crown Prince in front of him looked at herself curiously.

Imperial Palace finally arrived, Queen Roland pulled Charles into the car as soon as she got out of the car, they first went to a corridor full of statues, and stopped when they almost came to the end.

The carving technique of this era is very high, and the character reproduction is very high.

Charles looked at the marble statue in front of him with a dumbfounded look. Apart from his hairstyle, his face and body were nine points similar to him, and there was one on the chest of the statue and repaired. The same pendant.

"He is..."

Charles can't help but feel dizzy. It's really dizzy.

This is obvious, everyone regards him as a descendant of the owner of the statue.

"He is your father, the only son of Your Majesty and elder sister."

Amidst Queen Roland's chatter, Charles finally understood the entire process of development.

The first queen of Emperor Friedkin was the elder sister of Queen Roland.

Twenty years ago, the Loma Empire experienced droughts year after year, followed by rebellions in various places. Emperor Friedkin and then Crown Prince Janini managed to stabilize the country.

At this time, the neighbor of the Lazio Empire sent envoys to inquire about the news.

At a banquet, the envoy of the Lazio Empire made a rude speech after drinking, and was smashed to death by Giannini with a gold wine glass.

The envoy of the Lazio Empire was the emperor’s youngest son, so they took advantage of the weakness of the Loma Empire and threatened to start a war without executing Janini.

Different from Emperor Lazio, who had seven or eight sons, Emperor Friedkin had only one son.

At that time, Emperor Friedkin and Giannini decided to use a stand-in to fiddle with the past. Giannini stayed in seclusion for a few years, waiting for the national strength to recover or the threat of war would come back.

However, everyone didn’t expect the news to leak. Twelve years ago, the envoy of the Lazio Empire brought a burnt Gianini ornament and gave it to Emperor Friedkin. , The envoy didn't say a word, and left without drinking water after delivering the things.

The queen at that time fainted immediately after seeing the ring, and died after being ill for several months.

Two years later, in order to appease the noble on the land of the Queen’s family, Emperor Friedkin married his sister-in-law, Queen Roland, and later gave birth to the current Crown Prince Totti.

And Queen Roland is about the same age as Giannini Crown Prince, and they grew up together. They said they were nephews and nephews, but they were actually the same emotionally as siblings.

Charles will explode after hearing this. His appearance involves the issue of throne succession, which is extremely serious in nature.

Think about Gianini Crown Prince. He rebelled with the emperor at a young age. It is impossible for him to have no Crown Prince team.

Calculating the time, now Emperor Friedkin is about sixty, and the average lifespan is about to come to an end. If Janini Crown Prince is still there, he will take over when he is in his forties in the past few years. , Presumably his team is also organized according to this time.

But Giannini Crown Prince die an untimely death, and now Totti Crown Prince is still young, if Emperor Friedkin dies in these two years, the master, child and servant will be forced to be in turmoil.

However, at this time the son of Giannini Crown Prince appeared. The grandson Charles is 20 years old this year and is the grandson of the Emperor Your Majesty. He has a majestic appearance, strong strength, and knowledgeable, as if... It’s better to be a king than Totti.

Charles can be sure that the former team of Janini Crown Prince will definitely take action after learning the news.

In their view, everyone and your father licked blood together, so they are loyal to you too!

Even if Charles now announces that he is not Taisun, but aliens from Lost Nass, those people will convince him that he is the authentic Taisun.

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