As the days passed, Polley’s body grew a little bit taller, and until a certain day, she stopped growing anymore, and she was a little shorter than Modred.

This day Charles got up and was wearing clothes, and the little maid stood beside Charles holding a chain mail.

Charles shook his head and said, "You don't need to be so exaggerated."

Then Polley pouted, standing on the low stool that Charles usually wears clothes, his hands and feet are sharp. He picked up the chain mail and put it on his body.

Charles had no choice but to put on the lock armor and coat over his underwear.

After he left the governor’s mansion to go to work, Pauley began to sort out the clothes in the closet. The weather started to get hot, and he had to take out the summer clothes.

At this moment, four dark shadows suddenly appeared behind her, one of them put his arms around her neck from behind, two of them grabbed her two hands, and the last one came She squatted down in front of her and pressed her ears to her belly.

"Let me listen to the voice of the little baby."

As soon as the person stuck to the belly said, he immediately jumped away, avoiding the flying wave of Bo Lei. Kick.

"Ladies are not shy at this time."

"Does this lady have anything special to do? You can rely on me now!"

"Hurry up, bring the good wine!"

Then a loli beat the other four loli.

"It hurts to say." A certain loli with short brown hair rubbed her head, and she was beaten the hardest.

"I thought you would be more ladylike when you get married." Lori with blue and black hair combed through her tousled long hair.

The other brown-haired loli with a short braid on the back of her head hugs her hand and sighs: "If anyone told us that Xiaobei married a man, it would cause world annihilation, right? , If he knows, I’m afraid he will go crazy, and the gods can’t stop that."

The silver-haired and blue-eyed loli exclaimed excitedly: "How can the wedding be without wine? Bring the wine soon! "

Charles couldn't think of it. The small loli he bought five years ago is Xiaobei, the god of space, and the first wife in his three lifetimes.

Besides, he would still call for grievances, he didn't do anything to him at all.

Xiaobei asked the four survivors of another force in front of him: "How did you consider my proposal?"

The blue and black long-haired Xiao student replied: "We agree, but we need your husband to do one thing."

Charles didn’t know that a meeting of the gods was being held in his locker room. He had just walked out of the governor’s house and there were two teams. Waiting for myself.

"Don't be so exaggerated?" He asked Jose, who was standing in front of the team on the left.

José, who was originally the chief instructor of the arena, has been serving as Charles' guard Captain. Because Charles often runs out, he selected some reliable youngsters from the family of the nineteenth Legion to expand the guard. team.

Currently, the size of the escort team is fifty people, of which thirty male players and ten female players are responsible for Charles's safety, and the other ten female players are responsible for Polley's safety.

Now everyone knows that until now Pole sleeps in Charles' bedroom. The experienced and knowledgeable Jose knows what to do.

Today, these twenty guards are all carrying kite shields and holding lances as high as one person in their hands.

But there are more well-equipped than them. On the right are two Ten Men Squad 19th Legion soldiers. In addition to short swords, they also carry rectangular wall shields. Whenever there is a problem, they will Form a tortoise shell formation to protect Charles.

It was an acquaintance who led the team. Borja said to Charles solemnly: "Please don't be careless, the first assassination is not successful, there will be more assassinations."

Charles There is no other way but to take them out.

Just a month ago, Charles experienced an attempted assassination and was ambushed by more than a dozen assassins on the way back from the paper mill.

At that time, the guards responded very quickly, but the number was limited, and they were instantly entangled in front of the assassin who had the advantage in numbers.

But Charles is not a rookie. It took only a few breaths to throw away the throwing knives he was carrying. Those assassins were either dead or wounded.

The injured assassin and the dead assassin corpses plus all the things related to them were sent by Charles immediately to the 19th Legion by sea and land to the Imperial Capital and handed over to Emperor Friedkin. I didn't come out in the Governor's Mansion until the letter from Emperor Heavenly Sovereign yesterday.

In those days, he wanted to understand why the emperor must let himself be the heir, which was obviously a shield for Totti Crown Prince.

Think about it from another angle. If he is on the side of the Lazio Empire, the enemy Loma Empire is now Crown Prince is young and the emperor is old. Obviously, it is the most fundamental way to make them mess up and kill Crown Prince.

When the time comes, the heir to the country is gone, and the emperor can’t have another one. Maybe he will belch when the time comes. When the time comes, the country is not chaotic. During the rebellion, the relatives who threatened his throne were all ka-cha.

Now there is another heir who is not young, and he has managed the Randene province well in just a few years. How can such a person sleep well without getting rid of it?

It was a letter from the emperor that confirmed Charles's idea, and he granted the command of the nineteenth Legion to you.

This command on the surface is for Charles to find his place. In fact, an heir who holds the military and political power at the same time can attract the enemy's firepower.

At that time, Charles said "Lying grass" after reading the letter. There was a large forest of Barbarian Race between the Landeni Province and the Lazio Empire. Find a place for a fart.

Originally, someone from Yun was looking to help a bunch of Loma empire because he replaced the identity of the descendant of Janini's Crown Prince.

Now, since the emperor Your Majesty has done the first year of the junior high school, I don't blame Charles for doing the fifteenth.

At the edge of the farmland being reclaimed, Charles asked Borja: "Are those Barbarian Races intending to come to live with us now?"

Neither did the Barbarian Races in the forest. They are all enemies. Several tribes have a good relationship with the 19th Legion, and there is a lot of trade between them.

At the beginning, Charles hired young and middle-aged labor from the tribes with grain in order to solve the problem of insufficient labor for farmland reclamation.

You have always been more lenient to others. Although those Barbarian Races work a bit hard here, they will be kicked if they are not done well, but everyday all can eat enough, and if they do well, they still have everything. The best wine in the world was rewarded, and in the end all said that they must be called next time.

When Charles hired Barbarian Race in the spring of the second year, the population of those tribes suddenly increased many times, and other tribes around them hung up on the names of those tribes after they learned of such good things. Followed.

Charles looked for a chance to get drunk with the chiefs of those tribes, and later learned that the people of the other tribes got food and had to pay them agency fees.

Borja is a local, and he has been dealing with Barbarian Race for many years. He pointed to a group of Barbarian Race in front of them who were digging ditches and building dikes and said: "They have this idea. The chief who had gone through the war asked us privately if we could come here to farm. The harvest of those newly opened fields last year frightened them."

Charles thought about it for a moment, and then asked, "In In their opinion, what is the strongest bond to maintain the relationship?"

Borha said with a smile: "It is blood, as long as the governor and the women of their tribe give birth to children, they will always be loyal to the governor "

Charles squinted and asked, "As long as I have children in all tribes, the forest they occupy can be included in the Randene province?"

Borha smiled, nodded and said: "That's it, it depends on how hard the Governor-General has worked."

Charles nodded and asked: "Apart from What about this, is there any other bond?"

"Blood alliance." Borja replied very seriously, "If the governor and their leader drink blood wine together, everyone is a family."

"Of course, it is best to do the two together."

Charles looked at the row of keel waterwheels driven by windmills on the earth embankment more than one meter high in the distance. Quietly thinking for almost half an hour.

"There is another question." He asked Borja again, "Are you willing to live with them?"

Borja "hehe" smiled and said, "Actually The overwhelming majority of us here was also Barbarian Race, but it was attached when the empire occupied this place and did not run into the forest."

"Be careful speaking of which, we and Barbarian Race have a lot in common For example, the dialect is the same, and the method of sacrifice is the same. When I first arrived at the Imperial Capital Arena, I was beaten up because of the etiquette used in the sacrifice."

At this time, Ruozawa said: "Yes, I did it."

After speaking, the two guys laughed heartily together.

Charles slightly nodded, with a big plan in mind.

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