At dawn, Cruyff checked his sheep pen as usual, and all the sheep were there.

Then he checked the rock salt in the sheep pen again, and it was almost licked up. In a few days, he was going to the town to buy a few pieces.

The dozen sheep in front of him make Cruyff very satisfied with his current life.

Think about the past, when you can catch prey in the woods, you can have food. If you don’t have prey, you can eat grass. Now, if you want to eat beans, you can eat beans, and you can cut some beets together. Cook, you can eat steamed buns when the farmer is busy, let alone eat cheese every day.

Today, there is no work in Heaven and Earth. All I have to do is drive the sheep to the grass and bring them back in the evening.

When Cruyff drove the sheep to the grassland outside the village, his wife and child had come with a large bundle of freshly cut pasture and were spreading the pasture in the trough.

He made a few buckets of water in the well next to him and poured it into the sink. When the sheep was thirsty, they would drink it by themselves.

There are fences around the grass, so you are not afraid of sheep running away.

After all this was done, Cruyff’s wife and child went to the nearby firewood forest to chop wood, and he began to exercise on the edge of the grass.

Not everyone in the village can herd sheep. Only ten militiamen in a village are qualified to herd sheep, and every day all can enjoy goat milk or cheese.

If you relax yourself and someone beats yourself to the ground in front of the villagers, then you have to say goodbye to these sheep.

He recalled the exercise method taught by Governor Charles himself in the militia training camp, and then started doing push-ups.

At the beginning, their experienced warriors dismissed such ridiculous actions.

But, under the leadership of Governor Charles, everyone followed suit. In the end, everyone was as tired as a dead dog, and the Governor only sweated a little.

After two years of training, Cruyff found that the javelin he threw was farther than before, and the stone lock that he could lift became heavier and heavier, and he had to admire the wise Governor Charles.

But this is not the time to be complacent. As the former tribe, now the strongest warrior in the village, Cruyff's goal is to join the "silver armored cavalry" under Governor Charles.

When they were in the militia training camp, they saw the "iron cans" being trained in the cavalry training camp next to them. The imposing manner of the cavalry that is pierced by men and horses when charging makes these fighting mads tremble.

Now the opportunity has come, and Governor Charles announced that this winter, ten people from all militias will be selected to join the "Silver Armored Cavalry".

So Cruyff has to hurry up and train, knowing that when the time comes, there will be many competitors in other villages, such as Van Basten, Bergkamp, ​​Van Nistelrooy, Sneijder, Luo Ben, Van Persie and the others are no worse than themselves.

At the same time, in the back garden of the Imperial Capital Imperial Palace, a handsome young man moved towards the pavilion with great disposition.

Emperor Friedkin’s originally gloomy face was instantly full of sunshine, and after the boy approached, he asked happily: "Totti, is there anything good today?"

Totti Crown Prince, who was fourteen years old, couldn't hide the smile on his face. He came to the emperor and said excitedly: "Imperial Father, I competed with others yesterday, and my sword cut all their swords off!"

"Really?" Although the emperor already knew what happened yesterday, he still made the surprise he just heard, "So you got a good sword?"

Totti Crown Prince took off the saber around his waist and handed the sword with both hands to the emperor with the scabbard.

Emperor Friedkin drew out the long sword, and a silver light flashed in the pavilion.

"Good sword!" The emperor couldn't help sighing again.

Totti Crown Prince repeatedly nodded and said: "Yes, this is Charles selected from hundreds of swords, and they were sent to me the day before yesterday."

The emperor's eyes changed in an instant, and the next moment returned to normal.

He asked Totti Crown Prince: "What do you think of Charles?"

Totti Crown Prince replied: "He respects me very much, and will give it away as soon as he has something new. Give it to me."

"He also gave me a clock, and every hour a bird jumped out of it to tell the time."

"He just has a little bad He likes to preach like the teacher of Polymeni."

"In this letter, he told me that this sword is just a piece of iron to me, because the real sword in the hands of the emperor is invincible In the whole world, Legion also suggested that I give this sword to Legion, who has made outstanding achievements in warfare."

"He also said that the clock is just a toy. You can show it off and put it away. Go to the warehouse and give it to those who have done it later when you need it."

Emperor Friedkin listened quietly, and he couldn't help but sighed secretly in his heart.

In the past few years, every time Master Hozenbroz gave something to Totti Crown Prince, he would secretly review it to the Emperor Your Majesty. This time the sword, the tolling bell and the letter were no exception.

At the same time, Charles also has a letter to the emperor Your Majesty, stating that Totti Crown Prince is now at the age when he is most easily confused by the so-called treasure, so he must cultivate his correct values ​​so as not to gain the throne in the future. Toss the country into chaos.

The letter also said that if Totti Crown Prince is too addicted to these two distinct things, he asks the Emperor Your Majesty to chop the clock to pieces with a sword, and then throw the sword into the sea.

Emperor Friedkin was silent for more than half an hour after reading the letter. Charles was more concerned about the growth of Crown Prince than his own father, and he was more able to educate children, "The emperor’s hands The sword is a Legion, not a piece of iron. You can't ignore the real sword because of a false sword." This simple, but to the core, words must be unspeakable.

Now the emperor Your Majesty is very troubled, and he lives longer than he estimated.

Back then, a serious illness in my heart made me feel that my life was not long, so I took advantage of the appearance of Charles.

However, after I insisted on using the "eight-segment gymnastics" taught by Charles before leaving, my body became better and better. I ate more meals than usual, and I didn’t pant when I walked, even urinating. The urine is still a bit farther than before, depending on the situation, it is not a problem to live for a few more years.

But here comes the bigger question. With Charles's cleverness, did he see that he was being used?

Emperor Friedkin is very distressed. He feels it is necessary to talk to him frankly and frankly in the near future.

Totti Crown Prince saw that the Imperial Father was distracted. Knowing that he was thinking about things, he stood there silently.

At this time, the attendant brought a few people to the garden and watched that person dress up the two people in the pavilion inwardly startled in one's heart.

That were the nineteenth Legion’s messengers. The leader held a small banner in his hand. At this time, if anyone dared to stop them from seeing the emperor, they could directly give that person to Stabbed to death.

Emperor Friedkin's heart beat a few times. What he worries most is that Charles will be assassinated, because the nineteenth Legion used to bring assassin's corpse and prisoners.

The leading messenger handed the bronze cylinder tied to his chest into the emperor's hand before he stepped back and walked.

Emperor Friedkin hurriedly opened the cylinder, poured out the letters inside and read it carefully.

It's just that he watched it three times, and his expression was different each time, and he smiled at the end.

Totti Crown Prince is curious, did Charles win the battle over there?

"Look at it." Emperor Friedkin held back a smile and handed the letter to his son. "This matter is related to you."

Totti Crown Prince took it. When he wrote the letter, there was only one question mark on his head, but after reading the letter, he had all question marks on his head.

"Imperial Father......" he asked not knowing what to do, " this possible?"

The emperor did not answer, closed his eyes and thought. stand up.

Expanding territory, I didn’t expect that in the last few years of my reign, I would encounter the opportunity to expand territory, and the price was only a son and more than 30 Barbarian Race women giving birth to children.

"Father...Imperial Father..." This is the first time Totti Crown Prince interrupted Imperial Father's thinking, "What should I do?"

Fried The Emperor Jin opened his eyes and said without a doubt: "You can live in the palace in the suburbs for a while."

Totti Crown Prince opened his mouth and didn't know what to say.

At the same time, Charles also didn’t know what to say. He looked at the young girls selected by the more than 30 tribes, and thought about the first thing that His Highness Totti would do when he was enthroned. Do you give yourself poisoned wine or three-foot white silk?

"Your Excellency fell in love with them?" A shaggy chief asked Charles, "If so, you can keep them, and we will choose another batch to give to the Crown Prince. How nice is Crown Prince? Hello, the governor, everyone said yes."

The chiefs of the other tribes all nodded and said yes.

Charles sighed and said: "Everyone, I understand that these girls are good girls, but the criteria for choosing a wife are different. I hope you can understand."

"Understand, understand." A chief nodded quickly, "Just like the Governor likes a thin and short girl, right."

Charles is speechless for a while. They all thought that they were Lolita, didn't they just rejected other women and always brought Polley by their side.

"Pollé." Charles said to the little maid. "Go get all the books in the bottom drawer on the left hand side of my desk."

" Reporting back to Master." Polley replied coldly, "I burned all the trash."

Charles' eyes were straight. It is rare to see a set of decent girls' pictures on the market. It’s just burned, isn’t it because it’s hot, they don’t have too much fabric to dissipate heat.

He squeezed his eyebrows, and then said: "Everyone, take the girls home first, and when Hozenbrook comes back in a few days, I will ask him to go to everyone to pick them out."

In the wailing of young girls, Charles immediately ran away.

He worried that the girls who were originally full of joy would do something to him when they were excited. When they couldn't use magic, he might not be their opponent.

Two months later, Master Hozenbrook brought the newly selected girls to a palace on the outskirts of Imperial Capital.

Just when the attendant introduced His Highness the Crown Prince to everyone, his face instantly changes pale, "Who is this?"

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