The Adventurer’s Guild has its own weapons workshop, where Charles and Lyud came to purchase weapons on the second day.

Here, Charles saw two sets of bikini armors full of agility and stood aside and studied for a long time.

Liu De walked behind him, put his body close to his ear, and said, "If you want to wear it, I can buy it and give it to you."

With a sound of "pu", the old man drinking water in the workshop was almost choked to death.

The gun brother who followed him smiled and squatted on the ground, clutching his stomach, and the Demoness elder sister suffocated her smile and made her face a little red.

Charles is used to it. For these girls, teasing himself is already an attractive spectacle entertainment for the masses.

After the joke, the two of them made two sets of leather armor according to their figures. Charles himself has a set of mythril chain armor. The past few days will help Liu De make one set. This is them One of the hole cards.

And Charles also brought the dragon scales armor that he hadn't worn for a long time. The three-layer armor was enough to save his life.

They chose ready-made weapons. Liu De asked for a long bow and a short bow in the workshop. He also bought two pots of arrows. Charles ordered a long sword and ordered a sword at the same time. The block dagger with thicker body and enlarged handguards is used as the left-handed secondary weapon.

The daddy of the workshop saw that their body is not like Mengxin, the choice of weapons and equipment is not blind, and there is a lot of money, so he recommended a few magic weapons to them.

"This dagger is good."

Charles picked up a dagger and studied it. The magical properties of this dagger are very versatile. So it became Liu De's equipment.

There are also good things in other magic weapons, but Charles feels that he still saves some money, and he will pay for the tasks in a few days.

After shopping, everyone came to a clearing outside the back door of the Adventurer’s Guild.

There are a few adventurers practicing here, or veterans beating Mengxin.

When they came to an end, Gunge enthusiastically went over to say hello: "Oh, can you lend me the place for a while?"

The leading big sword macho glanced at him. I saw an adventurer I didn’t know, and asked a little unhappy: "Are you going to bully the newcomer?" Do you have any for the newcomer?"

The big sword macho looked at Charles carefully, nodded, and then stepped aside with Mengxin.

Charles and Gunman quickly fought. At first, it seemed that both of them played well, but after a while, the speed of their shots soared, a cloud of dust was stirred up around, and there was an afterimage of the weapon impact. The sound drew a lot of onlookers.

"Is this an adventurer from royal capital?"

A local adventurer asked.

Someone next to him replied: "That's the white porcelain that came yesterday."

The two people in the clearing soon stopped, and Charles stood there smiling. Brother Qiang looked lost and supported his body with a long spear on the ground.

The big sword hero came over to take pleasure in other people's misfortune and said to Gun Brother: "You died seven times just now."

With his eyesight, he saw Charles just now. Ended several times.

"Nine times!" Gun brother replied forcefully, "I think he can chop off my gun."

The eyes of the swordsman immediately appeared fighting intent, Unexpectedly, this pseudo-cute new is also a power-type warrior.

"Can you compare it with me?" he asked Charles.

Charles didn’t answer, and Gun Brother shouted: "I invited him to drink last night!"

"Okay." The sword man replied, "Today I invite you to the wine."

When the surrounding adventurers saw the excitement again, they began to scream and applaud.

They understand that this cute new is Bai Ci. That's because they just started in the industry, and their strength is silver.

For them, there are a few experts in the guild who are attractive spectacles of the masses, who can hold their thighs when dealing with some emergencies.

The two big men over there started playing "ping-pong-pong", and the three girls here also got together and chatted together.

After everyone got to know each other, Sister Paladin saw the bow in Liu De's bow pouch and the quiver hanging around her waist, and asked her: "How far away can you hit an eye-sized target?"

Without a word, Liu De took out the short bow and quickly opened the bow and set an arrow, moving towards the crowd onlookers in the distance was an arrow.

An arrow flew over the head abruptly, making those people angry enough, but I won't scold her for the girl's beauty.

But they soon discovered that the arrow had nailed a cockroach the size of a thumb just passing by to the wall.

"It's farther than this distance." Liu De replied.

Sister Paladin laughed happily. She and the great sword man are both in close combat. The new strength of long-range attacks is not enough. If this archer can help many tasks, it will be a lot easier.

Second day in the morning, when the gun brother and the big sword hunk were in the adventurers guild waiting for Charles to come and form a team, everyone didn't expect them both to be still in the hotel bed.

The bed is full of books, and they sit by the bed and read carefully.

These books were borrowed by Liu De from the Temple of the God of Knowledge. There are books on the rare beast encyclopedia that introduce various wild beasts, and there are also books that explain the introductory knowledge of magic.

The two of them need to figure out a lot of things, and they also have to worry that the TRPG gods will stumble themselves.

Five days later, these two people went to find a task.

"Sorry." The girl at the counter politely and resolutely rejected Charles, "White porcelain adventurers can't take this task."

Charles curl one's lip, said unhappily: "Isn't it just a few demon wolves? I can solve them with my eyes closed."

The girl at the counter took another task list and placed it in front of him and said, "I recommend you to complete it. This mission."

Charles saw that it was a mission to slay a few goblins near a village. He shook his head and said in a low voice, "Forget it, let him leave this mission."

What he needs now is to make money. Books these years are very precious, especially books related to magic. In order to borrow the books from the Temple of Knowledge, he pledged gold bars of equal weight.

"I have a task here." The supervisor girl next to the counter girl handed Charles a list, "I suggest you complete it."

Charles take it Come and see, this is a mission to crusade a few wild boars near the village, they have eaten a lot of crops.


Charles’ eyes shined, smiled and said to the supervisor’s sister: "I’ll take this task!"

"You are really one A lady with both wisdom and beauty!"

If he doesn’t remember the surrounding maps, he won’t find the tricks in it. If he goes to the wild boar village, he can pass by the village threatened by the demon wolf. You have completed another task that didn't follow along the way, and that's yours.

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