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"Here." Charles pulled a top plug from the embers of the campfire Holding a branch of an unknown object about the size of their fist that was roasted and slightly browned, he handed it to Diana, "This is breakfast."

Diana took it and looked at it carefully, and then asked, "This is What kind of insect larvae?"

"Some kind of beetle." Charles picked up another string and ate, "I learned from the children in the territory village after I came here. It just dawned. At that time, I found a few in the trunk next to it."

Diana took a bite, and it felt similar to the fried bee pupae I had eaten before.

Two roasted insects per person are served as breakfast for this day.

After the embers of the campfire were completely extinguished with two slimes that had just drunk the dew, the two of them began to walk eastward.

"Our current trouble is that we don't have anything to boil water, and the next thing is that there is not enough food." Charles counted the contents of the storage ring. That is the ring mainly used to store books, and there is not enough room for the big things in pots and pans.

Diana walked and watched all around. She said, "It would be great if you could find a big bamboo. Other things to eat would be easy to find."

Before Charles I also suggested going to the shore of the lake to ask for help from the past merchant ship, but the two guys who had been bitten by snakes for ten years and feared the ropes were afraid that the kidnappers would find them first, and finally decided to walk to the forging Holy Land.

Charles estimated that after their clothes were taken by the kidnappers, the kidnappers would create a fake scene to take them into Linhai. And Elizabeth and the others found that it was a suspicious strategy and estimated that it would only work today, and it would take some time for them to turn to the east to search, so as long as this time is delayed, the longer the time is, the more beneficial it will be.

Avalon City and the forged Holy Land are generally communicated by water, but there is also a dirt road used by adventurers along the coast, which makes it easier for the two of them to walk.

It's just that the two of them were screaming along the way, and immediately hid in the bushes on the side of the road whenever there was any disturbance.

When they started discussing what to eat for lunch, they met two opponents who couldn't escape, and two Timberwolves the size of a motorcycle stopped in front of them.

Charles and Diana are holding the two daggers that can put Hurricane and Fireball Technique used last night and confront them.

"The two wolves are about three years old. They are very fast, and their strength and agility overwhelm us. It is not ruled out that they can use some magic." Charles had learned about the Timberwolves when he was preparing to sell wolf pups. Some knowledge, "The Fireball released by the dagger in your hand should be able to solve one, and I can delay the action of the other one."

"Knock it closer and hit it again." Diana said. A line often heard in film and television works, "Be sure to hit a hit. I will solve one and then support you."

When they were on the road just now, the two decided that they would be in danger. Diana will be in charge of the situation. Charles knows that this Eldest Young Lady has rich experience in handling sudden occurance in a magical world, much better than his own keyboard man.

There was a stench in the air at this time. Although Charles, who was in the upper hand, immediately threw out the "smelly wild beast" potion, the two almost adult wolves resisted the odor that made them hate from their hearts, and did not turn around to escape.

The two wolves standing in the middle of the road now have red eyes, their open mouths are drooling, and there are bursts of low-pitched roars in their throats.

"Something's wrong!" Charles whispered to Diana. "It stands to reason that they can't resist the smell. Even if they are hungry, they will stay away."

"They It may be controlled by something, or what drove them to kill us here."

"Come!" Before Diana answered, the two wolves moved towards They rushed over.

The distance almost the width of the football field is a blink of an eye for the two wolves in the sprint. When they rushed to the equivalent to the small penalty area, they jumped up and pounced at the same time. Two people.


As soon as Diana yelled the word "open", Charles had been facing the wolf in front of the dagger with a whirl.的风柱。 The wind column.

Fortunately, these two wolves are not yet mature, and their hunting experience is not rich. As a result, they will only rush straight towards their prey. If they are experienced adult wolves, they will rely on coquettish positioning to avoid possible attacks from the opposing two, and after disturbing the other's body, they will pounce on the other's side or behind.

The Timberwolves who rushed towards Charles opened their mouths wide in the air, and the same pillar of wind sprayed out of its mouth and collided with the pillar of wind shot from the dagger in Charles's hand.

There was a muffled noise after the two invisible pillars of wind collided together.

Charles' dagger almost ran out of magic power last night. At this time, the magic it released was barely a line higher than the magic released by the Timberwolves.

After the two offset, the Timberwolves were only blinded by a gust of wind.

It blinked quickly and recovered.

As long as a very short moment, he can fall down on the prey in front of him. Then he bit into the thin neck, and when the prey stopped moving, he brought them back as a lunch to the owner.

I just don’t know if the owner likes the prey he brings back.

The owner has two legs, and the prey is also two legs. The owner It shouldn't be eaten, just like I don't hate eating four-legged rabbits.

Just a few days ago, mother was killed by a demon who had two legs and was as short as the prey in front of him when preparing dinner.

The demon didn't plan to let go of himself, who was just watching. If the big brother hadn't blocked him for a while, he and the second sister would have died.

And the big brother... seems to have heard his wailing while escaping...

I and my elder sister were injured and fell down before they could run far.

Just when I thought I and my elder sister were going to die under the slime, the master appeared.

The master drove away the slime and healed the wounds on me and the elder sister.

The master is so gentle. He gave me and the elder sister the only meat to eat, but he can only eat something like grass.

That is the best meat I have ever eaten. I don’t know if I can eat it in the future.

When the master's claws crossed my fur, it made me relax.

The master also named our sisters. The elder sister is Qianhu, and my name is Yuli.

This morning, the host finished all his food, and he asked us to come out and find something to eat back.

My elder sister and I are very happy, and finally have a chance to repay our master!

Shh~elder sister, look, what did I find? Here are two thin two-legged lunches, we can try to catch it, they can provide us with today's full meal.

Ahhhhhh...should I be hunting? Why do I think of these things?

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