"Come here and look at this!" Harkala ran towards a stall in front of a shop while pulling Charles, almost knocking Charles down.

A row of dragon heads about the size of a football stood on the booth. These dragon heads are made of metal. You can see the fine and delicate dragon scales on the top. The eyes are two deep red crystals. A row of sharp teeth grows in its wide mouth, and there is a beautiful tongue in the middle.

"These teeth look so sharp." As Halkara said, he reached out and touched one of the teeth.

She pressed her finger on the tooth, and the tooth was pressed down, followed by a "Pa" sound, and the fast-closing dragon's mouth bit Halkala's finger.


Halkara's exclamation startled everyone around her. She tried to shake off the heavy dragon head, but her fingers But it was firmly bitten.

"This guest, is it irritating, surprised, surprised or surprised?" Lady Boss smiled and said to Halkara, "Just buy one for such a fun toy."

Halkara opened the dragon's mouth violently, and then cautiously pressed the tooth again, but after a "click", the tooth got stuck underneath, and the dragon's mouth did not close.

Halkara blushed after hearing the sound and hurriedly closed his hand, and then continued to press the second tooth cautiously, but it was still all right.

The third...the fourth...the fifth...

In the end, there are two teeth left. Halkara pulled Charles over, "You press one Give it a try."

Charles clenched the teeth, moved towards a tooth, pressed it down, and then put his hand back safely.

"The last one will definitely be okay!"

Halkara finished speaking, and the hand that pressed her teeth was bitten by the dragon head again.

In the end, Halkara bought the toy for two dinars.

While paying in Halkara, Charles asked Lady Boss: "Lady Boss, is your dragon head made according to a real giant dragon?"

Lady Boss stared, "Of course, we hired a giant dragon to be a model. Each toy will cost her 10% of the portrait fee!"

Then Charles pointed to the shelf. The action figure of soldiers wearing various armors about twenty centimeters high asked: "So what about these soldiers?"

"These are the same." Lady Boss replied, "We got Authorized by these troops."

Finally, Charles pointed to the iron statue of a nun placed on the highest place and asked: "So what about her?"

Filin in the same Northlands The Kingdom of Root and the Kingdom of Biberach are neighboring countries, and Holy Angel Nun also visits here every one or two years.

Lady Boss replied with reverence this time: "Holy Angel Nun is different. She agrees to use her portrait for free. We only need to help others when necessary."

The toys and action figures in the shop opened by the dwarves in this Commerce District are all well-made things, especially the set of action figures from the army of continents, a set of armor in the army of elves and Horatio of the day before yesterday They wear exactly the same clothes when guarding the carriage of the elven princess.

"Do you want to buy it, or do you want to do it, or do you want to do it again?" Charles was lost in thought.

"Forget it, I've already chopped it once anyway, it doesn't hurt to chop another piece." Charles finally made up his mind.

In the happy farewell of Lady Boss, Charles and Halkara left the Japanese miscellaneous area. Then the two came to the weapon area.

The shops here are full of shields, armors, big swords and long spears. But Charles wasn't interested in these weapons he hadn't used yet, and after searching for them, he came to a shop with a gorgeous sign.

"What are you doing here?" Halkara asked Charles curiously. Almost all the customers in this store are young women and a few young men.

"Buy Hongye and the others," Charles said.

"If you want to buy it in Shuhai, can't you buy it again, it is very expensive here." Halkara persuaded.

This is a shop opened by elves, selling all kinds of magic jewelry.

Here, not only the dwarves open the shop, but also the humans and elves who come here to roam.

Dwarves are good at making magic weapons, while elves are good at making magic jewelry. The gold coin players will not lack these two distinct things.

Charles shook the head, "After Hongye got the pet I sent, it is estimated that he will go to the grassland next spring to experience it. I want to give her something to be given to her during the peak trade season in autumn. "

At this time, someone in the store greeted Halkara in Elvish language. Charles turned his head and saw that it was a clerk in this shop.

After this period of study, Charles has a good understanding of Elvish language, and he can already hear some daily greetings. Moreover, Halkara only had books on pharmacy and medical treatment, which allowed Charles to memorize a lot of medical vocabulary while learning Elvish.

So he can now hear the clerk calling Halkala a "mountain-chested guy".

After a fight between "Mountain Elf" and "Plain Elf", Halkara introduced Charles and the elf named Gema.

After knowing that the other party was a student with the head of a big sister, the light of gold coin reflected in Ji Ma's eyes.

"What do you need, Sir Megadon." Jima showed Charles an impeccable professional smile.

"Just call me Charles like Halkara." Charles took a look at the merchandise in the store, "I want a jewelry set suitable for a fourteen-year-old girl on the prairie. , There is also a set of jewelry suits suitable for students of my age."

In this period of time, Charles has a better understanding of elves' jewelry.

The elves often make a set of jewelry with consistent styles and matching magical effects. Such sets are not only popular with customers, but can also be sold at higher prices.

"Two girls?" Gema gave Charles a funny face.

Charles has a black line, "One is my elder sister and the other is my friend."

"Understood!" Gema snapped his fingers, "please Wait."

Not long after, Ji Ma took a small box with blue background and red pattern from the warehouse behind the store and placed it on the counter.

How to say that the products produced by genie must be high-quality goods, even at high prices, people will buy them. The packaging box alone has the function of waterproof, fireproof and anti-theft.

"On the prairie, beastman pursues strength and agility." Jimma introduced the jewelry while taking out the jewelry from the box. "This set of jewelry called'Wind Elegance' can improve agility and agility. Strengthening the attack is most suitable for young women on the prairie."

Charles did not ask why she knew she wanted an agility suit, because only the green skinned beastman on the prairie would pursue power.

If Charles' elder sister is a green skinned beastman, then Jima, who has been in business for so many years, has a proud vision and admits defeat.

Jima took out a pair of chains woven with blue metal thread and decorated with a red magic crystal the size of a fingernail and placed it in front of Charles, "This is constant The anklet of'quick walking' can increase the user's running speed. Of course, if it is used improperly, such as forcibly increasing the output power, it is easy to cause leg muscle strain. In this case, our shop is not responsible."

Next is a pair of metal belts also made of a certain blue and red alloy. "This is a belt with constant'healing', which can give emergency treatment when the user is injured."

Then there are bracelets that increase strength, earrings that increase hearing, necklaces with constant shields, and a half-face mask that increases eyesight protection.

Charles researched it and didn't know how to wear earrings for cat elder sister's meow ears.

However, after Gema solemnly vowed that this was not a problem, Charles chose to believe her.

Although Charles believes that this set of jewelry is a temporary match and name given to him by Gemma, he is still a rookie in this respect and finally chooses to trust her again.

At the hint of Halkara, Gemma quickly put together a set of jewelry sets and introduced it to Charles.

When finally counting the money, after a fierce bargaining, Charles found that he didn't have enough cash, and most of the money he carried was still with Elizabeth.

Fortunately, the Megadon Family's reputation in the mall is very secure, so he wrote a checklist similar to a check, stamped the heraldic seal on the ring and gave it to Ji Ma. When someone takes this check to Megadon Family, the corresponding amount can be cashed out.

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