Charles put the stunned murloc girl back on the blanket and lay down, then put on a new blanket, and finally touched her carotid artery. The pulse was still normal.

After several treatments for the murloc girl, Charles came to the wall, took out a can of water and a towel, and cleaned the bodies of the other five girls frosty.

Although the trauma on their bodies was cured by Charles, the blood scabs still stick to the skin and it is difficult to remove them with a wet towel.

So Charles took out a few large bottles of alcohol for debridement and disinfection from the storage ring, soaked the towel and put it on it first, softened the blood crust and then slowly wiped it off.

When Charles was leaving just now, a girl bit a blanket and tore a rope.

Charles knows nothing about what happened next, he only knows that these girls have expressions of relief on their faces.

Charles didn't want to comment on the short-sighted behavior of these girls who ran away just now, but when they were safe.

The girls knew that they were safe. When Charles rescued them, there were two other girls who were still conscious. He told the two girls that they were safe. Finally, they were receiving treatment. Just fainted.

I don't know how long it took until Charles used almost all of the alcohol to clean the bodies of the five girls, and then wrapped them in a blanket.

They are both fifteen and sixteen-year-old girls, but they are dying in their supposedly beautiful years.

Looking back, he saw that the only girl alive had woken up and was sitting there looking at him steadily.

Charles walked over, pulled up the blanket that fell in front of her to help her cover her naked body, "It's very cold here, be careful of the cold."

Then he took Out of a can of rice cereal for emergency consumption, he handed it to the girl, "Let’s eat something."

He didn’t know how the girl’s natural figure was, but she looked rather thin now (with Meliti was the standard), for fear that she would be starving for too long and her stomach would be bad, so she gave her a pot of digestible and energy-supplied rice cereal with some herbs.

However, the girl is still motionless, still looking at Charles steadily.

Charles has no experience with death-seeking people. He wants to master the skill of mouth-cannon and bring the dead heart back to life.

The girl has a lot of injuries, especially internal injuries and mental injuries. Charles can only heal her physical injury first, and then slowly solve the mental problem. At the worst “Didi Dalong” sent her to Holy Angel Nun. I heard that Holy Angel Nun is also in ideological work. expert.

But the nutrition can't keep up, and the result of the injury treatment can only be that the wounded died from exhaustion. Since the girl didn't want to eat, Charles had to force her to eat.

So Charles sat next to the girl, wrapped her in his arms, and then suddenly right hand wrapped her neck, grabbed her cheek and opened her mouth, holding the rice cereal pot in his left hand." "Gudong Gudong" poured it down.

The girl who was caught off guard was "gudonggudong" nearly 500ml of rice paste by Charles.

This girl is sixteen or seventeen years old. She is quite taller than Charles. Charles estimates that the pot of rice cereal can only cushion her belly. But it’s okay to eat later, and you can start further treatment after digesting what you eat tomorrow.

At this time, Charles had already let go of the girl, and the girl started to react. She trembled all over, and then the tears kept falling.

Charles spread his hands and hugged her in his arms again, while lightly patted her on the back, and said softly: "It's okay, it's okay, now you're okay..."

The girl suddenly hugged Charles hard, then burst into tears.

Charles can only continue to lightly pat her on the back and let her vent her depression. As long as this step is over, people will not easily die.

The girl's body is still very weak. After she cried for more than half an hour, her crying gradually weakened, and then fell asleep deeply.

Charles made three stone chambers here. The third one is more than three meters behind this one. There are no other external exits except the curved vent. It is the place he uses to save his life.

Diana said to him that the use of magic relies on practice to make perfect. Only by constantly practicing and even integrating magic practice into life can you master it at the fastest speed.

Then Diana cited her father as an example. Her father once practiced a magic that was originally used to slash people from cutting vegetables so that she could hit mosquitoes, so that she at first thought that magic was meant to kill. For mosquitoes.

So the kind-hearted Charles also started to use every opportunity to practice magic, including this time digging a hole to build a hiding place, he built three at once.

Charles took the girl there while she was asleep, and then took the bodies of other girls.

When night fell, a large number of murlocs came outside.

The five evil Demon Sect officers of their barracks have not returned, and the squad accompanying them have also disappeared, which makes them nervous.

They couldn't find the bodies of the five demons. Charles later used teleportation magic to stuff them into the depths of the mud.

The corpses of the group of murlocs were left by Charles deliberately, because the murlocs were all killed by the devil's "Black Widow" poisonous magic.

What the fish people think and do after discovering these corpses is not Charles’s concern. He kicked the wheel. He didn’t know if the wheel would go into the ditch, but he always tried. Just kick it.

He had restored the cave just now, and the murloc could only find that it was a dead end when he got in from the entrance.

In the hidden cave, Charles wiped his armor under the light.

That is a scale made of black scales, and the edges of the scales are bordered by orange flame patterns.

If this scale armor is thrown on the market, it will definitely make countless people crazy. After all, the scales of this scale armor are genuine dragon scales.

The scale armor of Charles was sent by Nesalio not long ago after he learned from Nicholas II that he was almost dead. It was a gift from Charles when he was in Mason City. Dress in return.

Giant dragons also change their scales, but the cycle is very long, and the interval is long enough to make Charles' grave and green trees grow into a forest.

They deal with the scales they replaced in different ways. Some used them as gifts to foreign friends, some sold them for money, and some found a place to pile them up at home.

It is common to pile up generally speaking at home. It is very small to sell it, and it is a little more to give to friends.

The personality of giant dragon is different, and the way of sending scales is also different. Some give it a piece of meaning, some make it as a souvenir, and some don't care to grab a lot and give it away.

Nesalio gave such a set of scale armor to Charles, which is quite normal for the giant dragon.

This pair of defensive power of physical and magical scale armor is also one of Charles's confidence in this southward adventure.

Charles coats a thin layer of standard leather on the scale armor. Armor is camouflaged to deceive the enemy, and you still need to check and maintain it when you have time.

Charles, who took off his armor, is now only wearing a suit made of spider silk, and it feels a bit chilly in the cave.

There was a noise behind him, and the murloc girl woke up.

"Why are you saving me?" The girl's words were full of sadness.

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