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In a dream, the fishing duo watched Rachel hit a target with a musket in the distance, and the hit rate was not bad.

Charles asked Diana: "Do you know the phenomenon similar to'explosive species'?"

"Yes, it is mentioned in the school textbook." Diana said lightly The voice said, “When a person is stimulated, the soul will have a certain chance to overclock for a short period of time, which will greatly increase the strength and spirit strength of the person’s physical level, but it consumes a lot of the body. Some people pass Practice can freely control to enter that state."

"so that's how it is." Charles nodded, Diana said that he understood it, which is the same as when he first merged with the broken Divine Spark. A bit like.

"Linda exploded not long ago, and I heard that it exploded several times later, still in a dream." Diana continued.

Charles raised his brows. "She wasn't taken apart and studied by you, right?"

"Hehe..." Diana smiled copingly.

When they met in City of Knowledge, Charles showed Diana in the study his demon race form.

At that time, Diana wanted to scrape a little bit and study it. Charles immediately said that you changed back to Veeva and I asked me to study it too.

After some negotiations, the two of them finally signed the "Non-human Forms and Bodies Treaty".

Since then, Charles has realized Diana's side of researching madman, especially her look towards Da Mao Wang, which is a bit scary for the royal capital.

The two watched Rachel's shooting for a while. Rachel, who hadn't "exploded", had a slight drop in accuracy, but she was also at an excellent level.

"Still angry with me?" Charles asked suddenly.

"Yes." Diana answered coldly.

"Oh." Charles complied.

People who know Charles and Diana are confused about the conflict between the two of them recently, and don't understand how they both got into trouble.

In fact, the fuse between the two of them is very simple. Charles recently decided to let Diana, who neglect sleep and forget about food, put down his work and go to recuperate.

And Diana, who has been self-reliant and independent for several decades, believes that Charles can't tell his own work and life. Charles' starting point may be good, but his approach has violated her bottom line.

So when the two pieces of steel collided, there was a spark of contradiction.

"If you have a chance to fight, even if you pass it."


Listen to them with your ears not far away The two talking Meliti had a black line and couldn't understand the thoughts of the two guys.

There was silence for a while, and Charles said: "I should go, there is still a big action tonight."

"Be careful."

Diana said After that, Charles disappeared.

When Charles woke up, he looked at his pocket watch. It was a quarter of an hour before the action began.

Not long after he checked the equipment, a few cricket calls sounded and then stopped abruptly.

Charles guessed which of the hapless crickets nearby was eaten by other small animals, and he mourned for it for three seconds.

At one o'clock in the morning, a silhouette suddenly stood up from under a tree at a place more than a hundred meters outside the murloc camp, and then shot an arrow with a bow.

Charles on the tree saw an arrow hit the watchtower on the fence of the barracks, and then accurately hit the chest of the murloc sentry on duty.

The watchtower that was attacked panicked, and as the alarm bell was sounded, the entire barracks burst into flames, and teams of murlocs who had been prepared rushed out of the tent fully armed.

During the day, after the demons were gone, the fish people entered a state of battle, in order to deal with the enemy's attack at any time.

Charles, who was watching the excitement in the tree, yawned, and then entered a state of closed eyes and meditation, and he will perform later.

Like the fishermen facing the enemy, they waited for more than an hour, and it turned out that the outside of the barracks was dark, and there was nothing except the call of insect.

Soon, the murlocs who were waiting received the order to return to the tent to rest.

After another half an hour, a patrol team came out of the barracks and started patrolling the surroundings.

Gradually, this patrol approached Charles and the woods where they were hiding.

After walking two laps on the edge of the woods, the patrol team passed the big tree under Charles and slowly walked into the woods.

It didn't take long for the voice of dialogue to reach Charles' ears from a distance.

"What do you mean by your letter?"

"As stated in the letter."

"Our two clans are at war."


"The war between soldiers is for the national interest and the glory of the soldiers. The rescue of the suffering girls is for justice and justice. God of Life teaches us to reach out when encountering innocent suffering lives Helping hand."



(The conversation between the two parties stopped for a few minutes, where Charles could hear the conversation I heard heavy breathing.)

"It is my duty to guard the barracks...but...I will not stop your justice."



"They will trouble you in the future, alas...this world..."


The two sides reached a little consensus in the woods, Then they turned around and plunged into the night.

Not long after, the commander of this operation appeared on the branch beside Charles.

"Your lord, it's up to you." He said to Charles.

Charles opened his eyes and looked at the murloc camp in the distance. Nodded, the branches of the world fell.

As he deepened his grasp of the broken Divine Spark, the amount and precision of his magic control grew.

※Dividing line※

Look! Under the light, there is a little girl crying.

I don’t know where she came from, look! The little girl cried so sad.

I don't know who abandoned her, and where she should go in the future.

Dear Little Sister, please don’t cry.

Where is your home, I will take you back.


Hai Li, who was curled up in the corner, looked at the humanoid creature that suddenly appeared in front of her, and her body trembled constantly.

"Don't be afraid, I'm not a bad person." Charles said softly to her, while extending the hand to touch her head, "Wait a minute, the nightmare is over."

As soon as Charles finished speaking, he took Hailey to the grove outside the barracks.

The elves who were already waiting immediately put a blanket on Haley, who was not knowing what to do, and then forcibly poured a bottle of potion on her.

Hailee, who had not yet figured out the situation, fell asleep groggyly after drinking the potion, and was then moved to a nearby carriage by the elves.

At this moment, Charles returned with another murloc girl.

Except for the trouble of sneaking into the barracks silently at first, the rest of the rescue operation went smoothly.

The fish people obviously gave up their guard on the place where the devil lived, and then deployed most of their troops behind the wall.

In this way, Charles can easily establish a small space coordinate in a hidden place, so that he can directly teleport to this place next time he uses teleportation.

In the end, it took Charles more than half an hour to quietly pick up the nearly twenty murloc girls here.

After saving the murloc girl, Charles returned to the murloc’s barracks again, and then took out the EX curry stick moved towards the place where the supplies were stocked and fired a few shots.

Taking advantage of the fryer at the murloc camp, the elves slid northward in a carriage full of sleeping murloc girls overnight.

If the murloc officer just now knew that there were fewer than twenty elves in the squad tonight, he wouldn't be so talkative.

The murloc officer stood in front of the destroyed supplies and said with a dark face to his opponents: "Report to the upper side truthfully, the evil Demon Sect officers will all take their maids to a picnic on vacation, late at night Not returned. In the early hours of the morning, our army was attacked by the enemy at night."

When the sky was dark, Charles met George who had come to inspect the work at an elf stronghold in the mountains.

George who arrived overnight brought a large number of professionals. They are doing physical and psychological treatments for the newly rescued murloc young girls. Rachel, who has recovered, is also busy, helping to enlighten the sisters and sisters.

At first, he still wanted to make fun of George, who was black when Charles found the girls again. He already knew the experiences and encounters of these girls at this time.

He asked Charles: "How are you going to arrange them?"

Charles replied, who is loading the "hornet" triple-pack assault rifle: "Give Rachel one The chance of meeting with the commander and the final result depend on how they talked."

"I will send someone to send her there." George said, "What are your plans next? "

Charles said: "Supplement me with something to eat, sleep during the day, and the sun will be there."

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