The rainy night is as dark as ink, which covers the eyes of pedestrians.

The roaring wind blocked the ears of pedestrians.

On the muddy road, pedestrians can only rely on the light brought by the occasional lightning in the clouds to move forward.

Charles didn’t know that, just as his heading was turning from south to east, he was about to go west to ambush his six Hundred Men Squad. Mi's place passed him.

When the sky gradually lights up, the rain decreases and the clouds in the sky begin to leak a little white light.

Charles found a piece of firewood forest under the faint light of the sky, and then decided to fix it there.

It has been more than a year since no elves have come here to chop down branches for firewood. The trees in the forest with a lot of side branches grow very luxuriant, and the ground has grown bushes as high as one person. Hard to be seen by others.

Charles walked to a position close to the middle, and then found a flat area with dense weeds around it.

Next... dig a hole... squat down at the pit... take off your pants... diastolic sphincter...

At this moment, there was a flutter in the sky, and then someone landed on Not far from Charles.

Although there are tall, dense weeds blocking the line of sight, Charles can still tell from the voice over there that the other party is doing the same thing as himself.

"Meeting is predestined, what part is it, buddy?" The demon said to Charles in a low voice, "I am Deina from the ×× team."

Charles Knowing that he was discovered, but the other party did not recognize him because of bad light, so he replied: "I am Gadoca from the ××× team."

After obtaining the demon named Bem After the memory of, Charles naturally understood the language of the devil, but when he spoke it became a slight accent, and this accent was unexpectedly very similar to the accent of the royal capital of the Kingdom of Kuyavia.

When Deina heard the opponent's royal capital accent, and then cooperated with the number of the opponent's unit, he had initially confirmed that the opponent was his own.

"Oh!" Deina’s voice was full of surprises, "Fortunately to meet you!"

Whether it will happen unfortunately, Charles complained in his heart. The team he reported was It is specially used for gilding and making friends with the powerful children, and by the way, gives them a chance to form a team.

Charles thought for a while, searched in Bem's memory, and found a little information about this Deina.

"Last year, there was a flood in the west, was your house okay?" Charles asked.

"Don't mention it." Deina's voice was a little depressed, "My pasture was washed away by the flood, and only less than ten sheep could be snatched."

Different teams in the army come from different regions. After hearing that the opponent can figure out his hometown from his own number, he is even more sure that the opponent is his own.

"Why don't we work together?" Charles said.

"Okay!" Deina became excited.

The "cooperation" that Charles said is actually selling military merits. The gilded children of the nobles pay for the military merits of the next-line combatants. This is the unwritten rules in the army of the demon kingdom of Kuyavia. All the powerful children who went to the army to be gilded did this.

This time Deina, Bem and other demons were used as mercenaries to assist Osm’s murlocs and elves to find them. Jenny offered them a high reward. If they were sold again Some military exploits are a lot of income for Deina.

Deina said excitedly: "This time the siege, all mine is sold to you."

As a result, Charles "hehe" sneered a few times, and he said: " Can you get your hands on the idea this time? Don’t say it nicely now, when the time comes, you are all planted in."

Deina over the bushes immediately yelled: "I It’s not the group of idiots from Krakow. Do you think it’s at home? I still think about playing field battles all day, but all of them are killed by those long ears. If it weren’t for those idiots, we would need it. Do you run out in the rain on a rainy day? Isn’t it good to play with those fish in the room?"

Charles felt that if it wasn’t for his inconvenience now, he would definitely jump in front of him and pat his chest to promote himself. NS.

"That's it." Charles said, "I will look for you when you come back."

As the last fig leaf of the military service business, according to the rules, the children of the rich and powerful go to the frontline soldiers. Buy.

After all, if the frontline soldiers take the initiative to peddle military merits, the military will lose face.

Deina talked about where he lives in the logistics base in the vicinity, and then said, "Master Gadoca, you can go to my room after your patrol is over. Happy."

Charles responded with disdainful "hmph", and then Charles said: "If you play badly, throw it to me?"

"No, no!" Ina said hurriedly. Because the number of powerful children who came to gilded this time was not large, and the number of buyers was small and the number of sellers was too large, the current competition in the military service market was too fierce.

He said: "This time when we gathered here to encircle and suppress the small army with long ears, we got all new ones. The past few days I have been patrolling outside, not at all. How much time to play, they are all well."

The frosty Charles said in a wretched voice: "I think you can't play, right?"

"How is it possible? ?!" Deina was obviously angry, "I was [prohibited matters] yesterday, then [prohibited matters], then [prohibited matters], and finally [prohibited matters]...If it’s not my turn to patrol , I definitely want [Prohibitions]."

Charles who resisted his anger said: "Then have you tried [Prohibitions], [Prohibitions] and [Prohibitions ]?"

"Yo!" Deina cry out in surprise, "My lord, you can play, don’t play less at home, you have the opportunity to communicate more."

"It's easy to talk," Charles replied perfunctorily.

"Aiya!" Deina's cry out in surprise surprised Charles.

As a result, Deina said in a pleading voice: "My lord, do you have any extra toilet paper? Mine was soaked in rain."

A black line Charles, took out a small stack of toilet paper from the storage ring. This was a high-level product made with maple leaves at his home. It was brought by Alfe when he was afraid that Charles would not be used to low-grade goods outside. .

Then he took out a small bottle of potion and sprinkled it evenly on it, rolled it into a roll and pulled a piece of grass next to it and tied it.

"Next, high level goods, you shouldn't use them." Charles threw the toilet paper roll over.

Deena caught the toilet paper roll that had fallen from the sky and found that although it was a bit moist, it was still full of toughness and even a hint of fragrance remained.

"Sure enough, it is from the royal capital of royal capital!" Deina thought while enjoying the soft toilet paper.

When he lifted his pants and put them on for two steps, he suddenly felt a tingling sensation from the place where the toilet paper had touched just now, and then he leaned forward and immediately disabled to move even a little bit.

"You actually poisoned the toilet paper!" This was Deina's last words in the world.

He was unable to move, but Deina, who was still conscious, heard a sound of pushing aside the weeds.

The expressionless Charles walked to Deina's head, extended the hand to his head, and used the Devouring skill.

After devouring Bem's magic and memory last time, Charles studied the Devouring skill and discovered that this skill can be played in many ways.

Deynah’s skill Charles is not good, he chose to devour the memory of the opponent this time.

After a while, a dagger appeared in Charles's hand, and then swiped it across Deina's neck.

Blue blood spurted out of Deina's carotid artery, and then was washed into the soil by the rain.

Not long after Charles left, first a slime jumped from the grass to Deina's corpse, and then more and more slime rushed here from all directions.

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