After receiving the news that the enemy was found in the woods, Jenny stood in front of a local map thinking for a long time.

This map is very rough, it can only show the surrounding terrain roughly, don't even think about the scale and contours. But he couldn't help it. Drawing a map is a science, and it is difficult to train professionals. Now he can only use it alive.

The murlocs have never occupied so much land before. After acquiring these lands, they at first are thinking about fighting a big battle to get more land.

But the successive failures of many previous battles of different scales made Jenny realize that the murlocs were not ready for large-scale land battles at all. Their previous weapons, organization, and tactics were not suitable for large-scale land wars.

After reflection, Jenny decided to ask allies for help to improve the murloc’s land warfare capabilities.

At present, it is the time for the transformation and training of the murloc army. If the elves' assault units are allowed to consume their vital power during this period, it will surely make the morale of the army dropped a thousand zhang in one fall.

At this time, the troops led by Jenny are already in place. They have established a long and tight defense line on the west side of this area. The defense line to the north that resisted the elves from going south was also completed after strengthening the force. To prevent the enemy from fleeing north to the south, there is the sea to the south, which is the natural Danger Land for the elves.

The three-sided "iron wall encirclement" has been formed, and the next step is to dispatch the army from the east base to force this squad out from east to west, and then encircle and annihilate it.

Jenny regards this encirclement and suppression task as a textbook battle, which will become a template for such encirclement and suppression tasks in the future.

After confirming that the elf squad is still active in the encirclement, and reconfirming that his army is already in place, Jenny, who personally directs the battle on the front line, ordered his men next to him: "The second stage begins."

The second stage is when all the troops in the base come out and start searching for the activity space that squeezes that elven squad.

Gary was originally a Small Captain in the murloc army. He was originally a direct line of a mid-level officer in the army. After the war, he has a tendency to get promoted and make a fortune.

However, when the war just started, his old leader died in battle, and he was left behind. Not only did he not get promoted, but he even lost the position of Small Captain and was demoted to ten captain.

This year, he has come to run from time to time, and because of his good performance during training, he has returned to the position of Small Captain. Although this squad is just a defensive squad composed of three Ten Men Squads, instead of the previous main squad composed of five Ten Men Squads, it also allows him to see a bright future.

Today he led his squad to the forefront and began to search for the hidden wizard squad.

Now in front of Gary is a deserted pasture. The lush alfalfa in the field has grown more than one meter high. At this time, strings of purple flowers are blooming, dyeing a large area. The places seem to be purple.

The order from above came through the whistle, and Gary ordered to his men: "You all line up, and the long spear is aimed at the grass on the ground."

In his Under the command, thirty murlocs lined up in a row with an interval of one meter, and then hung a four-meter-long long spear, while stabbing in the grass, while coordinating with the squad on both sides to push it all the way to Xiping.

Gary and the others walked out of more than a hundred meters, and another row of murlocs with long spear set off. Not long after they set off, a team composed of javelinmen and mage, consisting of murlocs The three parallel lines separated by more than a hundred meters sweep across this large grassland that may hide the enemy.

In the north of the pasture, an army of murlocs is already ready. If elves emerge from the pasture, this army will immediately drive the enemy to the south.

Gary and the others walked all the way to the western edge of the pasture, and then stopped to defend in place, waiting for the friendly army from behind to come up.

After the three squads arrived, Gary once again commanded his squad and turned and followed the army to search the pasture again.

After searching twice, the murlocs who found nothing except rabbits, pheasants, wasps and slime began to move to the west of the pasture.

After reorganizing the team, Gary once again commanded his squad and followed the army to search for the cucumber field in front of them.

The shelf in the cucumber field has long been occupied by the weeds. Gary and the others stabbed the shelf that was obstructing the line of sight with a long spear, and then stepped on the debris and weeds of the shelf all the way to swept past. .

This afternoon, this scene appeared non-stop, and the murloc army opened up a long period of time according to the "comb", "drag net", "fish scale" and other tactics that Jenny had arranged in advance. From west to east, all the places where the elves may be hidden have been cleared out from west to east.

In places that cannot be effectively eliminated, such as the dense woodland where Charles killed Deina before, Jenny chose to surround it and burn it.

At the same time, Jenny dispatched several capable teams to attack in the encircled area, and raze to the ground all the abandoned farms that might provide a hiding place for that elven team.

When dusk fell, all the murloc troops who had been busy for an afternoon chose to camp in dangerous areas, forming a blockade from south to north.

The teams who were on duty that night were all teams that did not participate in the afternoon action but were in the rear to conserve strength and store up energy. These teams that specialize in the night watch have adjusted the jet lag to ensure that there will be no fatigue, sleepiness, etc. at night. state.

When the sun rises on the second day, the murloc team that slept all night continues to move steadily westward, and the night watch team begins to supplement sleep in the temporary barracks.

This morning, Gary brought his squad to search a farmland that was turned into bushes, which should have been a rice field for growing rice.

His squad routinely lined up in front and searched the bushes with long spear. He followed from time to time and ordered the squad members to speed up and slow down their advancement to avoid gaps with the squad on the two wings.

Suddenly, Gary stepped on something and almost made him slip.

Gary picked up the thing and took a look. It turned out to be a bamboo tube with one end missing, and the aroma of dishes was emerging from the bamboo tube.

After realizing that he had made a major discovery, Gary immediately blew the whistle, and the whole team suddenly stopped, and all of them went into alert.

Great Captain and Gary's sub-captain rushed to Gary's place, and Great Captain took the bamboo tube that Gary handed over.

Great Captain sniffed the inside of the bamboo tube and said, “It’s not spoiled. It should have been eaten last night. Search this place carefully.”

Not long after, cover Rui and the others squad in the vicinity and found a few diabolo tubes left after the elves ate, and a ceramic bottle with a little potion left.

This discovery soon came to Jenny. He judged that it was obviously the elven squad who tried to escape east through the blockade last night, but they did not succeed but it was difficult to judge.

At noon, similar news came again.

Not far from the northwestern side where the bamboo cans were first discovered, several cans that had only eaten most of them were found. According to analysis, the cans were opened this morning, and the elves threw them down before they finished eating. The can is gone.

Jenny marked the places where the wizard squad appeared one after another on the map, and then connected them in order.

Based on this information, Jenny judged that this squad walked a section of the road west from the woods where a demon was killed, and then suddenly headed east for some reason, but found out last night Immediately after the east blockade, they headed to Northwest, presumably trying to return to the north. Then this morning, someone was found to have dropped half of their breakfast after searching for themselves and quickly evacuated.

Jenny doesn't care what those elves think, as long as the enemy is still in the encirclement, he will only be annihilated in the end.

So he ordered that the logistics base once again organized a group of people to reinforce the blockade in the north, and at the same time mobilized troops to the defensive logistics base in the south sea, just in case the logistics base was taken advantage of by the elves.

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