"Let’s ask your Royal Highness Charles to say a few words below. I must all know that many of the new weapons used in this battle are related to His Royal Highness."

After George on the stage finished speaking, he looked at Charles who was sitting in the middle of the first row of the stage with a smile on his face.

At this time, it was the 3rd day of the night attack. After Charles returned to Wutong City with the team for a day’s rest, the second day took part in the operation briefing at the Military Command Auditorium of Wutong City. Today is the discussion, analysis and summary meeting of the action.

At the meeting, representatives of various units from the Wutong City area took to the podium each airs his own views, focusing on the new tactics and new tactics brought by the new equipment, through each of the three Characteristic battles find problems, make suggestions, and offer good strategies.

The representative of the logistics unit pointed out that, for the first time in this battle, a motor vehicle was used as a means of delivery for combat troops. It was a great success, and the marching speed of the troops was doubled. In the foreseeable future, motor vehicles will surely replace animal-powered vehicles and become the main force of military transportation. What we should see is that after the large-scale equipment of motor vehicles, the existing army organization will surely change as a result. The logistics department should establish a professional mechanized transportation unit, which includes driving, maintenance, engineering, and energy support. Even if the motor vehicles cannot be in place in time, the team should first be set up with existing equipment. We can wait for the equipment, but cannot let the equipment wait for us.

The commander of the logistics base who commanded the sneak attack that night said that the new mobile vehicles had a great effect on the battle strength of the frontline troops. The front-line troops should set up a specialized transportation unit directly under the battallion, in order to achieve the full establishment of mobile transportation is better. We should note that motor vehicles at this stage cannot meet the requirements of the battlefield, and the defensive power and comfort of the vehicles need to be improved.

The representative of the ballista battallion that did not participate in the battle this time gave a speech. With the installation of new equipment, the carriage and ballista equipped with the ballista battallion has fallen behind the development of the times in all aspects. The future long-range fire support weapons will surely be the product of the combination of motor vehicles and weapons such as "Charles Pipe Organ" and "Charles Pineapple". To this end, all the ballista battallion has been prepared to replace with new equipment to provide colleagues with rapid, effective and precise fire support.

The representative of the archer believes that the replacement of bows and arrows with muskets is the trend of weapon development. Although the current muskets have shortcomings such as slow loading, low precision, and insufficient formidable power, these shortcomings cannot be corrected. We should now equip more muskets as an important secondary weapon of the archer, and be familiar with the use of muskets and research and explore new tactics and new arrangements.


The representatives spoke enthusiastically, and the atmosphere was enthusiastic. They all expressed that the new equipment should be brought quickly, the more the better.

Seeing that the battle summary meeting turned into a new weapon seminar, a black-lined George simply threw Charles to the front desk to attract firepower, lest these guys bother themselves all day long.

George called, Charles had to brace oneself to the podium.

Thanks to the blessing of "Charles Well", Charles is now considered a celebrity in this area, and he can get 15% off for dinner in the city by brushing his face.

So the participants in the audience applauded one after another.

It's just that Charles, who just walked onto the stage, is also a black line. He didn't know what to say for a while.

These elves are not stupid. The long lifespan gives them enough time to learn and think, and the racial characteristics of slow personality changes prevent them from becoming the kind of old scholars who can’t change from the past. .

Those who are curious for knowledge, as long as someone points out a way, they can run along the road by themselves. This makes Charles basically missed the plot of the transmigrator, which is based on previous knowledge of the transmigrator.

But Charles wasn't completely speechless. When the applause stopped, he figured out how to mess with today's matter.

So, in response to the situation where representatives from all ministries are requesting new weapons at today’s meeting, he said in a slow voice: "Weapons are an important factor in war, but not a decisive factor. The decisive factor is weapons. The user of the weapon, not the weapon itself..."

Charles ended today’s wrap-up meeting with an impromptu speech on the relationship between humans and weapons in "On Protracted War". The importance of it has risen a step.

After the meeting, the elves who participated in the meeting stepped forward to shook hands with Charles, and praised him for his speech.

At this time, the benefits of having an awesome Old Ancestor appeared. Charles said modestly that this is the wisdom of the predecessors, and he only learned a little bit. And I'm so ignorant of the importance of talking on the stage, it's good if you don't take off your shoes and hit me.

We will not smash the shoes, you can rest assured. An elf who shook hands with Charles said that if the shoes were smashed out, they had to pay for new ones, so they would only smash the stools in the auditorium.

After the meeting, George personally took Charles to the logistics warehouse in Indus City for supplies.

In order to capture the magic crystals stored under the Murloc fortress, Charles emptied all the explosive inventory in the storage ring and made a big firework.

When he comes back and is captured, the empty space will naturally be filled up again.

After supplementing the materials, Charles signed the material handover form.

Then George patted his shoulder and asked: "When are you leaving?"

"One night off tonight, and leaving early tomorrow morning." Charles replied.

"Then be careful yourself." George said to him, "The one next to me to the west is not very good at talking. It's best for you not to deal with her."

"What's the situation? ?" Charles raised his brow.

"Oh..." George sighed, "She has been hurt by humans before, so she hates humans."

Charles gave a "Oh", nodded semblancely.

After leaving the logistics warehouse, George still had a lot of work to do, while Charles walked down the street by himself.

Just like the name of this city, rows of tall plane trees are planted on both sides of the road in Wutong City.

At this time, it is the late spring and early summer. The plane trees on the roadside are like huge umbrellas that have been opened, blocking the sunlight in the sky.

The Water Element here is fairly developed, with several small rivers less than ten meters wide passing through the city.

The elves dug through two of the small rivers when they built the city, and connected the small rivers with a small lake half the size of a football field and more than one meter deep.

There are many long aquatic plants growing at the bottom of the small lake. Many of the aquatic plants have grown to the surface of the water and blooming white flowers on the water.

Groups of small colorful fishes that reflect the sun’s rays and not as long as a thumb have been seen among the water plants. From time to time, they are scared to get into the water plants by the big fish with thick arms passing by.

The grassland surrounded by water on three sides is a place where the elves normally relax. Charles is sitting on the shore, blowing the wind, watching a few retired cadres fishing. Not far behind them is a wandering bard is doing business.

The wandering bard sang the story on the grassy hills. When Charles heard his nine-foot-tall and nine-foot-waisted appearance, he had no idea to give him a reward.

If human beings continue high-intensity combat for too long, they will have psychological problems due to mental exhaustion.

Before leaving from Osmanthus City, Elizabeth warned him not to fight for too long, and he must take a break for fifteen to twenty days.

Charles felt that the two-day meeting had already adjusted his spirit back, so he planned to leave tomorrow.

When the sunset began to appear in the sky, Charles left the water and moved towards the dining street along the nearby river bank.

After adding a bunch of spherical sausages hung like grapes, a small restaurant not far away attracted him.

The steaming casserole in front of this store attracted Charles.

The water in the casserole boiled, and the Boss put the cut chicken pieces and cleaned escargots into the boiling water together, and then put fresh bamboo shoots, ginger slices and purple leaves. After waiting for the spices, I finally put the lid on.

So he entered the order without saying a word.

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