After Charles' action plan was submitted, he was immediately hung up and hammered by the elf.

"Don't look down on the road, kid!" Scargill, who has been digging in the Crystal City area longer than Sun Wukong was under pressure, sprayed Charles on his face.

In his field of expertise, Skargill, an old miner who grew up in the mining area, didn't give Charles any face.

"Do you know the mountain and the surrounding geological structure?"

"Have you considered the factors affecting the stability of the surrounding rock during excavation?"

"Which roadway section shape do you choose?"

"How do you solve the support, ventilation, and drainage?"


Perhaps This is the reason why communication in the mine can only rely on roaring. Scargill was able to roar very well. Before the meeting began, he roared at Charles for more than half an hour of roadway digging knowledge.

Although Skargill’s face is full of wrinkles, his short golden hair is gray, but his resolute eyes, back of a tiger and waist of a bear figure, knotted under work clothes His muscles, and the bishop emblem of the forged temple area worn on his left chest, all show the incomparable confidence and imposing manner peculiar to the working class.

Beside Scargill, there are a group of elves exuding the same aura.

Faced with contempt from the working class, Charles Megadon count, the successor of feudalism, could only curl up in a chair shiver coldly.

No way, who made you pretend to be a fool? He has only heard some cases about tunneling, and he has never systematically understood and learned how to design and excavate roadways.

After reading the plan, all the officers in Crystal City praised His Royal Highness Charles for being imaginative, and then threw the plan aside and began to find professionals to plan related matters.

Many local officers in Crystal City are children of the mining area, and they all know how to dig tunnels.

Charles came to Crystal City with Aretosha and the others yesterday, and now all parties have gathered to discuss the feasibility of this unprecedented plan.

A huge blackboard was hung on the wall of the Conference Hall. First of all, the military representative told the combat requirements and wrote these requirements on the far left of the blackboard.

Then on stage were representatives of the Geological Survey Department of Crystal City, who brought several boxes of information.

In the past I don’t know how many years, the geological survey department has done a geological survey of the entire area in order to explore new magic crystal mines. The goal of this operation is also their previous surveys. Within range.

The survey department has made preparations before the meeting. First, the two little elder sisters drew various maps on the blackboard with colored chalk.

Charles couldn’t see anything except that it was the mountain and the surrounding terrain and geological structure. He didn’t know that the patterns made up of square fillings of different colors and shapes represented What does it mean? He also guessed a time map of the groundwater level.

But he saw Scargill and the miners looking at the picture on the blackboard attentively, for fear of missing something.

The representative of the survey department is an intellectual beauty who is over six hundred years old but still has the charm. A pair of small gold glasses on the bridge of her nose makes her scholarly flavor stronger. Holding a pointer, she introduced the mountain and surrounding geological formations to the people in the Conference Hall in a clear and sweet voice.

Charles regretted that he didn't put on the mask early today. Anyway, he basically didn't understand these professional knowledge. It is not as pleasing as the expert in the survey department.

Next... Then there will be nothing about Charles. Scargill and the miners had a heated discussion, and they asked the survey department and military representatives some questions from time to time.

Charles didn't understand most of the technical terms the elves said, so he made a look like he didn't understand but pretended to understand, sitting there, admiring the beauties by the way.

A sudden quarrel made Charles came back to his senses, who was distracted, and then he found that everyone in the room was looking at him.

So he calmly looked around the people in the Conference Hall and found a sketch of the direction of the lane on the blackboard.

In order to cover up the matter of his distraction, he decided not to speak and waited for others to speak first.

At this time Scargill asked: "His Royal Highness, can you always use the skill of digging wells in Indus City?"

Indus City is next to Crystal City. It's been so long, and it's not surprising that Charles was digging a well over there.

A bad feeling suddenly appeared in Charles' heart.

Sure enough, Skargill said: "Because there are many rocks, our miners are digging too slowly. I am afraid that we will not be able to dig the mountain until next year. If His Highness can use the method of digging wells in Indus City, The laneway, I think I can dig through the laneway soon."

Charles looked at the nodded elves in the Conference Hall, secretly sighed in his heart. Is this the fate of EX Curry Stick?

Then he just sat there thinking.

The output power of the magic gun of the RX curry stick is adjustable. If he overclocked in the Evil God altar back then, it would be possible to blast through the mountain.

But that situation cannot be replicated. He does not have so much magic power now, and the callable Power of Faith in the Dreamland platform does not reach the level at that time, so he can only slowly Come.

Usually, the magic cannon that he fires in battle is about 40 meters. This is the result of taking into account the enemy's defense strength and his own control.

From the perspective of the use effect, the magic power of the magic cannon will turn everything blocking it into dust, and then be blown away by the magic power. If it is used in a closed underground, how to clean the powdered rock is another problem.

If you use the number of times, he estimates that with his current strength, digging two or three hundred meters a day is more than enough. But you have to dig some at a time and take a break in the middle.


Scargill said immediately after Charles said the situation.

Scargill went on to say: "We can use the existing materials in the mine to dig a three-kilometer-long tunnel in about ten days."

At this time, the military representative said: "If the project is difficult, you can dig the tunnel to the bottom of the mountain top and lake, and then implement blasting. As long as the water source at the top of the mountain is destroyed, the enemy there will not attack itself."

Charles nodded, this is also a good alternative. The water at the top of the mountain leaked, and the enemy couldn't stay there anymore. At the beginning, there was no water in the street pavilion, so it could not be held.

The relevant plan was quickly completed. The wizard built a forward camp in the woods about a kilometer away from the mountain on the grounds of building a stronghold. Then the miners dig a hole in the ground in the middle of the camp and put Charles in.

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