During the impromptu chorus of the workers, Charles poured the gravy from the stew in the bowl into the rice, mixed it well, and ate it with mouthfuls.

Not many people usually eat in the bar, and one or two kinds of stew are cooked on the stove in the bar.

Charles is not a picky eater, he eats whatever is prepared in the bar.

Because the miners are engaged in heavy physical work, their usual diet is heavy oil and salt, so the food provided in the bar is no exception.

The dish prepared in the bar today is stewed with carrot cubes and diced pork. The diced meat with more fat than lean meat has been simmered for almost a day. The flavor of spices has penetrated deeply into the meat, even The carrot chunks stewed together were also soaked in greasy gravy.

Knowing that Charles is used to the bar Boss, he specially gave him a little more gravy for bibimbap. Now the rice in his bowl looks greasy.

Charles, who is growing up, has a growing appetite. At the same time, he is quite taller than a year ago, and he has more flesh on his body.

As for the foreign world miner's version of "I Donate Oil for the Motherland" that everyone sings, Charles said that Old Ancestor is happy. At the same time, he is fortunate that Old Ancestor did not finish the road and let his descendants return. There is a way.

Just when Charles finished his dinner and was about to check out and go upstairs to rest, the bar boss moved towards the bar and shouted: "Your Majesty, sing us a song, if everyone feels good about this meal Forget it."

The customers in the bar were silent first, and then they began to booze together.

The people who often drink in a bar are all in a small circle. The elves who have been drinking together for more than a hundred years behave very tacitly when they have fun.

The elf who had just played the piano handed Charles his six-string piano, and the bar suddenly became quiet.

Charles, who took over the six-stringed piano, wondered how to get through this level.

It depends on the occasion to copy the official transcript. If you sing in this bar, you may get blindsided, and he also has to avoid crashing with Old Ancestor, so there are not many choices. .

At this time, Charles suddenly thought of the local industrial layout of Crystal City. He had been walking around the city for a while when he had free time in the past two days, and he knew something about it.

There are many mining areas in the Crystal City area, and there are many natural miners, and the miners wear durable and cheap linen overalls when they work.

Although linen clothes are strong, they cannot withstand the abrasion in the mine, so the demand for linen products here is not small.

Therefore, the Crystal City area has developed flax planting and textile industries in the light of the situation.

Currently, most of the male elves in this area work in the mines, while the female elves mostly work in the linen weaving mills, so many girls in the city are female workers in the weaving workshops.

So after Charles recalled it for a while, he played the lioness and sang the slightly modified "Textile Girl".

In the house under the moonlight

The lights are shining

The young textile girl sitting by the window×2

She is young and beautiful.

Black eyes are shining

Silver long hair hangs on her shoulders×2

Her clever mind has profound thoughts


What are you dreaming about, beautiful girl×2

In the house under the moonlight

The lights are shining

Young textile Girl, sit by the window×2


Just when Charles was enjoying himself with the working class, Linda, who started to step into the capitalist world with one leg, was reviewing in the living room Monthly sales of the workshop’s products.

Now Linda has learned enough how her father, Antoine II, was dealing with government affairs. When looking at the documents, she kept her face straight, not letting her subordinates see her feelings from her expressions.

It's just that effect. Mira, who is sitting at the side, has been suffocating a smile.

Last year, Diana rented an idle warehouse in the City of Knowledge Commerce District by Elizabeth’s caravan after Charles’ investment was put in place as a venue, and then built a cosmetics workshop there with the main products It is nail polish and hair cream.

Charles didn't understand why these two products were just needed on the island. The products produced by Diana were very popular with students because of their high quality and low price.

Then Diana became an arm-flinging shopkeeper and gave the small workshop to Linda to manage. She only mentioned a few words when Linda encountered a problem.

Linda, who was inexperienced before, made a mess when she was at first, but she has always seen Princess deal with government affairs by the king. After recalling how Royal Father Antoine II handled government affairs in the past , She began to form her own management team.

In City of Knowledge, the most indispensable are the little nobles and ordinary students who are eager to take refuge in the golden thighs and get ahead.

"Alfred." Linda began to roll the call.

"What is your command?" Alfred Huffin, who had been in contact with Charles briefly on the journey, immediately got up from his chair.

"Why did the growth of nail polish sales slow down last month?" Linda asked.

Alfred, who is in charge of the sales business, was prepared for this problem. He replied: "Because the peers put a lot of advertisements for publicity last month, they found beautiful girls from various Academy Models have printed a lot of advertising pictures. And our publicity only depends on sales student sales and word-of-mouth publicity."

"I see." Linda nodded, "I will solve this matter."

Although she said she wanted to solve it by herself, she didn't know what to do.

Linda is at a disadvantage in this regard.

After coming over for a while, Linda smiled, "Isn’t he a model, I remember Gareth was going to save money to buy a good long sword."

Mira had a black line. She said, "Gareth is a boy."

"So what." Linda said indifferently, "Anyway, the nail polish advertisement only needs to show a beautiful The hand is fine. Who makes Gareth's hand look better than girl's."

Mira is speechless. It seems that the child of Gareth can't escape.

At this time, Rhine Baron, who had been guarding the door, walked in. He saluted Linda, and then said: "Your Highness, there are two believers who forged the temple want to see you."

Linda's eyes lit up, and she said to Alfred and other staff who came to report: "That's it for today, and then everyone will work hard. From the current situation, it's'more than half of the double'. The bonus will certainly not be less."

After the students left, Linda began to order: "Rhine, you go and invite the distinguished guests in. Vogelin must, you go to my study and put the desk on the right hand side. Take the red wooden box. Vergon, you go to the kitchen to get two bottles of good wine. Frohild, you put the chair back."

Go to all four of the Rhine father and daughter. After working, Mira, who was sitting next to Linda, also stood up.

"I will avoid it," Mira said.

"No need, no need!" Linda quickly grabbed Mira's new dress, "This matter has something to do with your Megadon Family, so please stay and listen."

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