Every day at 2:30 in the afternoon, there are suddenly more carriages on the streets of Qiqiu City.

A luxurious carriage travels through the noble residential area in the north of the city, sending their owners into those luxurious houses.

At three o'clock in the afternoon, the nobles of Qiqiu City ushered in the once-a-day Sand Dragon time.

These nobles form a social circle because of hobby, interest and other factors, and these overlapping social circles form a huge social network.

The newly-dressed nobles took their respective wives or lovers into the living room of a family and talked about the latest news and those romantic stories.

It is also noble. At this moment, our Lord Count Megadon is trying to dig forward in the sulking cave.

The nobles of Qiqiu City naturally don't know, and they don't care about what Count Megadon is doing. They chatted in the living room non-stop, and then began to exchange the latest current affairs hotspots.

There is a small circle in the big circle. Three young Baron sit together, tasting a bottle of freshly obtained wine together.

Although the wine is not a good old wine, it also has some special characteristics.

A glass wine bottle is placed on the coffee table, and a thin parchment label is attached to the wine bottle. There is no text on the label except last year's date. There is only a picture of a few young and beautiful girls with their own characteristics lifting their long skirts, revealing their calves happily stepping on grapes in the tub.

The new wine made their three people very satisfied, and it also made them more talkative.

Suvawe shook the glass and said nonchalantly: "Have you heard that, this time the bond sale is confirmed by His Royal Highness Linda."

Oviedo depends on the whole person. On the sofa, his eyes squinted half asleep and said: "Who knows how our Lord Linda would have thought of issuing bonds?"

Frascadet was picking up a wine bottle. Appreciating the label above, he whispered: "I heard that our king Your Majesty was so angry when he knew about this. He thought that His Royal Highness Linda was cheated by a pretty boy, so he almost brought all the Griffins with him. Knight leader personally bringing troops into It's a battle."

The reason why Linda issued the bonds, Frascati, who worked in the palace, didn't know, and Antoine II didn't reveal the slightest word about it.

Oviedo gave a whistle, "I believe that Your Majesty can do it."

"Cheers to Your Majesty's bravery!" Suvawe raised The wine glasses in their hands, and then their three people touched one together.

After putting down the glass, Soave asked Frascati, "What is Your Majesty's attitude towards this matter now?"

Oviedo also turned his head to Fraska On the emperor's side, this issue is what people like them are most concerned about.

The attitude of Antoine II determines their little noble actions.

Flaskadi whispered: "Your Majesty called Baron Rhein to the palace this morning, and Rhein left with a smile."

"Do we want to Make a bet?" Oviedo sat up straight in excitement, "Just bet on how many bonds our Your Majesty will buy by himself."

Oviedo’s tone barely fell, a group of steward suddenly Walking into the living room, one after another came to whisper a few words behind their master.

The stewardes who had finished transmitting the words quickly withdrew from the living room, and the topic of nobles in the living room immediately changed.

Oviedo sat there dejectedly, as if he had lost a hundred ore.

"You will be one minute late." Soavee said to Oviedo with a smile.

Frascadet also smiled and looked towards Oviedo, "Your Majesty's response is always so fast when it comes to His Royal Highness Linda."

Suva Wei went on to say: "His Royal Highness Linda is also really interesting. People who bought her bonds can deduct half of the bond quota in the form of a halved tax rate when they trade in her territory. And people who are not Bischberg can only buy at most. 40% of the total bond."

At this time, Oviedo lifts the head and looked at the other two people and asked: "Have you noticed the amount of bonds purchased by Your Majesty?"

Suvawe and Frascati looked at each other, then suddenly realized.

Suvawe said with a faint smile: "We did not send birthday wishes to His Royal Highness Linda last year or this year."

Flaskadi replied: "Yes, you have to make up."

Gift-giving is a science, especially in circles that involve politics. Factors such as the identity, relationship, and demands of both parties determine the value of the gift.

Except for someone who is too capricious and always gives away whatever he catches.

Although Antoine II loved Linda, the gifts he gave on Linda’s birthday did not exceed the domestic unwritten rules.

The nimble noble quickly understood what Antoine II meant.

After Soavee asked his steward to buy a little bond, he picked up a wine cup and tasted the wine that a beautiful girl stepped on, and then said: "Our Your Majesty really loves Your Majesty Linda. "

The other two also just arranged their steward to buy bonds, and they also picked up wine cup and with a smile.

In the final analysis, nobles doesn’t trust Linda’s ability to repay. The amount of bonds issued by Linda this time is equivalent to the income of her territory for several years. Even Antoine II does not think Linda can repay. So much money.

But my daughter’s bonds were not good for selling, so Antoine II thought of a way to get other nobles to accept bonds.

"Fortunately, Your Majesty didn't make it too difficult for us to do." Suvawe said, "This year's highlight is still food."

Oviedo drowsily leaning on the sofa Asked Frascati: "Do you still send someone to the elves this year?"

Flascarti shook the head, "I'm afraid I can't. I can't grab the royal family. I want to contact you. Super powerful blue dragon."

"Do you have a way?" Suvawei asked in surprise.

Flaskadi is slightly nodded.

The income of these noble palaces without Fiefdom is dominated by business, and the large-scale drought is an opportunity for them to make a fortune.

A faint voice spread to the living room, Oviedo suddenly eyes opened wide, ran to the window at a speed that Suvawe and Frascati could not react, and stared at the window intently Sky.

"What's the matter?" The other two came to Oviedo's side, also looking at the sky.

At this time, two nobles in the living room also found that the problem was not right. Like Oviedo, they immediately came to the window.

"giant dragon!" Oviedo said solemnly, "Several giant dragons have flown over, and I heard the dragons just now."

At this time, there appeared in the sky. A few black dots, and then the black dots began to grow bigger and bigger, it was a giant dragon flying in the sky carrying a huge box-like object.

It didn't take long for the "flights" of the super powerful Blue Dragon to arrive outside the city of Qiqiu City.

Suvawe their three people looked at each other and found that the others were also at a loss.

Giant dragon "flight" and "express" appear in royal capital is not surprising, but the frequency is very low, appearing once or twice a month.

And the fact that several giant dragon "flights" arrive at the same time is still unheard-of.

They communicated with other nobles in the living room, and other people couldn't tell what was going on.

At this time, the intelligence dealers in Qiqiu City are simply carnival, and a piece of information is passed from their hands to the hands of royal capital and noble.

The latest news comes, and every news can make waves.

Forging Temple sent a cardinal bishop and an Archbishop to Qiqiu City.

The second batch that came out of the "aviation cabin" was Steward Schuster, the royal family of King Auston I of the Kingdom of Rerik in the east.

The third batch of people who appeared was the people who hated the Bischberg people. The Randtjin old man came to the royal capital of the enemy country under the name of Wudaokou Magic Technology Academy Vice Principal.

When the news came that the fourth group of people appeared, those nobles who received the news were all with a "you™ tease me" expression, because that person was in the promotion of the elves in the last two years The name shakes the whole world's Charles Megadon count's steward Alfe.

However, something that challenged everyone's nerves happened. All these visitors rushed to the hotel where Linda's vassal Baron Rhine stayed.

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