The sun rises, shining through the faint mist on the streets of the City of Knowledge.

Oston I released his seat belt and jumped from the seat behind Hurricane Wyvern, and then moved his body.

Flying at high altitude in the early morning of this season is still quite freezing.

After arranging the transformation of the saline-alkali land, they comforted a group of Old Guys who thought that they wanted to mobilize the army to attack them, and Auston I finally ushered in his day of rest.

To be precise, it was Auston I who transferred his rest day to the day when Mira was in the Radiant Theology Court.

Relic Kingdom has a warehouse area in the port area of ​​the island, where the hurricane wyvern that travels between the island and the country landed there.

Oston I, who was traveling in a simple dress, walked out of the warehouse area, and then waved for a taxi on the side of the road.

According to Honda’s suggestion, in order to let more potential customers come into contact with motor vehicles, the Heiji Vehicle Manufacturing Company put a number of vans on the island as taxis, and also hired a group of brains. The flexible carriage husband learns to drive and acts as a taxi driver.

"Your Excellency, where are you going?" The taxi driver who looked almost 30 years old greeted Alston I enthusiastically.

"Go to the faculty residence of the Wisteria Academy." Alston I said.

"Good!" The taxi driver pressed the reset button of the odometer, started the car, and then left the port area with the embarrassing Auston I.

On the road, Alston I asked: "Is there any news on the island recently?"

No matter which world, taxi drivers are one of the most well-informed groups .

The driver replied: "The latest news is that many young students have bought two-wheeled cars and often race on the road around the island at night. Those students even put colorful lights on the cars."

Oston I corner of the mouth twitched.

"I want to talk about something new..." The driver continued after thinking about it. "The two dwarf customers I pulled last night also went to the faculty area of ​​Wisteria Academy. They said that the car was made by elves. Not enough atmosphere."

The car quickly arrived in front of Diana's house, and the driver was very conscientious and didn't make a long detour.

The driver glanced at the odometer and was just preparing to make an offer. Alston I threw a Dinar Silver Coin directly into the driver's hand.

At this time, there is another car parked on the road in front of the door. Don’t think about it, it must be Professor Wolf’s special car.

Although Professor Wolf’s home is two hundred meters away, he seems to be suffering from a disease that can cause death if he walks more than fifty meters without driving.

Oston I knocked on the brass bell next to the iron gate six times, and Rhein quickly appeared behind the iron gate and opened the door for him.

"Good morning, Alston Your Majesty." Rhein salutes Alston I.

"Good morning, Rhein Uncle." Alston I walked into the door, "Professor Wolfe came so early today?"

A pastry box appeared in Alston In the hands of King I, then he handed the box to Rhein.

Rhine took the box, followed behind Auston I, and said, "His Royal Highness and the bishop who forged the temple want to buy several patents of Miss Diana, and Professor Wolfe came to negotiate. There is also Randtjin old man also came."

"oh?" Auston I was very curious about this.

There is no one in the living room, everyone is concentrated in the backyard.

Rhine handed the pastry box to his daughter, and then followed Auston I to the backyard.

Many people gathered in the backyard. Linda, Mira, Professor Wolfe and the two dwarves bishop were all there. Even Mordred and Gawain were watching the excitement.

There are two wooden machines in the backyard, which look like they are just finished.

Rhine said on the side: "These two machines were made overnight after two bishops got the blueprint last night."

This is not the first time Auston I came here. Now, acquaintances in the backyard greeted him one after another.

But everyone found that Auston I did not respond to everyone’s greetings at this time, but eyes opened wide, staring straight at the two machines in front of him, and at the same time a pair of nostrils were like bulls. Squirting rough air, his face flushed.

Everyone looked at each other in blank dismay. It was the first time they saw Auston I so excited that he didn't even notice Mira pulling his sleeves aside.

Alston I walked forward quickly, and for a while lightly stroked the spinning machine that still smelled of logs, and carefully observed the loom for a while.

"It seems that Alston Your Majesty is also knowledgeable." The dwarf James bishop said with a smile on the side, he drove out this spinning machine overnight.

However, his next sentence directly filled the brains of Auston I, who drove several textile factories, poured cold water on, "We have just completed the negotiation. If Auston Your Majesty wants For these machines, we can only produce them for you when there are enough machines in His Highness Linda's territory."

Then Auston I’s face suddenly became uglier than crying.

He asked James: "Can I open a factory to produce these machines in my territory? I will provide land, tax exemption and other policies, as long as I sell the machines produced."

"I'm sorry." James said, "This time we signed an exclusive agreement."

The face of Auston I is getting more bitter and bitter, he is unwilling I asked heartily: "Is it possible to authorize a patent? We produce it ourselves."

It is difficult for these two machines to go from zero to one, but it is difficult to go from one to tens of thousands of tens of thousands.

If it weren’t for patents that were in charge of various temples, Auston I would immediately go back and engage in cottages.

James spread his hands helplessly.

Then Auston I looked towards Linda, and the hot gaze shocked Linda.

"I'm sorry, Alston Your Majesty." Linda brace oneself said, "I must first meet the needs of my territory."

After a pause, she said again : "If the funds are sufficient, I think the needs of my territory will be met soon."

Oston I listened to it and started to ponder there.

Professor Wolf and Randtjin old man who were watching silently looked at each other. They were both very curious about Auston I's abnormal performance.

After a while, Alston I asked Linda: "If your territory meets the demand, how much does it cost?"

Linda did not answer, but looked towards the dwarves on the side .

James has a preliminary budget for this, and he reported a rough figure.

"So much?" Alston I was shocked, "Don't cheat Linda, where are these machines worth so much?"

James jumped immediately , "Even if you are a king, don't pretend to understand!"

"This money is the cost of the construction of the entire industrial zone!"

Auston I looked Towards Linda, he said seriously: "If you have so much money, it is enough for you to become a queen."

The Randtjin old man among the crowd was nodded in agreement.

Without waiting for Linda to say anything, Auston I said to her again: "I have a method that allows you to raise so much money in a month or less. Would you like to think about it? ?"

"What method?" Linda asked curiously.

"Let’s go to your study and discuss it." Auston I said, "Randtjin old man can also help. This matter is also beneficial and harmless to you."

Originally, the Randtjin old man who came to visit Mira was slightly startled. Her instinct told her that Auston I was going to have a major event.

Charles, who was conducting the daily routine pre-work safety meeting in the tunnel, did not know that he was sold.

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