All the elves working in the tunnel left. They were ordered to garrison outside the tunnel to resist the attack of possible enemies. Even the miners took up their weapons.

Charles took Victoria and Laiv to the tunnel digging front command.

"At that location." Charles pointed to the upper side of the tunnel and said to Victoria and Laiv on the side.

The two Aunts released the spirit strength in the direction Charles pointed, and then their faces suddenly became serious.

"There really is something there," Victoria said.

"Yes, go and see." Laiv nodded.

Then Charles saw Laiv Aunt move his right hand shoulder, and then hit the stone wall with a punch.

"It’s been too long since I exercised, and my strength is not as good as before." Laiv sighed.

"Yeah." Victoria nodded, "You are getting fat."

Charles hurriedly teleported to the wall behind, and then he fisted. The shock wave blew away the dust from his clothes.

"Okay, it's important to do business." Victoria moved towards the place that was hit by Laiv's fist just now and released a tornado, sucking out all the broken rocks inside and throwing it aside.

The passage Laiv opened was just big enough for them to walk. She walked in first, followed by Charles, behind Victoria.

Without walking a few steps or less than ten meters, they came to the end.

The stone wall in front of Laiv patted said: "It should be here, how do I get in?"

"Let Charles open the door." Victoria said at the end.

"Charles, you come to the front." Laiv turned her side.

Charles, who was caught between the two Aunts, was breathing heavily at this time, and he hurried forward when he heard Laiv Aunt's voice.

It's just that the passage is too narrow, even if Laiv turned his side, Charles was close to the rock wall on the other side, and the back of someone's head still brushed "Mount Everest".

When Charles stood in front of the smooth stone wall, he felt the divine force emanating from the stone wall.

"Push it away." Laiv said to Charles.

So Charles stretched out his hands and pressed it on the stone wall. As a result, the stone wall was completely motionless.

"Huh?" Victoria behind was surprised, "It seems that this is not the doorway."

Laiv continued, "It seems that the doorway is under the water."

"Use this." Victoria's tone barely fell, and a short sword floated in front of Charles.

Charles took the dagger and found that it was emitting a faint red light, which was the divine force of God of Forging.

"Remember to give it to her when you are done using it." Laiv said at this time, "This is a precious souvenir from Fillip."

Charles gave a "Yeah" and said The sword pierced the stone wall.

Although the resistance was great, the short sword still pierced into the stone wall.

After piercing for about thirty centimeters, the resistance suddenly disappeared, apparently piercing the stone wall.

Charles pulled out the long sword, and a small hole appeared in the stone wall. No water sprayed out of it, making the three people in front of the stone wall sighed in relief.

Laiv said to Charles: "Look at what's inside."

Charles looked towards the small hole with one eye, and said: "It's dark inside, and one of them is colorful. Something light."

"That's her." Victoria said, "didn't expect she will appear here."

"Open a hole and let's go in." Laiv said.

Charles added a power buff to himself, and then forced a hole in the stone wall for them to pass through.

After the air exchange was complete, Charles and the others walked into the hole.

A ball of light rises, illuminating the entire space.

Everything here is very familiar to Charles, just like the cave where he met Demon Cleaving Divine Sword Freiya back then, all around are the Han white jade full of frescoes, in the middle is an altar, one is bigger than the current one. Charles's still taller wand stood on the altar.

The other difference is that Charles got in after making a hole in the wall this time, and the door was opposite them.

Charles, who made a fortune, naturally continued to observe the surrounding murals. As a result, Laiv Aunt pressed a paw on his head and said, "Don’t look at them, they are all exactly the same. There are more in the world. It's worthless."

The reason why things are rare is Charles knows that he can only give up the idea of ​​digging up the mural again.

Then Victoria said to Charles: "Don't go near the door, maybe the water from outside may come in."

So Charles moved away from the door and focused On the altar.

"Is this Myriad Law Scepter Flica?" Charles asked.

Since the last time I met Freiya, Charles has specifically checked the knowledge about Divine Items that appeared once in hundreds of years, so he judged that the magic wand on the altar is the twin of Demon Cleaving Divine Sword elder sister Myriad Law Scepter.

"Yes, that's her." Victoria said, who was gearing up.

"I finally saw her again." Laiv was also doing warm-up exercises by the side, as if he was about to hit someone.

"Uh..." Charles looked at the two high fighting intent Aunts, and asked weakly, "Do you have any hatred with her?"

"The hatred is great Ah!" Victoria said fiercely fiercely.

Charles' instinct told him not to ask the reason, and he would just be there to help in case of a fight.

But Charles quickly discovered the problem, because as a Divine Item, Myriad Law Scepter also has an Artifact Spirit, and that Artifact Spirit Flica has not yet appeared. At the time, her twin younger sister-Demon Artifact Spirit Freiya of Cleaving Divine Sword also actively went to Charles and them.

After a while, Victoria and the others also discovered the problem.

So the two Aunts murmured.

"Why hasn't she appeared yet?"

"Is she afraid of us?"

"She is not so courageous."

"Did we act too hard back then..."

"It is possible that Ekaterina's last blow was not a joke at the time."


Charles is already far away from the two Aunts at this time, for fear that he will be silenced when he hears something that shouldn't be heard.

"Charles, come here!"

Charles, who pretended to be watching the mural, were called over.

"Go and take it down." Victoria said to him.

"Will there be any danger?" Charles asked cautiously.

"No." Victoria said, "The murlocs and demons on the top of the mountain must be looking for it, so you take it away and make a lot of money in this operation."

Charles thinks about it, this is Divine Item after all, he and the miners can dig a tunnel for so many days to get a Divine Item, which is a real profit for Spirit Race. It seems that the treasure hunt that the murloc spends a lot of manpower and material resources is going to be all in vain.

So Charles walked up to the altar and reached out to Myriad Law Scepter.

Only then did he have the opportunity to carefully observe the magic wand. It is about 1.75 meters long. The body of the wand is made of a black wood with a layer of silver inlaid on the outside. White cutout metal.

This layer of metal forms a complex and gorgeous pattern, and also has the function of protecting the stick body and preventing slippage.

The top of Myriad Law Scepter is a huge transparent gem, and the metal inlaid on the rod stretches out to fix the gem firmly.

There is a circle of curved metal pieces like petals at the place where the gem and the rod body meet, setting off the gem on the top.

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