Two days after Charles returned to the team, he was temporarily transferred for a month with a transfer order.

What happened this month is blank in Charles's autobiography, and there is no official record. Only in the memoirs of an individual is a place called the Research Department of Military Logistics and Military Technology and Equipment. During this time, there seems to be traces of Charles appearing.

Although Charles disappeared from the public's sight during this time, it did not have a slight impact on the people on the continent, and they have no shortage of talks. If you can't add two sentences to some fresh topics in the pub nowadays, you will surely attract the contempt of others.

Everyone loves to listen to the news of the royal family, especially the story of the king and nobles fighting wits and courage, which is an enduring topic in the tavern.

In this type of story, the plot of the king's collapse in the struggle with nobles is even more popular with the masses.

Just a few months ago, King Auston I of the Kingdom of Reylik was trying to monopolize an underground treasure when he was spotted by the savvy masters of Noble, and later the masters of Noble dug up the ground. A lot of good things.

This incident made King Your Majesty very angry, and then attracted the river to flood the place, and repeatedly emphasized that he was planning to build a pond there to fish, not fly into a rage out of humiliation.

It’s just that there was a lot of water in the lake, and the lake water broke down the newly built dam, making that large area completely flooded.

The king Your Majesty had to dig another ditch in the south to drain the water away, but the drainage ditch was a little smaller, and now that large area is mostly soaked in water.

In the end, Auston I simply asked someone to transplant a lot of reeds from the seaside wetlands and plant them there. It would be easier to hunt ducks in the future.

Next, the soldiers of Auston I changed a place and continued to dig the ground. As a result, the noble masters who followed with others swarmed again.

Now everyone is watching the jokes of Auston I on continent, and only a few people can see what he is going to do.

Diana has been returning from Spirit Tree to City of Knowledge for some time. Today, everyone talked about this topic in the chat time after dinner.

Linda said depressedly: "didn't expect the Orston big brother will also encounter this problem."

Recently, her textile base plan encountered a larger Frustration, so much so that her Royal Father hoped that she could go back soon.

"You are wrong." Diana said to Linda, "I think he did it on purpose."

Linda looked at Diana suspiciously, but Diana looked towards and sat down Altria on the side.

Altolia is now living in Diana's house to supervise her to have enough sleep time every day during this period, and by the way to protect the safety here when Rhein is away.

Diana is really not familiar with agricultural matters. She knows many things but doesn't know why. On the contrary, Altria knows a little bit better.

Seeing that the eyes of everyone in the living room were focused on him, Altria said to them: "That place is a large area of ​​saline-alkali land, just like the land on the seaside of this island because of the salt It is impossible to grow crops, so the land needs to be transformed."

"The method of transformation is to firstly attract a large amount of fresh water to wash the land and reduce the salt content of the soil; then plant saline-tolerant plants to increase Organic matter in the soil; in the end, crops can be grown."

The canals she dug were not limited to those east of Abyss City. She learned a lot during the labor process.

Linda asked in surprise: "So the big brother Aston wants to turn that piece of grassland into farmland?"

Since she started to be involved in government affairs, she has been right Farmland and other things are at heart. Born in the Bischberg kingdom with many mountains and little fields, she has an extraordinary concern for the fields.

"I think so." Altoria said, "washing the ground in one year, increasing fertilizer in two years, pasturing for three years, and succeeding in five years. If it goes well, it will be possible in eleven years. It has become a qualified farmland."

"It's great." Linda said enviously, "Unfortunately, this method is not available for me. There are too few places in my territory that can be used as farmland. There are too many mountains."

Altria thought for a while, and said: "You can go to the Harvest Temple and ask, there was one in Fillip...the place names have changed a lot in the past few hundred years. There was no Bischberg Kingdom at that time. Anyway, it was a plan to cultivate terraces on the mountains of your place, and see if the Temple of Harvest could be found."

"If you can't find it, you can try to ask Elf Queen. Victoria, she was mingling with Fillip at that time, she should know something."

"Thank you very much." Linda owed Altria.

The food problem has been plagued by the Bischberg Kingdom, and Linda has also been troubled by this, but she can't think of any other way besides importing food.

Although Linda doesn’t know what Altria’s combination of “stairs” and “fields” mean, it does not prevent her from knowing that the other party pointed out a solution to the problem. path of.

Just like Diana taught her professional problems to be solved by professionals, she believes that as long as she asks the Harvest Temple for help, the other party will definitely not let this opportunity pass.

After everyone chatted for a while, Linda said to everyone: "I will go home in a few days. Here I invite everyone to visit my territory."

In the Academy of City of Knowledge, the teaching method is very free. Fees are charged according to the hours of the course. You can go to the corresponding course after paying the money. You can take a vacation of different lengths during the period.

The teaching and examination are separate. For example, in combat subjects, you can go out for one year after completing the course, and then come back to pay for the examination at the end of the second year.

If you are a student whose life is like hanging up, they can skip class and pay for the exam at the end of the semester.

Diana thought for a while and said, "Fuck, I went to Forge Holy Land in September, and it happened to be on the way."

She must be approved to ask for leave, Professor Wolf I have long wanted to use various methods to prevent her from being stuffy in the pile of books.

Mudred and Gawain looked towards Altria, they will only follow if Altria goes.

It's just that Altria sat there in a daze, without any indication.

The clock in the living room rang nine times, and it was time to go back to each house. Mordred and the others were going back to the dormitory of Wudaokou Academy, and the two Rhine girls wanted to return to the rented place.

After sending away the people who left, Altria, who recently lived here, walked into Charles' room.

Diana originally asked her to live in Mira's room, but she declined it on the grounds that Mira would come to live frequently. Anyway, Charles' room will be empty for a few years, and it's okay for her to live in first.

So Diana could only help her clean up the storage room under the stairs with a toothache.

Charles's room is very simple. There is a single bed inside. The side where the stairs go down is a cabinet. There are rows of shelves nailed to the wall by the door. The shelves are full of what Charles used to buy. Soldier action figures, a few Altria’s action figures are placed at the top, and a few large jade stones are placed under the bed.

Altolia, lying on the bed, took a few deep breaths. If she followed Linda to Bischberg this time, she would follow Diana to forge Holy Land.

And not far to the west of Forging Holy Land is the city of Avalon, a city that still commemorates itself.

After more than three hundred years, she does not know whether she should return to the place that is her hometown.

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