Although the dinner welcoming Nesalio and his party hosted by Antoine II was hasty, it was carried out tensely and in an orderly manner under the efforts of everyone in the palace.

The invitation for the dinner party was quickly delivered to Charles, but this invitation is a formatted invitation, and the content above is the same except for the name.

Charles needs to bring a partner and a guard when attending the dinner.

It’s good to say that bringing a partner, there must be a lot of people who want to see the excitement, and the crowd also looks grand and lively, but if you bring a guard...It is estimated that Antoine II would be a helper in case of a fight. more.

But this candidate... Charles is a little bit painful.

After he checked into the State Guest House as the temporary envoy of the Spirit King, Altria brought Mordred and Gaowen and several other adorable new guests. Altria's current identity is still Charles' Knight, and the scene to do is still to do a full set.

First of all, the choice of female companion is a bit troublesome. Now the only women in his place are Altria and Modred, and Diana is protecting Linda.

Mudred first ruled it out, her identity is flawed in this kind of dinner. And she had met Nesalio when she was pretending to be herself in Mason City.

Then Charles looked towards Altria.

Altria's dumb hair curled up and asked: "What do you want to do?"

Charles walked up to her and said after saluting, "This beautiful Charming lady, can I..."

"No!" Altria immediately rejected Charles.

Then Charles said with a bitter face: "Sister, you can leave me, otherwise I will have to let Gawain wear a skirt to be my female companion."

Student Gareth, who was sweeping the special snacks in the State Guest House, said immediately: "I heard His Highness Linda said that Gao Big Brother Wen wears a skirt and then dresses up very nicely."

Since After being used as a hand model by Linda, classmate Gareth has been trying to pull others into the water to share the pressure.

Jahris, with his mouth full of snacks, kept nodded.

"Just don't break the furniture." Charles said to Gawain.

Then he asked Altria: "Why can't it? It's just a cutscene."

Altriya looked at Gawain and the others who were fighting. Seeing that they were not focusing on themselves, they whispered to Charles, "Because Nesalio was there, I guess she was the one who spread the rumor today."

"Don't talk nonsense. Ah!" Nesalio came to drop in suddenly, "You were often told that evening dresses were not good-looking more than three hundred years ago, so you didn't want to participate in such an event."

Charles froze. For a while, and then relieved.

Costume design is a part of art. Charles's comrade Dean is engaged in the decoration business at home. He has some knowledge of the history of costume design. He mentioned this topic in previous chats.

Previous evening dresses were mainly focused on highlighting feminine characteristics and feminine beauty. Such a style is naturally unfriendly to Altria. It has not been a century since the appearance of dress styles highlighting the heroic temperament of women.

So more than three hundred years ago, there was no suitable evening dress for Altria. Naturally, the evening dress she wore at that time was very awkward.

Charles vaguely felt that the appearance of this style was related to a certain elf, but he buried this idea in his heart for safety reasons.

"Why are you here?" Altria glared at Nesalio, Gawain and the others who were arguing over there stood obediently, and Mordred just wanted to say hello. I thought of Charles making her pretend that she didn't know Nesalio before.

"What's weird about Rurik's messenger seeing the special envoy of Spirit King, I just came to be surprised." Nesalio said.

Then she sat next to Charles, put her mouth close to Charles' ear, and asked in a low voice, "There is no eavesdropping device here, right?"

Charles felt itchy ears, he replied: "Don't worry, I destroyed all the eavesdropping devices as soon as I came in."

Under the influence of Demon God's power, all eavesdropping devices will be destroyed. The copper pipe in the wall is easy to deal with. Charles made a hole in the wall and put a magic tape recorder produced by the wizard there. It is now facing the copper pipe and looping the Spirit Tree Sea of ​​the past 100 years. Top ten golden songs.

Altria asked Modred and Gawain to guard the door, and then asked Nesalio: "What are your plans this time?"

Ao didn’t take this, but said: “On September 4, the House of Representatives and the Supreme People’s Court passed a proposal to amend the relevant provisions of the "Inheritance Law" on the throne, and it took effect on the same day."

Altria froze for a moment, and said: "What do you mean..."

Nesalio suddenly hugged Charles tightly and said: "The new "Inheritance Law" clause Expanded the range of heirs to the throne, that is to say, if you take down the descendants of Queen Ekaterina now, you will have a chance to become a queen."

Altria whites Nesalio At a glance, "You can just take it if you like it."

"Come on." Nesalio let Charles go, "I'm an egg, not the same as yours. It’s okay to find a Demon King as a lover to play with. When a queen, just wait to be beaten."

Altria continued to roll her eyes at Nesalio, "It’s not that the egg has never jumped out of it. People come."

"Aiya, don't teach the little child." Nesalio said to Altria while rubbing her head.

Then she asked Charles: "Charles, are you interested in meeting some beautiful dragon girls?"

A black-lined Charles said cutely, "Nisa Leo Aunt, I think you are much more beautiful than those dragon girls."

Nesalio's face suddenly turned dark, Dragon Claw scratched his head, "Call! Sister! Sister!"

Charles immediately ran to the other side of the living room with teleportation, and then prepared tea and snacks.

There, Nesalio said to Altria: "Nikola Your Majesty asks you to protect Charles."

Altria sat there with a calm face, After a while, he said, "I will protect him when he leaves the Spirit Tree Sea."

At this time, Charles came over with tea and snacks, while pouring tea to the elders. He said: "I'm not that vulnerable. I killed all the way on the battlefield..."

"Almost killed twice at the same time." Altria interrupted Charles' boasting mercilessly. .

"You don't know anything about power." Nesalio said to Charles seriously, "Beating you with Alexei's strength is the same as beating slime. I can use your teleportation technique just now. Broken several times, and Alexei was planted this time."

Charles' face went dark, he still couldn't face his companions as calmly as Altria and Nesalio, who were used to seeing life and death. Life and death.

"Who did it?" Charles asked Nesalio.

Nesalio shook the head, then got up and left, now go back and dress up, it's time for the dinner party after dressing up.

Before leaving, Nesalio said to Altria: "I think you should give Modred a complete home. There is no end to a family without a father..."


Altria instantly becomes a dragon-slaying warrior.

Charles helped the amount of money on the side, hoping that the Spirit King who damaged the furniture would be reimbursed. If the Spirit King did not reimburse, he would send the bill to his uncle.

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