Before the annual big prayer ceremony, the believers of God will report to the priests of the local church what they have achieved under the grace of the past year, and then after the primary election, the priests will The results that best reflect the faithfulness of the believers are reported to the regional bishop. After screening by the district bishop, it is reported to the Archbishop of the parishes of each kingdom. Archbishop submitted the list and description of the most outstanding achievements to the cardinal bishop team of the temple for review. The cardinal bishop team will submit the final result to the Pope for final review. After the final trial, Saintess took the list to the churches of the parishes of the kingdoms for on-site verification. The results after verification will be taken to the temple during the Great Prayer to show to the gods. If God is pleased because of it, he will show his grace.

After Brigitte introduced some knowledge about the Great Prayer to Charles and Diana, she took a group of guests to the VIP lounge of the temple.

The Forged Temple is a huge round building complex.

Its outermost layer is a circle of buildings that resemble a city wall. These sixth layer flat roofed buildings made of gray-brown rocks symbolize the furnace wall of the stove. The building in this circle called the wall building is where the priests of the temple usually work.

The inner layer is a circle paved with black rocks and inlaid with a square made up of red rocks with religious significance patterns. It symbolizes the charcoal in the stove. Whenever there is an event in the temple, the square will be full of people.

In the middle, there is a flame-shaped holy hammer cathedral made of fiery-red rock. This is the core of the temple.

The entire forging temple looks like a furnace.

The VIP lounge is located on the top floor next to the main entrance on the south side of the Bilou. The floor height of the building is nearly six meters plus the height of the terrain where the temple is located. You can see the Holy Hammer Church in the center of the temple.

Of course, the guests invited by the Forge Temple today are not limited to Charles and the others, members of the royal family of the Kingdom of Villingen and some nobles.

Other Archbishops in the Diocese of Villingen, such as the earth, ice, water, gale, War God, wisdom, prophecy, music, love, etc. are also invited.

Charles is no longer able to complain about these bloated gods. He once counted with his fingers. As long as he can meet in life, there is no place beyond the control of the gods.

Now the VIP lounge is divided into three groups of people. Nobles gathers together with the two Princesses of the Kingdom of Villingen as the core. Elizabeth gets together and chats with the shepherds of the gods, and the third group is a bit less. , That is, Charles and Diana are counting the chimneys of the smelter area at the stand in great numbers in front of the window.

The other people were only two children who were curious and didn't care. They reacted similarly when they saw this scene for the first time. In fact, the two of them were estimating the steel output of this factory area.

"The annual output of iron is 60,000 tons." Diana finally concluded.

"It's almost the same, the same as the output of our Hanyang Iron and Steel Plant at the beginning, but I don't know how much steel is produced." Charles echoed.

At this time, someone walked up to Charles and said to Charles, "Count Megadon, please take the liberty to interrupt."

Charles turned around and found that the person was a A middle-aged man wearing a black tuxedo has a royal coat of arms of the Kingdom of Villingen and a Viscount coat of arms on his left chest. Behind him is a young woman in a black skirt and white apron maid outfit.

The black tuxedo brought by the previous transmigrator has become the iconic outfit of steward in this world, just like the maid outfit. Whether it is the steward of the royal family or the steward of the wealthy freedmen, they must wear a black tuxedo that is ironed straight at work.

The visitor wears two coats of arms on his chest at the same time, indicating that he is a steward serving the royal family and also a viscount.

Wearing the royal coat of arms is like the imperial minister holding the Imperial's Sword, representing the dignity of the royal family.

"It's okay." Charles saluted him to show respect for the royal family of King Villingen.

The steward said respectfully to Charles: "Recently, Count Megadon had some unpleasant experiences in the Kingdom of Villingen. My master apologizes for this. I only represent the fourth Princess Lucy of the Kingdom of Villingen. ·Fillingen, Five Princess Lily·Fillingen sent a small gift, I hope Count Megadon will smile."

Steward turned to his side after speaking, Charles saw a crowd not far away Surrounded by noble, twin sisters who are gorgeously dressed and about the same age as themselves.

The maid held the tray and walked to Charles's side. A storage ring was placed on the purple velvet cushion of the tray.

Charles leaned over to thank the two Princesses, and then took the storage ring from the tray held by the maid beside him.

After seeing Charles handing over the gift, Steward relaxed, and after saying some scenes such as Count Megadon's pleasure playing in the Kingdom of Villingen, he took the maid and left.

Neither of them even glanced at Diana next to Charles during the whole process.

After Charles turned to the window, he was playing with this precious storage ring, and he sneered twice in his mouth.

A few months ago, before Charles' elder sister Mira left home for school, Charles' father taught her daughter many rules of noble communication, and Charles was also listening.

If it hadn't been for the conversation in the carriage just now, Charles still couldn't figure out why the royal family of Villingen would give him such an expensive gift.

According to common sense, the other party will send a count-level steward of the same level as oneself according to the principle of noble exchange, and apologize is enough to talk about the scene. If you give face, you can give a small gift that looks good. .

Now the other party sent a viscount, although the level is a little lower, but the other party came with Princess, and finally gave a gift. The meaning behind this is worth thinking about.

Princess who came to the scene in person plus the combination of Viscount Steward when serving them, and then Viscount Steward came forward. From the scene, it can be equivalent to the count steward serving the King. In terms of face, Charles and the Kingdom of Villingen are both good. .

The other party and Count Megadon are negotiating with the Viscount. If Master Count feels uncomfortable, he can use a Viscount to vent his anger. Although the other party is on behalf of the royal family, it is not possible to greet each other's female relatives directly, but it is okay to greet the women of the Viscount family with a little bit of art.

In addition to the storage ring, which must have something inside, benefited Charles' face and everything, and the attitude of the Filingen royal family was a bit low.

Combined with the conversation on the carriage just now, Charles estimates that the Villingen royal family is stopping the loss, so that he should not hit a person when he's down against the Villingen kingdom in court, especially when he’s down. There was an unpleasant incident with a certain count on the way to escape.

Charles originally didn't mean to hit a person when he's down to the Kingdom of Villingen, but since the other party has given gifts, if he doesn't accept it, the other party will think he wants to be irreconcilable with them. So he simply accepted the gift.

Then Charles stuffed the storage ring into Diana’s hand. He said to Diana, “It’s not convenient for you to go out without a storage ring. I’ll give this to you. I’ll be seven.”

Then Charles suddenly remembered something, “This is the four Princess and the five Princess of the Kingdom of Villingen. This is not the daughter of Tonio and the queen. Right?"

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