After the dinner, there was a regular ball. After everyone moved to the ballroom, Abner and Nesalio led the opening dance, and then the ball officially began.

The ballroom opens towards the gate of the garden. The wild bees and butterflies are searching for tonight’s prey on and off the dance floor with music. Many people are in groups of three in groups of three. or four chatting with the sky.

Abner’s lovers gathered around him. Abbott was talking about the rising food prices with a few people. Ives and a few people got together to play with Jenny once Sabre.

In the middle of the garden, Charles set up a stall to sell things.

This time Charles left the Spirit Tree Sea with several quests on him, one of them was to trample the kingdom of Osm to death.

A few Bischberg nobles just saw the gift that Third Prince had just received, and they started thinking about it and asked Charles to buy one or two murloc weapons for their collection.

So Charles took out all the spoils of war that was supposed to be used to hang the auction house and slap Osm in the face, and put them in the middle of the garden.

For a while, the center of the garden became like a metal forest, and the grass was filled with huge harpoons, reflecting the faint light.

these all are the weapons of the murloc officers captured in the southern War Zone, the weapons of the Hundred-men Commander Level 1 officers, until Elizabeth fraudulently killed several other murlocs captured in the annihilation battle Commander's weapons, Charles will open these weapons according to their ranks, and then everyone will pay for it.

Charles originally wanted to provoke Osm's envoy. It would be best if he could excite him to fight himself. It's a pity that the guy slipped early, which disappointed Charles who wanted to experience a traditional routine.

Just as Charles introduced the weapons used by the commanders to his clients, a teenager in the ballroom fell into a crisis.

Gawain attended the dinner today as Charles' escort. Before going out, he was well dressed up by Bischberg's makeup artists.

At the same time, Charles contributed a new set of white warrior gown produced by the elves, which was slightly modified by the royal tailors of Bischberg and put it on Gawain.

So, Gawain, who had a good foundation, became the most beautiful youngster in the audience.

After Nasalio finished the opening dance, she found Gawain and danced the second song, so Liang Ziwen entered the sight of the ladies.

Just after the second dance song ended, I don’t know which noble ladies came up at the same time, but it was the first time to experience this kind of fragrant flower scene. Not knowing what to do.

Liang Ziwen's attempt to find rescue failed. Altria immediately followed Charles to leave the ballroom, and Linda and Diana had long since disappeared.

In the eyes of the ladies, this action of Liang Ziwen is like sprinkling cumin powder on the hot lamb skewers. Such a shy and pure young boy is a rare species in the noble circle. It must be taken care of.

So Liang Ziwen suddenly fainted surrounded by flowers.

When Liang Ziwen came back to his senses, he found that he had been dragged onto the dance floor by a lady from the Viscount’s family, and silly promised to be a guest with Fang Family tomorrow afternoon.

Don't ask when Liang Ziwen learned to dance, it was the training class his mother helped him report to.

There are one and two, who is not good at rejecting girls, is continuously pulled into the dance floor by girls like this viscount’s lady and that Baron’s younger sister.

The girls even formed an offensive and defensive alliance to prevent the ladies from getting rid of the innocent teenagers who are like a blank sheet of paper.

After finishing the product introduction, Charles took Altria to watch outside the ballroom for a few minutes, and then decisively chose to turn around and leave.

"Sure enough, being handsome is an advantage." Charles sighed, "No one is here to invite me to dance tonight."

"Come back to the imposing manner, those ladies Madam will come to you." Altria said, "There are a lot of people who peeped at you just now."

"There are more people who peeped at you." Charles said

He took Altria to the depths of the flowerbed, where a small maze was built with a tree wall, and no one was inside at this time.

In the spoils of war, there is a servant from the palace to collect the money, so he has time to take Altria around for a walk.

He went on to say: "You believe or not, if you leave me five steps away, someone will definitely invite you to dance a song."

Altria sighed, Then shook the head.

As a result, Charles suddenly grabbed Altoria, and said as he walked to the ballroom: "Let’s go, let’s go and dance."

Suddenly the king of Mao suddenly became The lightning rod king, stood there forcefully motionless.

Charles put on himself the power buff and forcibly pulled the lightning rod king forward a few steps, and several footprint pits and two plow marks appeared on the grass.

"Try something new that you have never seen before." Charles said as he walked forward like the old bull pulling the plow. "You are still so young. Wouldn't it be okay to challenge yourself? Do you really think you are an old man?"

The Lightning Rod King drew his hand back vigorously, trying to throw Charles away.

As a result, Charles, who filled himself with the buff, flashed back with strength, turned and dodge behind Altria, and then opened his arms from behind before she dodges. Hugged her firmly.

Following a back fall on the German rear axle.


"Okay, have you calmed down?" Charles said to Altria lying on the grass.

"Why are you doing this?" Altria asked.

"Don't put too much shackles on yourself." Charles said, "You are yourself, live for yourself, not for him. He is just a father to you, and Not all of you, the little child has a rebellious period. Why don’t you be rebellious for a while."

Altria stroked Charles' hair and said, "What do you think of that Of the Knight King of the world, Altria Pandragon?"

"Want to hear the truth?" Charles asked.

"Truth." Altria said firmly.

"It's just a best-selling product." Charles said to Altria, who had known his identity for a long time. "The merchants use deliberately mystifying and deliberately mystifying products, plus a lot of unconsciousness. The powerful settings and the two-dimensional elements are assembled, so the series of characters look incredible on the surface, and the depthless core cannot withstand scrutiny for us people. We laugh and play styles. Time will do."

"If you really want to know what the world True King is like, I can talk to you about Qin Emperor Hanwu, Tang Sect Song Zu, a generation of Tianjiao, and'Merry People' when I have time. "

Charles felt his scalp tighten, and Altria's hand stroking his scalp became stronger.

He went on to say: "I think the story of the so-called King Arthur, the archetype of King Knight, is somewhat interesting. Unfortunately, "The Death of King Arthur" and "Sir Gawain and the Green Knight" are only fragments in this world. Circulated in the hands of the wandering bard, it is the "Round Table Knight" series from which Gao Wen and their names come from."

Just like the names of children born after 10 come from the characters their parents like, in this world Some knowledgeable parents will give the child the name he heard from the story of the wandering bard, otherwise it would be a name full of life like Aunt Pomegranate.

At this time, Altria's hand firmly grasped Charles' head and asked: "Then what do you mean by that name for Modred? Huh?!"

Charles corner of the mouth twitched, explained: "Mordred is so good, what her name is will not rebel against you, she will never take your position as King Knight or the Supreme Prosecutor, right? "

Altria's strength in her hands is relieved, and she softly asked, "Why are you doing this today?"

Charles said, "Just seeing you for so many years It’s too hard to suppress yourself. I want you to try other routes."

"Such a beautiful girl, she has a chance, but she hasn’t participated in it for more than 300 years. Prom, I guess you will be a little unwilling, so I will try it."

Altria sighed, I don't know what to say.

Having an independent personality, but being covered with a shell of quagmire from the sky because of seeing the book of "self", this kind of life is really not easy.

Except for Fillip back then, now only Charles and Diana are people who really don't treat her as the "Knight King", but an independent person to treat her.

It's just that Charles will play tricks on her occasionally and even take advantage of her. And Diana wanted to catch her for research all the time, seemingly trying to figure out the secrets of her body.

At the same time, someone has been helping her to brush her skin, just to let her slowly get rid of the shackles from the beginning of her clothes. And Diana hit her real hobby side by side, surprises her from time to time.

Heart in chaos, and my hands also messed up.

"Stop it!" Charles yelled, "My head is going to be bald!"

"This time..." Altria stopped rubbing and helped again. Charles resumed his haircut. "Thank you this time."

"Someone is here!" Charles shouted suddenly.

tone barely fell, a white silhouette suddenly appeared by the tree wall, staring dumbly at Altria, who was sitting up from the grass, and Charles, who was buried in the soil with only one head exposed.

A group of young girls came here chasing the white clothed youth, and they also saw this scene.

"There is nothing here." Gawain turned around and said to the young girls who had just scared him away with enthusiasm, "Let's go and see those harpoons."

A group of people shuaa~ slipped away in an instant.

Charles is about to cry. The rumors spread among Miss Noble are terrifying because of their terrifying brain supplement ability.

More terrifying, Diana, Linda and Nesalio appeared before the two of them came back to his senses.

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