"Tell me about your world." Altria said to Charles. She was sitting on the other end of the sofa in the living room, leaning on the sofa and looking at Lake Hammer outside the window.

Seeing that Altria changed the subject, Charles also began to take out snacks and drinks from the storage ring, and said, "This is a long story. Speaking of the Big Bang two years ago..."

Just as Charles told Altria what the Big Bang is, Linda 2 brought Diana, Modred, Gawain, and Gareth and Garethris, who had a sense of existence, took the rented carriage together, and moved towards Southwest in Avalon City under the leadership of the guide.

The guide they found was an ordinary teenager in his ten-year-old who passed by the cave when he was collecting medicine ingredients in the woods with party members not long ago.

After a fierce exchange of opinions, the helpers that Linda found at home finally found and deciphered the secret words from the large piece of meaningless text on the Treasure Map, and confirmed the map. Only a corner of the west bank of Hammer Lake was exposed.

The next search is very convenient. Linda took the Treasure Map to the adventurer's guild in Avalon City, and then asked the old adventurers in the guild to determine the approximate location of the cave on the map. .

Then I asked the adventurers who had been active in that place recently to ask about the situation. After asking a few, I found a guide who had been outside the cave not long ago.

It is different from Linda at first’s envisioned process of passing through sufferer untold hardships to reach the destination. Now they only need to take the carriage to the Old Knight’s manor, and then walk over the hill for a while. arrive.

When this map came out three hundred years ago, the cave was still located in the forest sea, but after long-term reclamation, a large area of ​​the peripheral zone of the forest sea has been turned into human arable land.

If there is another battle between things that will cause both sides to strengthen and great injury, the barren farmland will be covered by the ever-expanding forest.

In the carriage, just as Linda and Gawain sitting across from her were discussing what the treasures in the cave were, Linda suddenly found that Diana sitting aside looked unimpressive.

Linda rubbed her arm, and asked, "Why look so dull?"

"Motion sickness." Diana casually found an excuse, she couldn't say anything. Tell the truth.

Just when Charles told Altria about the dinosaur extinction, the Linda entire group arrived outside the Old Knight Manor, deposited the rented carriage in the manor and followed the guide moved towards the destination.

After getting off the car, Diana wore a hat a little bigger than her head and pulled the brim of the hat very low, trying to prevent Steward from the manor who negotiated with Gawain from recognizing herself.

In case that old steward recognizes Diana who had been to the cave two years ago, then things will become embarrassing.

When Charles began to talk about human evolution, the entire group of treasure hunters came to the entrance of the cave.

Gaowen found something wrong at the entrance of the cave. "Why is there so much charcoal here?"

Charcoal is extremely stable under natural conditions. Diana and the others smoked the cave. At that time, a lot of charcoal was burnt and piled up at the entrance of the cave. Some of the charcoal outside the cave was washed away by the rain and submerged in the surrounding soil, and some piled up in low-lying places.

The guide said: "These charcoal existed a long time ago. Maybe someone used smoke to kill the wild beast in this cave. This is a common occurrence."

Even if the guide has brought people here to complete the task, after Linda settled the balance with him, he slipped away contentedly.

Next, Gawain tied the magic lamp to his helmet and began to make arrangements, "After entering the cave, I will go to the front, and Modred is behind me on the right side. Pay attention to the top of the cave. , Linda and Diana are following us, and Gareth and Gahris are behind. Please pay attention to the rear."

After the entire group replaced the short weapon purchased in Avalon City, it Wen led into the cave.

After walking a few steps, Diana realized that there was something wrong with the cave. "Everyone, stop!"

Everyone stopped right away, and Diana said, "Do you feel it? It’s very cold here?"

It’s normal for the temperature in the cave to be a little lower than outside. Others at first didn’t care about it, but Diana who had been here before found out that the temperature was a bit too low. .

Immediately a guess appeared in Diana's mind, maybe it was the result of her and Charles playing off.

"The temperature here is indeed too low." Gao Wen felt the surrounding temperature and nodded.

"Go on." Diana said, "Be prepared for the appearance of a devil beast who likes low temperature."

Everyone is on the road again, and their mood is already beginning to get tense. Some devil beasts like places with low temperatures, they are often active in winter.

It's just that the more you go inside the cave, the lower the temperature, and there are even signs of icing on the cave wall after walking for a while.

At this time, Diana had already used the warm wind magic to warm everyone, otherwise they would have to consider retreating and buying winter clothes before coming back.

Linda, who walked by Diana's side, was extremely excited. The more weird the place for her, the more likely a big baby will appear.

Everyone walked and climbed in the narrow cave, and finally came to the deepest part of the cave without any surprises.

At this time, this place has become like a Water Crystal Palace. There is a thick layer of ice on the rock wall, except that there is nothing on the mottled stone wall.

"It looks like the treasure is behind!" Linda exclaimed excitedly.

She knocked on the stone wall with her magic wand, which looked very solid.

Then she touched it cautiously with her hand again, and found that the stone wall was just a bit cold. She pushed hard, but the stone wall didn't react at all.

At this time, Linda was a little discouraged, because there is a section of the content interpreted in the text on the Treasure Map that the owner of the treasure can open it.

But Linda quickly regained her spirits. She was born in a country and she was the most favored one. There are many kinds of babies.

It’s no more troublesome for her to play in the royal treasury than to catch butterflies in the garden. The sun in the garden is too big, and her Royal Father wouldn’t let her go out.

The lance her Royal Father gave back to Altria a while ago, she tried to hold it up when she was a child, but she didn’t know why Modred seemed to be afraid of the lance Looks like that, so that the rebellious period of Mordred just started and ended within a few days.

For her, the process of treasure hunting is more interesting than the result.

Linda turned her head and said to Gao Wen: "You can try to push these stones away?"

Gao Wen went up and tried, and the stone wall remained the same.

Gareth and Jahris tried it too, but returned without success.

At this moment, Diana, who was far away from the stone wall, said: "Mudred go and try, she may be able to."

"Huh?" Watching the lively Modley De didn't think about going up and trying it on her own. In her subconscious, treasures and other things would be insulated from herself.

Diana said to her seriously: "Try it, chances are you can really do it."

When Mordred walked to the stone wall, Linda walked over Ask Diana in a low voice: "Why do you think she can?"

Diana also replied in a very low voice: "I doubt her bloodline is not simple."

She remembered Charles once said to himself that Modred is most likely a descendant of someone who crossed the hero, and this stone wall can only be opened by people like hero.

Mudred stretched out his hands cautiously and pressed it against the wall, then lightly pushed hard.

"crash-bang, lala..."

Diana expertly dug out the bewildered Modred from the gravel immediately.

Gawain, who reacted quickly and avoided, dug Gareth on the side. Gareth was only buried with his legs because he was so far away.

Linda looked excitedly at the space exposed after the stone wall collapsed. It was an ice palace. After the searchlight on her helmet shone through, the entire space appeared crystal clear and near-transparent.

When Mordred and Gareth were dug out and came back to his senses, Linda couldn't wait to take everyone into the chilly Ice Palace.

"The architectural style of this place is very old." Linda said, looking at the wall behind the ice wall. The wall means that thieves have been hired here before."

One of the thieves, Diana, was nodded on the side. Linda is familiar with the art history of this world. She can calculate the construction here from the pattern style remaining last time. The time is about not long after the last war.

Then everyone focused on the altar in the middle.

On the altar is inserted a long sword that is braving outside, and the shape of this long sword does not look good. The goat skull at the position of the sword hilt is braving a faint blue light.

At this time, Diana has already understood why this place became the World of Ice and Snow.

This is the place where magic power naturally gathers, just like the "earth vein", and this sword has a magic array that can automatically gather all around magic power and transform it into ice elements. The magic power is continuously absorbed by this sword and converted into ice element.

This sword can't store so many ice elements, so the overflowing ice element reduces the surrounding temperature.

Over there, Mordred stepped onto the altar with Linda's encouragement.

Mudred took the hilt of the sword, took a few deep breaths to calm the little excitement in his heart, and then suddenly pulled up the Frostmourne inserted in the middle of the altar.

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