When many companies grow larger, their business styles will tend to be prudent or even conservative, with the survival of the company as the top priority in everything, and eliminate all unfavorable factors.

If this world poses a threat to the beliefs of the gods in the communist stage, then it would be good to lock everyone in the feudal society stage. If everyone stayed in the first test, wouldn't the boss of the third test sit firmly on the Diaoyutai.

The two people in the hot spring looked at each other in blank dismay. Just when Diana wanted to say something, Charles raised his hand and made a silence.

Just now he opened the Soul Horizon to make sure that no one around heard them talking.

The architectural style of this hot spring is Japanese. I don’t know where the blueprint came from. After a while of footsteps, two girls’ voices came from the locker room next to it.

Diana grabbed the towel next to him, then moved towards Yuntou and smashed his head, covering his head again.

At this moment, the door of the locker room "oh la la" was pulled up at once, and then there was a "boom"...

There is a kind of waterboarding that puts towels Or cover the face with paper and pour water to isolate the victim’s nose and mouth from the air, causing suffocation.

Hongye jumped into the pool holding Mira who had just arrived at the hot spring. The water splashed up and wet the towel on Charles' head, making him unable to breathe.

The most important thing is that Charles found that this wet towel was covering his head and could not be removed. I wonder what magic Diana had attached when he threw it over.



Two exclamations and Mira's exclamation sounded at the same time. Charles was surprised and hurried The whole towel is put into the storage ring.

Then Charles was also stunned. There was a long scar in front of Mira from the position of the heart to the right side of the abdomen. The scar appeared strangely black, and there was a layer of bright white Light around the scar. God forcefully enveloped it.

Hongye still didn't know about Mira's attack on the beach of City of Knowledge, she went crazy on the spot.

"Who did it?!"

This is the first time Charles heard such a high and sharp sound from red leaves, and the wet hair on his arms and tail was exploded. Straighten up.

Diana was calmer now, she walked to Mira's body, extended the hand and lightly pressed the scar.

Mira instinctively shrank back, but was immediately pulled by Diana.

"Divine force?!" Diana said in surprise.

At this time, Charles also came over with a dagger. He said to Mira in an unquestionable tone: "Elder sister, bear with me."

Then he stabbed a little bit. The scar on Mira's abdomen had a little black blood flowing out of it, and the small wound quickly healed under the power of the nearby Light God.

Charles scraped the blood off with the back of the knife, watching carefully.

As time passed, Charles's face became darker and darker.

"It is a mixture of God of Death's divine force and poisonous magic Black Widow." Charles came to the final conclusion.

This is a trick that High Rank God of Death believers can use to mix divine force with magic. Charles has never seen such a demon on the battlefield. He has only seen Elizabeth demonstrate to her. A spell that mixes life divine force and magic.

Charles also noticed that the scar to which Death Power was attached was extremely deep. I am afraid it might have injured part of the internal organs and ribs. Otherwise, the infected part could be removed and the Light God technique could be used to make the wound grow back.

If it was not the priests of Radiant Theology Court who had done their best to rescue and restrained the spread of that power in time, I am afraid that Mira’s seven-seven-seven would be almost over now.

Unfortunately, the Light God force cannot expel the divine force of death, it can only imprison it.

As far as the current situation is concerned, there are two forces facing each other in Mira's body, depending on whether the power to protect her collapses first or the power to kill her collapses first.

Those who were killed by the divine force... Charles thought that God of Death had to use his soul to be a servant of God, even if it was cold sweat in the hot spring.

If Mira becomes the servant of God of Death, Charles feels that the first thing he needs to do is to learn the Transformation Technique with Diana, and then turn the headquarters of Death Divine Palace into uranium 235, which still has no impurities. .

"The analysis is correct." Holy Angel Nun's voice suddenly came from behind them. She didn't know when she also came to the hot spring pool and soaked in the hot spring like everyone else.

"Nun." After Charles greeted her, he first put away the dagger dipped in Poison Blood, then took out a crystal bottle with emerald green fluorescence from the storage ring, and asked Said: "Then is this useful?"

Holy Angel Nun sighed, and said: "It can only inhibit the spread, not clear it."

"Sister, you can drink it." Charles Passed the crystal bottle to Mira.

Although Mira doesn't know what is in this bottle, the potion that can shine must be Top Grade. She shook the head, "You should keep it for yourself, you need it more on the battlefield. "

"Observe, I still have this one," Charles said.

As a result, Mira stubbornly shook the head.

Charles simply handed the medicine bottle to Hongye, and then winked at Diana.

Regardless of the two people joining hands to irrigate Mira with Spring of Life, Charles sat next to Holy Angel Nun and asked: "Nun, is there any way to completely remove that power?"

"There are two ways to do it." Holy Angel Nun said, "One is the Artifact Spirit Freiya of Demon Cleaving Divine Sword. There are historical cases where she once guided the flow of divine force, but she has not been born so far. News."

"The second one is the demon race that has been fighting against the demon who believes in God of Death and is good at using poison for hundreds of years. They may have a way."

During this period of time, Salío visited the northern countries, and Holy Angel Nun naturally also learned about the war between the Kingdom of Rurik and the Kingdom of Kuyavia.

Charles leaned against the pool and closed his eyes. Holy Angel Nun thought he was thinking about something.

After ten minutes, three girls on the other side of the pool were whispering. Hongye and Diana comforted Mira. The excuse is that Charles is in the Spirit Race road. There must be a solution. of.

Charles opened his eyes, as if he had made up his mind. He said to Holy Angel Nun: "Nun, you know that the elves have always been in contact with the west."

This news is an unwritten rule known to all top political creatures, and Holy Angel Nun, as a retired Saintess, naturally knows it.

"Go ahead." Holy Angel Nun gave Charles an encouraging smile, "It's good to cure Mira, presumably the demon race also makes sense. You have the identity of the Spirit King. And you are still descendants of Fillip, I don't think they will embarrass you too much."

Charles solemnly nodded, and at the same time showed a restless expression on his face.

Holy Angel Nun thought Charles was worried because he wanted to meet the legendary demon race. In fact, Charles was upset because he deceived this kind old man for a lifetime.

Not only will the demon race not embarrass Charles and the others, it’s rare not to work overtime tonight. After going to bed early in the morning, Nicholas II, who used his waistcoat to pour water in the dream platform, immediately exploded after learning about his niece. NS. If Charles hadn't told him that there was a retired Saintess here that would be too dangerous for him to come, he would have teleported to the hot spring house.

Charles, who had personally experienced God of Death's divine force and his own Black Widow magic, did not dare to neglect. He left the hot spring and found Auntie Cilantro, who was calculating the time for food delivery.

After he talked about Mira’s situation, he continued: "I plan to take Mira to Abyss City tomorrow, and ask Aunt to help me deal with the food aid issue."

Auntie Cilantro extend the hand came and flicked Charles' forehead, and said: "It is not troublesome to say something is not troublesome, do I need to say this to my family?"

"You can go with peace of mind, your preliminary work I'm fully prepared, I'll take care of the rest."

Charles continued, "I want to take the red leaves with me."

The coriander froze for a while and said:" Isn't this bad?"

"There is nothing wrong." Charles waved his hand, "Aunt, don't forget, Hongye is also the descendant of Great Sage Fillip and Queen Ekaterina, the current niece of Demon King. According to the newly revised "Inheritance Law", her succession order is one higher than Mira."

Coriander was stunned by Charles. She has been deliberately ignoring Charles father’s bloodline. For a while, I forgot that my daughter's identity was regarded as the royal family in my hometown.

Charles’ last sentence completely defeated Auntie Cilantro: “It’s not good to let your parents see your granddaughter, they miss you very much.”

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