On the afternoon of the funeral, a large convoy drove into the Count Megadon leader and stopped by the village near the manor.

Because there is a road leading to Northern Wasteland near here, there are a large number of caravans and small merchants entering and leaving Wasteland in the village before and after the fall to provide supplies and rest after going south.

Megadon Family has also set aside an open space outside the village for merchants to use as a place for trading.

As an important transportation supply station and commercial hub, Megadon Family until now did not charge merchants a toll tax on a copper plate, but the price of supplies was slightly higher than other places, but the total In general, the cost of merchants has been reduced.

Summer is not a good time for ordinary merchants to go to the north wasteland for trade.

Now the herdsmen on the Northern Wasteland are in a semi-nomadic and semi-agricultural period, and they have established a large number of settlements in the peripheral zone in the north of the maple forest.

The underage and elderly herders plant some drought-tolerant grains similar to corn around the settlements, and plant unmanaged pastures in remote areas for livestock to pass the winter.

Young and middle-aged herders drove their livestock to the grasslands to the north for grazing in the spring, and returned to the settlement when autumn came to slaughter livestock and make leather.

Every autumn, a large number of caravans will go north to Wasteland from here to sell various daily necessities, tea and other daily necessities, and then purchase local specialties such as dried meat, leather, parchment and so on.

So there are almost no caravans staying here in this hot summer.

However, the green caravan flag embroidered with golden trees and yellow wheels on the green caravan flag is different. It passes here every spring or summer and enters wasteland.

"Because we are a caravan specializing in the sale and purchase of luxury goods!" Second Boss Aubrey of the caravan once said to Charles, "Those people in the north, only in the winter when the snow When the house is buried, we have time to make good things at home, so we have to buy them in spring or summer. If we go again in the fall, there will be more people buying, and the purchase price will increase accordingly. "

Aubrey makes a lot of sense, and Charles will find no reason to refute for a while. And this caravan has been doing this for several decades, and Charles has no reason to refute it.

On a sun shone brightly morning, Aubrey came to Charles again. At this time, Charles was in the church where Charles was temporarily staying, trying the new clothes Aunt Pomegranate had made for him.

"Young Master, do the clothes fit?" Aunt Pomegranate asked.

After moving his body, Charles felt that this suit was a bit too big.

"It fits well, thank you, Aunt Pomegranate." Charles gave Aunt Pomegranate a smile.

"It fits well." Aunt Pomegranate carefully sorted out every detail on Charles' clothes, and warned repeatedly, "Young Master, you should be careful when you go out in the future. Don't eat randomly. Don't Drink raw water and don’t talk to strangers casually. Most of those who are courteous to you the first time they meet you are either rape or steal. If you encounter danger, you must run away in time..."

"Thank you, pomegranate Auntie." Charles hugged the maid who had taken care of him for eight years.

That night, the maid on duty in the manor was also killed. Only Aunt Pomegranate who took Charles back home with her snacks and a few maids who came home on holiday survived.

However, the perpetrators of the Royal Family did not express anything to these innocent civilians. In the end, Charles gave each victim a ten-year salary pension.

Now, although Charles is leaving, the manor will be rebuilt. Between the time the manor was built and Charles' return, the manor still had to be managed.

By learning that Charles was the first to come to the church to take care of Charles after he woke up, and after learning that Charles was going to travel, he changed the clothes that the family was going to make for the nine-year-old grandson overnight. Dressed to suit Charles, Charles handed the position of the maid to Aunt Pomegranate.

At the door of the church, after waving goodbye to Aunt Pomegranate who left with tears, Charles came to the side to talk to Aubrey.

"From today, I will be your employee." Charles said to Aubrey.

"don't, don't, don't!" Aubrey waved his hands quickly, "You haven't come to the caravan to report, so you are still Count Megadon in front of me, so we come Let’s talk about business matters."

"We currently have three carriages empty, and we plan to fill them with your potion. Seeing that we are about to work together, give me a discount. "

Charles raised his head and looked at this sixty-year-old old fox who was still running around with the caravan, and had an urge to crush him.

Aubrey has been doing business with Father since he was fifteen. When he was twenty years old, he spent all his money buying a batch of white sugar in the south, planning to make a fortune in the north during the festive season. As a result, in order to grab time, the wooden bridge collapsed in flood when crossing the bridge, and the carriages, horses and cargo were all washed away by the water. When he was about to go bankrupt and become a slave, he was helped by Elizabeth who had just walked out of the Spirit Tree sea, and then Xianyu turned over.

However, Charles did not give Aubrey any chance. He said, "Go to the pharmaceutical workshop to find Horace. He is now the general manager of all workshops, and he is responsible for sales. Now."

"And, I have reported to the Big Boss of the caravan a long time ago. So I am now a member of the caravan."

Aubrey's face suddenly blacken. If it weren’t for Pantheon’s age limit for employees, those under the age of fourteen are prohibited from hiring, and those over eight and under fourteen are forbidden to hire due to family conditions, or orphans whose parents have both died can hire them at their discretion and can only arrange for them. Working within his power, Aubrey ordered Charles to be responsible for negotiating with Horace.

"Why would you arrange that clumsy nerd to be the general manager!" Aubrey complained.

"Because he is a stupid nerd." Charles raised his brows provocatively, but Aubrey couldn't see it anymore. Charles forgot for a moment that he was wearing one on his face. The mask that only exposed the mouth concealed the two-hole socket on the face.

"Then let's go back to the caravan now." Aubrey said to Charles, "After the final rest tonight, we will leave tomorrow when the sun rises, and then spend two days to wear it. Through the maple forest."

"No problem." Charles replied, "I happen to be going to the caravan to report."

"Then let's talk about your work." Aubrey I looked towards Charles, "What will you do?"

"Singular language, Northlands language, wasteland language, some demon race languages ​​and arithmetic." Charles said with his fingers broken.

"Oh, I almost forgot, Professor Megadon is a world-famous language master." Aubrey sighed and said of Charles' grandfather, "He left prematurely, he belongs to linguistics. A big loss."

Charles followed and sighed. Although there are magic and divine techniques in this world, there are also various extremely dangerous diseases. His grandmother died of a sudden illness in the second year before he was born. Holy Angel Nun happened to be walking in Northern Wasteland at the time, and the priests who stayed behind in the church were helpless. His grandfather had a heart attack while sleeping, and it was too late when he found out the second day.

Charles also suspected that since there are magical animals and plants rich in magic power in this world, it is not impossible that some bacteria with magic power can appear.

The existence of antibiotics like penicillin with magic power is also not impossible.

Aubrey lightly patted Charles on the back of the head, and said, "Who did you learn to apply for resumes? Northlands and wasteland are the dialects of the lingua franca. You can bully by saying that. Those hillbillies in the south who have never seen the world."

"The language of demon race is okay. Professor Megadon has deep knowledge in the study of the language of demon race. When the time comes, the antique we bought is demon race. In terms of text, you can help me check it."

"How much do you count?"

Charles would like to say that I can calculus like other transmigrator protagonists, but this is impossible Yes, he replied: "Four arithmetic and average are both."

"Then you count this list." Aubrey pulled out a roll of parchment from his shoulder bag and handed it to Charles.

Charles opened the parchment and found that it was the caravan’s food consumption this month. There are mainly brown bread, oats, dried meat, salt and bad wine eaten by people, as well as concentrated feed eaten by Wanma, such as black beans, salt and eggs.

As Charles walked, he mentally calculated the total consumption of each material, and then reported it to Aubrey on the side.

Finally, Aubrey repeated the total amount reported by Charles just now, and then said: "Wait for me to calculate, if you are right, then the work of counting the daily food consumption is left to you. "

Along the way, Aubrey taught Charles, the new employee, the precautions in the caravan and the safety rules for life in the wild. Charles, who was a construction dog in his previous life, listened very carefully to these things, because he knew that no matter which world he was in, these safety rules were exchanged for his life.

The two talked as they walked, and then they came to the village.

The arrival of the caravan made the village lively for a while, and now they are about to leave, the villagers’ transaction has been completed, and the members of the caravan are also making the final preparations before going north.

Different from ordinary small businessmen with only one to a few two-wheel convertible carriages, this caravan that travels between major cities all the year round is used as trucks, feed trucks, grain trucks, and miscellaneous vehicles. There are nearly 20 four-wheel carriages such as merchandise vehicles, Boss RVs and buses. There are more than 20 carts and spare horses, plus more than 30 horses from the escort. In addition to Big Boss Elizabeth, Second Boss Aubrey, and Charles, who are cute and new, there are nearly 50 people in the caravan including old drivers, carpenters, veterinarians, doctors, cooks, and guards.

"Boss, you are back!" A unique elf girl waved to Aubrey and Charles beside the team.

"This is Halkara, the Potion Master we just joined this year." Aubrey introduced the two, "This is our new member Charles."

∠(`ω´*): "Report to the Boss, the eldest sister is exploring the way with the avant-garde team!"

"I see." Aubrey led the team to Elizabeth, the Big Boss Going out and investigating has become accustomed to it.

Then Halkara put Charles in his arms all of a sudden, "Are you Charles, poor child, the eldest sister asked me to take care of you for these two days, just ask me if you have anything!" "

The breathable nostrils on Charles' mask were immediately blocked by the difference between Halkara and the other elf girls. If it weren't for the breathable space on the edge of the mask, he would be suffocated.

Everything is going on in an orderly manner, and there is nothing to say all night.

Second day In the morning, when the sun broke above the horizon, with a whistle in Aubrey's mouth, the huge team began to move slowly northward.

On the top of the carriage carrying food, Charles looked back at the place where he had lived for eight years, and waved goodbye to Aunt Pomegranate and Holas and the others who had not yet returned from the roadside.

In the early morning of August 10, 1919, Charles left his hometown.

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